90 degrees, no problem!
First day of ministry in Malacatan was hot.
Children’s team started the day with a flat tire. Our drivers are some of the most talented
people on our team. They changed it in
less than 10 minutes!
We went to one school in the morning and one school in
the afternoon. Some of these children
heard the saving Gospel message of Jesus for the very first time. Jake hung out with a pig and then shared his
faith story [See picture]! Sophie shared
in the afternoon. Even with the heat,
this children’s team pushed through it to perform, play and love these students
in the name of Jesus! Over 100 children
made decisions for Christ today! Praise
The service team is building a children’s play place from
scratch! (This is not an IKEA assembly)
The medical team saw the most patients today on this trip
so far! The clinic is in a turf soccer
field with a tin roof.
The sports and drama team taught a clinic and then played
11 on 11 all day. They are wiped out…but
happy! (I sent a surprise order of
Gatorade to them this afternoon!)
The mime team performed today and continues to get better
and better. They will perform and have a
clinic tomorrow.
The night ended with a youth worship service. We jumped, clapped and raised our hands with
our new Guatemalan friends and their worship band. Pastor Ergil shared a message using the verse
1 Corinthians 15:33. “Bad company
corrupts good character.” Then the
Guatemalans prayed over each of our students and leaders and the pastor
challenged us to open up our hearts to Jesus.
It was a powerful moment for our team.
It’s a full day of service tomorrow with an outreach
soccer game at night. The drama will
perform and I will preach an evangelistic message. Pray for us!
Pray for strength, health and the Spirit and His Word to
keep changing our lives so we look more like him.
Have a great day!
At 7:13 AM ,
Connie said...
Heidi -looks like the trip is going well. Praying for you and the team. Stay strong and enjoy your time being Gods hands and feet. So proud of you and all that you are doing. Love and miss you tons. Connie
At 7:56 AM ,
Unknown said...
Greetings to all!
We are so encouraged by reading this blog and seeing photos of you in action! God Bless you as you constinue to be Ambassadors for Christ and even as you represent the ministry of Wooddale Church. We pray for each of you, that God would meet your needs and for the people you encounter. Your families and supporters are praying for you continually! We also pray for the people that have come to faith, that they will find the support to grow in their faith from the local church after you depart.
A favorite verse that I know you are all familiar with:
Micah 6:8
"He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God"
Finally...a shout out to the medical team and Christopher Raymond Kimball in particular! We love you and are proud of you. Mom, Dad, Nathan (from Project Colorado), Sting, Cougar and Mikko!
At 8:32 AM ,
Anne said...
Thank you for the posts and updates. It is humbling to read about all you are doing and how the Holy Spirit is moving and inspiring you. We are praying for you all and everyone you come in contact with. A special shout out to Elisa and the medical team. We are amazed at all you are doing. We love you. God bless you. mom, Jon, grandma, grandpa, Tom, Sarah, Norah
At 9:49 AM ,
Unknown said...
Thank you for faithfully posting updates. I love to read about your experiences and how God is working through you and in you in Guatemala. I am praying for you all daily - for unity in your group that you may build one another up and grow together closer to the Lord and be able to show God's love to others.
Also, please give Isaac this message, "Be good and kind, make me proud, be a blessing." :)
Anna Maria
At 2:51 PM ,
Rick said...
Hola in the name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! Wow...I cannot help but be amazed at how God is working in the hearts of the Guatemalans and the teams serving! "A picture is worth a thousand words" and I am moved from tears (of joy) to chuckles as I see the photos of such precious faces (Guatemalans & teams) and read the postings. What a blessing to get a "glimpse" of the teams in action being the hands & feet of Jesus! Thank you, Mark, for posting...and for ALL your service too!
To ELIZABETH and all the teams: "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He Who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:3-6.
To Sports & Drama team: I'm sure Gatorade never tasted sooo good as yesterday!! Stay cool and hydrate, hydrate & hydrate! We will be with you on the spiritual sidelines tonight cheering you on with the game. Hoping to see some great pictures, including pics of those responding to your powerful drama!
Please tell Elizabeth that her mom & dad are praying for her and all the teams, we love her and hold her close in our hearts ALWAYS...and mostly, ROCK ON FOR JESUS!!! WAHOO!!
P.S. Elizabeth...don't forget to snap photos too! Your mother loves pictures!
God Bless you OCA,
Beth & Andy Muench
At 11:11 PM ,
Sue Bosshardt said...
Thank you for keeping us up to date on what God is doing there among you! We are thinking and praying for all of you. God bless you and the people of Guatemala!
To Jake B: We are proud that you shared your testimony to the people of Guatemala! Did you read it in Spanish? How's the pig doing?
Love, Rich, Sue, and Kelsey Bosshardt
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