San Marcos - First Service Day
Today's blog entry is brought to you courtesy of the medical team. Not to worry - everyone had a great day today, ending with a service at the San Marcos church who is hosting us that included singing worship songs, a couple sermons, mime, rap and interpretive dance. Oh yes, and it ended with cake and hot tea (since today is El Dia de el Padres - Father's Day - in Guatemala). The other teams will be the focus of upcoming blog entries. Here is what the medical team had to offer....
Today the medical team worked as a well oiled machine(Well, almost)! 170 patients were seen in 7 hours. The need was great as the script list was long. (I) or Sarah W. labeled close to 200 prescriptions today and my fingers are bloody (just kidding mom.). We were at a church and when we got there we were happy to see the clinic was already all set up for us with a welcome sign written in English. When the pace was slower (which was rare) we played soccer with the kids outside. At one point a herd of sheep walked by and we were fascinated. Our communication and tactics have improved dramatically but it got tense when the meds would run out and we needed to compensate. The lunch was perfect homemade soup and tamales which warmed us up since it was chilly up here in the hills. The local people had their winter jackets on. Tonight I volunteered to give my faith story . I hope that Gods presence in my story influences the people here at the church. (editor’s note: Sara did give her faith story at the church service and did wonderfully. Several of the local church members came up to her afterwards to encourage her with how her story had affected them.)
Sarah W
Hi everyone! Guatemala has been a great experience so far. Today we worked at a church way up in the mountains - we were actually in the clouds! I worked in prayer and teaching all day. The pastor’s wife talked to the people about God, and then I taught the people about hygiene. We then all prayed together, and then the people went to collect their prescriptions. Prayer and teaching is really fun! The kids here are so cute, it’s so hard to leave them every day and go home. The food has also been amazing here, and I have not yet gotten sick. I miss you mom and dad!
Hola! Earlier today we went into the mountains and set up a clinic in a church. It was awesome! I was playing soccer in a cloud and sheep were walking right next to me, It was the craziest thing ever! I’m having an amazing time and It’s going by really fast.
Love Drew Bohleeeeeeeeeen
Hello all,
Today was a little bit harder than the previous days. Lots of meds needed to go out in pharmacy today, and we got very backed up. Sometimes we had a stack of almost 30 people’s sheets with meds that needed to be given out. I got to do teaching today, which stretched my Spanish a little, but was very cool. One lady was so grateful, she gave me a hug. So far Guatemala has been amazing. It’s such a beautiful country and the people are so friendly and giving.
Sending lots of love,
Today we drove into the clouds and set up a clinic in a small church. We had a lot of fun. I played hide and seek with a small boy and played soccer on our down time.
Up until today, about all I could say to the kids we play with is, “No abolo mucho espanol.” (I don’t speak much Spanish. But today at one of the schools we visited, I was finally able to hold a ten minute conversation with a bunch of kids in Spanish. I’m practically fluent now! (By the way, my 12 years of French have soooo not paid off. I‘m desperately wishing I had been in Spanish for all these years.)
Love, Aimee
Bonjour, hola, hello,
Aujord’hui j’ai assiste a la infermier et j’ai vu des escargots dans les yeux. Yo darmatar el bosque en el nube. I also played soccer with some children. Uno tableta el dia por 35 dias. On a passer beacuoup de temps sur l’autobus avec mes amis. Now I’m in a r3staurant. Miss you family.
Amor, aime, love,

Today the medical team worked as a well oiled machine(Well, almost)! 170 patients were seen in 7 hours. The need was great as the script list was long. (I) or Sarah W. labeled close to 200 prescriptions today and my fingers are bloody (just kidding mom.). We were at a church and when we got there we were happy to see the clinic was already all set up for us with a welcome sign written in English. When the pace was slower (which was rare) we played soccer with the kids outside. At one point a herd of sheep walked by and we were fascinated. Our communication and tactics have improved dramatically but it got tense when the meds would run out and we needed to compensate. The lunch was perfect homemade soup and tamales which warmed us up since it was chilly up here in the hills. The local people had their winter jackets on. Tonight I volunteered to give my faith story . I hope that Gods presence in my story influences the people here at the church. (editor’s note: Sara did give her faith story at the church service and did wonderfully. Several of the local church members came up to her afterwards to encourage her with how her story had affected them.)
Sarah W
Hi everyone! Guatemala has been a great experience so far. Today we worked at a church way up in the mountains - we were actually in the clouds! I worked in prayer and teaching all day. The pastor’s wife talked to the people about God, and then I taught the people about hygiene. We then all prayed together, and then the people went to collect their prescriptions. Prayer and teaching is really fun! The kids here are so cute, it’s so hard to leave them every day and go home. The food has also been amazing here, and I have not yet gotten sick. I miss you mom and dad!
Hola! Earlier today we went into the mountains and set up a clinic in a church. It was awesome! I was playing soccer in a cloud and sheep were walking right next to me, It was the craziest thing ever! I’m having an amazing time and It’s going by really fast.
Love Drew Bohleeeeeeeeeen
Hello all,
Today was a little bit harder than the previous days. Lots of meds needed to go out in pharmacy today, and we got very backed up. Sometimes we had a stack of almost 30 people’s sheets with meds that needed to be given out. I got to do teaching today, which stretched my Spanish a little, but was very cool. One lady was so grateful, she gave me a hug. So far Guatemala has been amazing. It’s such a beautiful country and the people are so friendly and giving.
Sending lots of love,
Today we drove into the clouds and set up a clinic in a small church. We had a lot of fun. I played hide and seek with a small boy and played soccer on our down time.
Up until today, about all I could say to the kids we play with is, “No abolo mucho espanol.” (I don’t speak much Spanish. But today at one of the schools we visited, I was finally able to hold a ten minute conversation with a bunch of kids in Spanish. I’m practically fluent now! (By the way, my 12 years of French have soooo not paid off. I‘m desperately wishing I had been in Spanish for all these years.)
Love, Aimee
Bonjour, hola, hello,
Aujord’hui j’ai assiste a la infermier et j’ai vu des escargots dans les yeux. Yo darmatar el bosque en el nube. I also played soccer with some children. Uno tableta el dia por 35 dias. On a passer beacuoup de temps sur l’autobus avec mes amis. Now I’m in a r3staurant. Miss you family.
Amor, aime, love,
At 6:32 AM ,
Nancy said...
Hola! Sounds like your "Clinic in the Clouds" was quite the experience! It's good to know that your hard work is appreciated. Everyone is well here-including Simon who is being "electron puppy" right now. Simon says,"Woof!" (Translation=We love and miss you. You are in our prayers!)
Tom, Nancy and Simon
At 8:57 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I am so proud of the work you are doing! You all are doing an amazing job and the expression of your faith is changing lives. I am praying for your continued health, safety, and all of your service. Kitty, Remi, and I miss you Sarah!
At 9:03 AM ,
Kathy Sommerville said...
I love hearing about your experiences. Glad to see everyone has a good sense of humor and is being flexible:) Col. 3:17 "WHATEVER you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Col. 3:23 " WHATEVER you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men"
WHATEVER you do today, team, the Lord will be blessed as you do it for him.
Love to all of you- especially Aimee.
At 10:40 AM ,
Kelsey Bohleen said...
Drew!! Favorite sister Here :) Your posting sounded awesome- playing soccer in a cloud with sheep-- Heaven???!!! close :) I'm missing you like crazy and can't wait to see you again! I'm praying for you. Don't forget: Drink WATER constantly and bust out that high school education in Spanish!!
Love you-
At 11:09 AM ,
Vanessa said...
Buenos Dias! I was so excited to read about all that the OCA team has been experiencing. I have been praying and will continue to pray that God will reveal himself to you daily and in ways you would least expect, and also that he will challenge you! It may seem harsh, but it is those experiences that alter the course of your life. Keep the updates coming and any specific prayer requests.
Ephesians 3:16-21
- Vanessa Smith
At 1:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Pegs, I don't know if you will get this, but Mom and I are praying for you EVERY day! We can't wait to hear all about your experiences. Maggie is coming to Ryan and Joe's baseball game today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 1:35 PM ,
Rollie Mattson said...
A little day brightener Nellie and Dana. Had lunch with Piper (our 2 year old granddaughter) and I asked what Mormor (grandma) and Nanie (aunt Nellie) were doing and she said "helping Jesus". Mouths of babes? All of you are helpiong Jesus and we are all proud of you. Dana, I thought I would do wash - is the washer the big white box on the left or the right? Also, can I borrow the bleach and peroxide from your hair care shelf?XOXO
At 10:06 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow!!! Brings back fond memories of the fabulous medical team I worked with during OCA 2005! DREW, your sister, Kels, was with me that trip. I'm so glad you have this opportunity.
TIM, we are doing well. It's time for Cam to start/finish packing for Chicago...the bus leaves in 10 hours...but he's out with friends and grocery shopping for bus snacks! Let Mark know Kelli did a great job with the Chicago send off service. Hope everyone is healthy!!! Dr. L and I played phone tag...never connected today. He said he had the number to reach you. Love ya, Kerry (and boys)
At 11:07 PM ,
Luke Holzworth said...
Hey Lindsey you are so nice and you have accomplished so much I know you are learning a lot on this trip in Guatemala. Your dream is to be a kids doctor you dont think you could do it but I think you could. I hope you have a great trip and have a fun time. The whole family is praying for you and we love you. We all miss you.
At 11:37 PM ,
kathy said...
Kendall: White clouds...white hair...white must have disappeared! But not in our hearts---we pray for you throughout each day and are getting phone calls from friends/family asking about your trip. Hope Soccer Camp is moving forward with 8-9 volunteers each day. Blake would like to help, but so far is the only guy. Ask Drew! I hear he plays soccer in the clouds with sheep and would be a great fit. Seriously, try and let me know if he thinks he can help. Love you bunches! Mambo
At 11:38 PM ,
kathy said...
Kendall: White clouds...white hair...white must have disappeared! But not in our hearts---we pray for you throughout each day and are getting phone calls from friends/family asking about your trip. Hope Soccer Camp is moving forward with 8-9 volunteers each day. Blake would like to help, but so far is the only guy. Ask Drew! I hear he plays soccer in the clouds with sheep and would be a great fit. Seriously, try and let me know if he thinks he can help. Love you bunches! Mambo
At 9:10 AM ,
The Jaspers said...
Sam, so fun to read a post from you! Well sort of....we could understand every third sentence!!!! :))) Your Spanish is clearly picking up...wonderful! Glad to know the medical team, as well as the other teams, are making an impact. God is so faithful as He goes ahead of you preparing hearts and minds, and making it all possible! Pretty amazing God! Not much new to report from the home front...a lot less action with you and Jack gone. :) We miss you!!!! Say "hi" to Tyler from us. Lifting you all in prayer! We love you Sam. XOXO
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