Day 3 - The Road to San Marcos
We spent the day on the road to San Marcos. There were a number of places along the way where the road was reduced to 2 and sometimes one lane where landslides had covered some or all of the road. There were other places where rocks and dirt still lay on the edge of the road where they fell, creating some interesting traffic patterns. The drivers continue to monitor road and weather conditions in order to minimize the risk of substantial delays due to the roads being blocked. Over all the trip went smoothly, though, and was only slightly longer than usual. It rained off and on all day which was nice for riding - it kept it cool and people were able to catch up a bit on their sleep.
In San Marcos Pastor Neri and his wife greeted us with a nice chicken dinner and hot tea and coffee at their church. After dinner the team was distributed to their home stays for the night. The steady rain made the process a little more challenging, but the students continue to impress us with their resiliency and patience. Tomorrow we start service again at 8:30. Hopefully the rain will stop, but either way we will be ready to go.
Here is some input from a few students. We shared the blog entries and comments from the first 2 days with the students today and gave them the opportunity to share with you what their experience has been.
Thanks for the supportive blog responses - they are very encouraging for everyone.
Good night!
Sarah Wiczek
I carried on an entire conversation with another teenager in Spanish! She sent another girl to get her instrument and then she played it for me and let me play it too! I am pleasantly surprised by my ability to communicate! The days get long, but we get through on God’s strength!
Mary Richards
Being on the medical team has certainly been interesting. When I ask a question like “le duele”( do you have pain), people answer by speaking very fast! My listening skills are getting much better.
Jessica Krocak
Were driving up mountains/driving through a cloud right now, its so freaking awesome! Anyways, I’m just glad we didn’t fall in a sink hole and that we didn’t fall off a mountain due to a mud slide J . MUY BUENO!!!
Justin Satterberg
We’re not that far from home. There is only Mexico between us. I’m reminded of America’s influence and proximity with every Pepsi sign. We’ve been preparing for months to become influential Christians, and have strangely found it more simple than expected.
Yes, the leadership team has worked endlessly to organize schools and elsewhere for the children’s team and mime team to perform. (Volcanoes, earthquakes and Tropical Storm Agatha have given the medical and service team plenty to do wherever we go.) I am so proud of these students. Our time is well used with the sick, poor or lost, and we all work hard, but our inevitable travel delays allow for conversations, soccer games or just a hand shake or smile - and when we do so with the love of Christ, I realize how God, simply loves us… and how we, simply can love each other.
It encourages me to exercise my God-given influence and share the love of Christ. A Pepsi sounds really good right now, too.

In San Marcos Pastor Neri and his wife greeted us with a nice chicken dinner and hot tea and coffee at their church. After dinner the team was distributed to their home stays for the night. The steady rain made the process a little more challenging, but the students continue to impress us with their resiliency and patience. Tomorrow we start service again at 8:30. Hopefully the rain will stop, but either way we will be ready to go.
Here is some input from a few students. We shared the blog entries and comments from the first 2 days with the students today and gave them the opportunity to share with you what their experience has been.
Thanks for the supportive blog responses - they are very encouraging for everyone.
Good night!
Sarah Wiczek
I carried on an entire conversation with another teenager in Spanish! She sent another girl to get her instrument and then she played it for me and let me play it too! I am pleasantly surprised by my ability to communicate! The days get long, but we get through on God’s strength!
Mary Richards
Being on the medical team has certainly been interesting. When I ask a question like “le duele”( do you have pain), people answer by speaking very fast! My listening skills are getting much better.
Jessica Krocak
Were driving up mountains/driving through a cloud right now, its so freaking awesome! Anyways, I’m just glad we didn’t fall in a sink hole and that we didn’t fall off a mountain due to a mud slide J . MUY BUENO!!!
Justin Satterberg
We’re not that far from home. There is only Mexico between us. I’m reminded of America’s influence and proximity with every Pepsi sign. We’ve been preparing for months to become influential Christians, and have strangely found it more simple than expected.
Yes, the leadership team has worked endlessly to organize schools and elsewhere for the children’s team and mime team to perform. (Volcanoes, earthquakes and Tropical Storm Agatha have given the medical and service team plenty to do wherever we go.) I am so proud of these students. Our time is well used with the sick, poor or lost, and we all work hard, but our inevitable travel delays allow for conversations, soccer games or just a hand shake or smile - and when we do so with the love of Christ, I realize how God, simply loves us… and how we, simply can love each other.
It encourages me to exercise my God-given influence and share the love of Christ. A Pepsi sounds really good right now, too.
At 12:50 AM ,
Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 8:22 AM ,
JRT said...
Hello all - LOVE getting these blogs. This morning I prayed for all of you from Chicago (on a business trip). I look out at this city, which I think is BEAUTIFUL and think how different each place is - Minneapolis, Guatemala City, Chicago, Atitlan. God has sure given us diverse places to experience and see! Once again, praying for good health for you all.
At 9:31 AM ,
Mary and Kylie Potuznik said...
Thank you so much for the daily updates and the amazing pictures!! They really give us a glimpse into your world. Sounds like God is really using all of you in so many ways. We are praying for all of you to experience God's love in a mighty way!! We love you and miss you Kimmer!!!!
" Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." Ecclesiastes 9:10
"All hard work brings a profit" Proverbs 14:23
Walk in God's Strength!!!
At 9:46 AM ,
Jaspers said...
We so enjoy the blog entries!!! We are praying that God continues to lead and use each one of you in small and mighty ways - as only He can. Sam, we miss you and love you! Heard from Jack on the Colorado AUG trip and sounds like he has been yanging...apparently you must have taught him well. (Grrrr!) :)))) OCA crew, keep shinning His light! He alone is worthy! Praying! XOXO The Jaspers
At 1:14 PM ,
Laura Jordan said...
Hi Becca. The house is just too quiet without you and Leah. We're so excited that you're getting to experience life in another country. We miss you but know you're having a wonderful adventure. God bless you and all the others in the group!
At 3:28 PM ,
Jim, Laurie, Kelli, Robbie and Pookins Muehlbauer said...
You guys are AWESOME! You are truly a blessing to the people in Central America and quite an inspiration to those of us at home. Tyler - we miss you so much (and so does Pookins). Sounds like the drive to San Marcos was a bit challenging. Hope you had your dramamine handy. We're praying for all of you for your continued safety and health. Thanks you for what you are doing for God!! Love to you all!
At 5:52 PM ,
Rollie Mattson said...
Wonderful reports coming back from you guys-shows you are in the right place at the right time doing what HE wants you to do. Sounds like the bus ride was scary - kind of how scary it was driving with Nellie when she just had her permit. The dirty dishes in the sink are starting to smell so bad I finally had to open a window. XOXOX
At 6:32 PM ,
Kent, Angela and Luke said...
Thank you for keeping us at home updated as to all you are doing. It is also wonderful to see pictures-a few of which we got to see our daughter Lindsey.
Lindsey it is quiet without you here, we love you and miss you sooo much.
We pray for all of you every day and pray also for the people of Guatemala that each one of you have touched by extending your hand through God's love. May God's strength and peace carry each one of you each day and may God continue to work through you in all that you are doing. God Bless each of you!
At 6:36 PM ,
kathy said...
Hi kiddies! Love, love, love reading about and seeing the pics of your incredible trip and all that God is doing. Lots of Guats for Jesus---wooohooo! Kendall, this has been a pre-curser of what life would be like if you went away to college...and it's not good! Normandale for you, sister! Praying for y'all each day! Love, Mambo
At 6:48 PM ,
kathy said...
Howdie senior sis! I can't tell you how much I miss you. Every day I think about you holding a little guatamalin child wearing your CRAZY white make up! The house is SOO empty and quiet which I thought was great the first couple of hours. Turns out I was soo wrong!!
I miss you so VERY MUCH!
Love ya TONS, Kirstin
At 10:09 PM ,
CC Walgren said...
Thanks for the photos and blog entries. What a blessing to be able to hear and see what amazing things God is doing through you all!! We miss you Heather and Jess and have you in our prayers daily. Love from Chris, Chris, Emma and Claire Walgren
PS: house is still standing!!
At 10:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Greetings from Minnesota! It is hot, humid and stormy tonight. Tim, Colin's soccer team's game in Monticello was called off (after we got there) due to tornadoes in the area. We spent an hour and a half with his team of 13 year olds in a local shelter (basement hallway of a clinic). Hope you are staying healthy. Cam leaves Saturday for Chicago. Can you guys pray for that trip as well? Thanks! Kerry Fox
At 6:40 AM ,
Nancy said...
Jessica-We're glad you didn't fall into a sink hole or get eaten by a giant teenage-eating, purple-spotted lizard! (Sorry we can't remember the name of this very horrible and dangerous creature. But know that it exists and is out there lying in wait for some unsuspecting student...)
Seriously-we're thanking God that your trip is going well and praying for continued safety!
Tom, Nancy and Simon
At 8:58 PM ,
Lisa said...
Thanks so much for the updates, it is SO great to hear all that you are doing! I love seeing the pictures> Trev, I miss you bud! It was great to see pictures of the mime team! It sounds like you are all performing your hearts out! I'm posting this from Project Colorado... Tessa and I are having a great time! Love you, Mom
At 4:26 PM ,
Heather said...
hey jon, just wanted to let you know we love you and we are praying for you! Winnipeg is great these days- the boys say hi :) we love you and hope you are doing well! love Laura, Aaron and the boys
At 5:36 PM ,
JACK said...
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