Live From Malacatan, its Saturday Night in Guatemala!
We had a nice short trip down the hill and then a good afternoon of service. Tomorrow is a day off, with worship in the morning and some time with the local youth group in the afternoon. Sorry no pictures tonight (still working on getting my bag!) but here are some posts from the students...
Hi Dad, Mom, and Luke!
I miss you all so much and just want to let you guys know that Guatemala is such an unforgettable trip. I have learned so much more than I expected to and am so excited to tell you all about it next week. I hope you all are doing well. Andd Happy Fathers Day DAD! I hope you guys have a special day with each other. I am thinking of you guys and am missing you all and praying that everything is going ok at home. Dad make sure to not overdue anything to stress you out anymore, we all know that you can handle a lot J but please do not overdue it. Mom keep the family together like always, take care of everyone and be the mom everyone absolutely adores. And Luke have fun with your friends and enjoy the summer. I can’t wait to see you all; I miss you guys sooo much and love you all. Hope the rest of this week is well for all of you!!
Love always, Lindsey Holzworth
Hi Everyone!
This has been an amazing experience so far! One thing that I wanted to share is our church service at Jaime’s church. This was especially touching to me. The service itself lasted 2 hours! First we had worship time, this was really cool because we were singing the same song as the Guatemalans only in English! The Guatemalans at the his church were all really into the worship, one girl was running around the whole church with scarf, swinging it around her head and bowing down to God on her knees. Then after the worship time we prayed and mark gave sermon that moved people, including me, to tears. It was truly amazing. The children’s team is doing really good also, the kids here are adorable J I also just wanted to give a shout out to my dad on father’s day! I LOVEYOU DAD! And mom and Ben, I love you too! See you in a week!
Love you and miss you! Sarah Anderson<3
Hola mi familia y mi amigos!
Our trip has been amazing. We have been blessed so much throughout our trip, avoiding sicknesses and bad weather. The Lord has really been watching out for us. One of the most touching experiences for me went along with a verse we read a few days ago for our devotionals. The verse reads: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction…” Yesterday, El Equipo De Los Ninos (The Children’s Team) was able to visit an orphanage. I think of all the experiences we’ve had so far, this one touched my heart the most and made us all very grateful for the families and possessions we have at home.
We are all doing very well. Thank you all for your prayers. Mommy, Daddy, Emily & Catie, I LOVE YOU ALL!! I can’t wait to share all of my experiences with you guys! Have an awesome week!!
In Christ, Elise.
Heyyyy Everyone!
I am having an amazing time here in Guatemala, and it has been an unbelievable experience so far!!! The service team has been super fun, we’ve done a lot of different things…for example, we’ve painted, moved rocks from a huge wall that fell over in a storm, more painting, helped place parts for a new roof on a house, and changed the water filter in two different churches. I have seen God work in so many ways here, especially in our church service, which are crazy, but so fun and everyone gets so into worshiping God…it’s unbelievable. Mom and Ted---I’m great! I’m not sick or anything, I feel sooo good! And I miss you and love you soooooo much!!!! To both of my dads----HAPPY FATHERS DAY tomorrow!!! I love you both and appreciate you sooo much!!! Emma, Claire, and Christopher--I miss you guys! Claire--I hope Bob is still alive and well, I know you’re taking good care of him though!! J I miss all of you and can’t wait to see you, this trip is going by really fast, and I’m excited to share what my experience has been like with all of you!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
xoxo Jess Theis <3
Hello everyone!
Guatemala has been a great experience so far! We just arrived at our next town, Malacatan, which is much hotter than San Marcos. On the mime team we’ve done an average of 4 performances per day. The mime team is also a very impacting experience. After each performance a ton of kids come up to us and want pictures with us (LOTS) you kinda feel famous after awhile. We’ve performed at schools, churches, and public parks. People stare at us like we are literally crazy. Tonight is our 2nd home stay and I’m staying with Elise, and our home is super nice. It is a blessing to live where we live though. Well anyways… HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD!!! (tomorrow) I miss you! I miss you mom and lewis too. See you in a week!
Love you guys,
Hola everyone!
I am starting to learn some Spanish and t is still a huge struggle! I wish that the people here spoke French. Guatemala has been awesome so far. My home stay in San Marcos was one of the coolest things so far on the trip. My family opened their house to us with open arms and treated us like we were part of the family. I was really sad to leave them today. Mime has been so much fun, The people are great and we get along so well. People really react to our message and it is so cool to see God work through our presentation. The kids and people that see our presentations are obsessed with us and we feel like celebrities. I have not gotten sick yet mom (knock on wood) I know you are wondering… But happy fathers day dad! I hope you have a great day and I wish I would be there to celebrate with you! Marissa I hope the recital went good, I’m excited to see the video. Jack I hope your not to worn out from all your camps. Sydney, I hope your having fun hanging out with Grace twenty four seven! Ok well this is a super long message but I miss you guys so much! (and fruit mom….make sure we have some please haha!)
Love you guys so much
Hi Mom and Dad!
I hope you are having a good time at home! I’m having an awesome time here and but miss you guys soooo much! I got to help out with the medical team today, which was really exciting because I’ve been with the children’s this whole trip. The kids here are soo adorable and I’m honestly going to adopt one when I’m older J. Tomorrow is the week long mark of being here and the mark of one week left until I see you guys! Tomorrow is also father’s day! HAPPY FATHER’S DAY DADDY!! Sorry I can’t celebrate it with you, but I will be thinking of you and we will celebrate it with you when I get back! Mom, have a good trip in Texas, I miss you a lot! I stayed with a host family the last three nights and it was so cool! I never thought I could actually communicate with the people here but I just keep getting better and better! I miss you guys soo much and I love you all! Tell Kady I say hi too!
Love you guys soo much,
Happy Father’s Day!!!!! How’s Minnesota Dad Travis, Terry, and Tracy? And how’s Colorado mom and Tessa? Guatemala is so cool and mime team is so fun!!!! Today we traveled from the city of San Marcos to Malacatan! It was only like a 2 hour trip but it seamed like forever because I started the trip off with me throwing up a pretty good amount of Tums and vitamins and like three glasses of cranberry juice, which was pretty cool. When we got here we met up with our host families and went back to their house for lunch. After that we did a mime show in front of a younger group of kids. It was super cool because during the show there was a huge downpour that was so loud that it almost drowned out the music. I miss all you guys and hope you are all doing well!
Yo Pops and Trent y amigos!
Como estan? Guatemala is awesome. Mime team is SO sweet and so much fun. The performances are getting better and better every time that we do them. It is amazing to see the impact that we can have for God every day on thousands of people every day. Our biggest performance so far was somewhere around 900 people. We aren’t even nervous any more. Its amazing. Jeremy/Jake/Pauly if you are reading Hairo and family say hi and we played soccer again yesterday! T’ve gotten a bit sick this year but so far no stories quite relate to last year… ha. Its so great. Excited to share stories. Moms havin a good time too! Trent good luck with your sermon to the middle schoolers! Adios
-Scott Stensrud
Hi Minnesota!!
Its Ashley! Childrens team is so amazing! We have brought so many kids to Christ over this past week! I have really been touched by how much these kids and teachers appreciate us being there! The language barrier is really tough but I say what I can to the children. My first home stay in San Marcos was awesome! Kristen and I stayed with a pastor, his wife, 3 children and one of their nephews. This home stay in Malacatan I’m staying with a man, his wife, and 5 kids with Brianna. Tomorrow we rest but I’m really looking forward to teaching the kids about Christ’s love on Monday. I’m learning so much, especially that I need to appreciate the littlest things in life. All of these children love to even get a hug, I’ve given hundreds! So mom: I’m sorry for all of the times that I’ve pushed you off of me when I think you hug me too long! I’m very lucky. Daddy: Happy Fathers Day! Hanna, Samantha, & Nick: I love you all and will for sure be looking for something to buy all of you on our shopping day! John: They have the best coffee here! I’ll get you some! Gram & Gramp: Love you both. & Matt: Happy late birthday mister!!! Hope it was great. I cant wait to see all of you and tell you about this amazing trip! P.S… I wouldn’t mind some pasta when I get home!
-Ashley Davis
Message from Drew Bohleen “Dad, please make sure that we have iced tea and No Yoks at home, oh and please bring a 52 oz. pop to the airport, love you”-Drew Bohleen
Hi Dad, Mom, and Luke!
I miss you all so much and just want to let you guys know that Guatemala is such an unforgettable trip. I have learned so much more than I expected to and am so excited to tell you all about it next week. I hope you all are doing well. Andd Happy Fathers Day DAD! I hope you guys have a special day with each other. I am thinking of you guys and am missing you all and praying that everything is going ok at home. Dad make sure to not overdue anything to stress you out anymore, we all know that you can handle a lot J but please do not overdue it. Mom keep the family together like always, take care of everyone and be the mom everyone absolutely adores. And Luke have fun with your friends and enjoy the summer. I can’t wait to see you all; I miss you guys sooo much and love you all. Hope the rest of this week is well for all of you!!
Love always, Lindsey Holzworth
Hi Everyone!
This has been an amazing experience so far! One thing that I wanted to share is our church service at Jaime’s church. This was especially touching to me. The service itself lasted 2 hours! First we had worship time, this was really cool because we were singing the same song as the Guatemalans only in English! The Guatemalans at the his church were all really into the worship, one girl was running around the whole church with scarf, swinging it around her head and bowing down to God on her knees. Then after the worship time we prayed and mark gave sermon that moved people, including me, to tears. It was truly amazing. The children’s team is doing really good also, the kids here are adorable J I also just wanted to give a shout out to my dad on father’s day! I LOVEYOU DAD! And mom and Ben, I love you too! See you in a week!
Love you and miss you! Sarah Anderson<3
Hola mi familia y mi amigos!
Our trip has been amazing. We have been blessed so much throughout our trip, avoiding sicknesses and bad weather. The Lord has really been watching out for us. One of the most touching experiences for me went along with a verse we read a few days ago for our devotionals. The verse reads: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction…” Yesterday, El Equipo De Los Ninos (The Children’s Team) was able to visit an orphanage. I think of all the experiences we’ve had so far, this one touched my heart the most and made us all very grateful for the families and possessions we have at home.
We are all doing very well. Thank you all for your prayers. Mommy, Daddy, Emily & Catie, I LOVE YOU ALL!! I can’t wait to share all of my experiences with you guys! Have an awesome week!!
In Christ, Elise.
Heyyyy Everyone!
I am having an amazing time here in Guatemala, and it has been an unbelievable experience so far!!! The service team has been super fun, we’ve done a lot of different things…for example, we’ve painted, moved rocks from a huge wall that fell over in a storm, more painting, helped place parts for a new roof on a house, and changed the water filter in two different churches. I have seen God work in so many ways here, especially in our church service, which are crazy, but so fun and everyone gets so into worshiping God…it’s unbelievable. Mom and Ted---I’m great! I’m not sick or anything, I feel sooo good! And I miss you and love you soooooo much!!!! To both of my dads----HAPPY FATHERS DAY tomorrow!!! I love you both and appreciate you sooo much!!! Emma, Claire, and Christopher--I miss you guys! Claire--I hope Bob is still alive and well, I know you’re taking good care of him though!! J I miss all of you and can’t wait to see you, this trip is going by really fast, and I’m excited to share what my experience has been like with all of you!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
xoxo Jess Theis <3
Hello everyone!
Guatemala has been a great experience so far! We just arrived at our next town, Malacatan, which is much hotter than San Marcos. On the mime team we’ve done an average of 4 performances per day. The mime team is also a very impacting experience. After each performance a ton of kids come up to us and want pictures with us (LOTS) you kinda feel famous after awhile. We’ve performed at schools, churches, and public parks. People stare at us like we are literally crazy. Tonight is our 2nd home stay and I’m staying with Elise, and our home is super nice. It is a blessing to live where we live though. Well anyways… HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD!!! (tomorrow) I miss you! I miss you mom and lewis too. See you in a week!
Love you guys,
Hola everyone!
I am starting to learn some Spanish and t is still a huge struggle! I wish that the people here spoke French. Guatemala has been awesome so far. My home stay in San Marcos was one of the coolest things so far on the trip. My family opened their house to us with open arms and treated us like we were part of the family. I was really sad to leave them today. Mime has been so much fun, The people are great and we get along so well. People really react to our message and it is so cool to see God work through our presentation. The kids and people that see our presentations are obsessed with us and we feel like celebrities. I have not gotten sick yet mom (knock on wood) I know you are wondering… But happy fathers day dad! I hope you have a great day and I wish I would be there to celebrate with you! Marissa I hope the recital went good, I’m excited to see the video. Jack I hope your not to worn out from all your camps. Sydney, I hope your having fun hanging out with Grace twenty four seven! Ok well this is a super long message but I miss you guys so much! (and fruit mom….make sure we have some please haha!)
Love you guys so much
Hi Mom and Dad!
I hope you are having a good time at home! I’m having an awesome time here and but miss you guys soooo much! I got to help out with the medical team today, which was really exciting because I’ve been with the children’s this whole trip. The kids here are soo adorable and I’m honestly going to adopt one when I’m older J. Tomorrow is the week long mark of being here and the mark of one week left until I see you guys! Tomorrow is also father’s day! HAPPY FATHER’S DAY DADDY!! Sorry I can’t celebrate it with you, but I will be thinking of you and we will celebrate it with you when I get back! Mom, have a good trip in Texas, I miss you a lot! I stayed with a host family the last three nights and it was so cool! I never thought I could actually communicate with the people here but I just keep getting better and better! I miss you guys soo much and I love you all! Tell Kady I say hi too!
Love you guys soo much,
Happy Father’s Day!!!!! How’s Minnesota Dad Travis, Terry, and Tracy? And how’s Colorado mom and Tessa? Guatemala is so cool and mime team is so fun!!!! Today we traveled from the city of San Marcos to Malacatan! It was only like a 2 hour trip but it seamed like forever because I started the trip off with me throwing up a pretty good amount of Tums and vitamins and like three glasses of cranberry juice, which was pretty cool. When we got here we met up with our host families and went back to their house for lunch. After that we did a mime show in front of a younger group of kids. It was super cool because during the show there was a huge downpour that was so loud that it almost drowned out the music. I miss all you guys and hope you are all doing well!
Yo Pops and Trent y amigos!
Como estan? Guatemala is awesome. Mime team is SO sweet and so much fun. The performances are getting better and better every time that we do them. It is amazing to see the impact that we can have for God every day on thousands of people every day. Our biggest performance so far was somewhere around 900 people. We aren’t even nervous any more. Its amazing. Jeremy/Jake/Pauly if you are reading Hairo and family say hi and we played soccer again yesterday! T’ve gotten a bit sick this year but so far no stories quite relate to last year… ha. Its so great. Excited to share stories. Moms havin a good time too! Trent good luck with your sermon to the middle schoolers! Adios
-Scott Stensrud
Hi Minnesota!!
Its Ashley! Childrens team is so amazing! We have brought so many kids to Christ over this past week! I have really been touched by how much these kids and teachers appreciate us being there! The language barrier is really tough but I say what I can to the children. My first home stay in San Marcos was awesome! Kristen and I stayed with a pastor, his wife, 3 children and one of their nephews. This home stay in Malacatan I’m staying with a man, his wife, and 5 kids with Brianna. Tomorrow we rest but I’m really looking forward to teaching the kids about Christ’s love on Monday. I’m learning so much, especially that I need to appreciate the littlest things in life. All of these children love to even get a hug, I’ve given hundreds! So mom: I’m sorry for all of the times that I’ve pushed you off of me when I think you hug me too long! I’m very lucky. Daddy: Happy Fathers Day! Hanna, Samantha, & Nick: I love you all and will for sure be looking for something to buy all of you on our shopping day! John: They have the best coffee here! I’ll get you some! Gram & Gramp: Love you both. & Matt: Happy late birthday mister!!! Hope it was great. I cant wait to see all of you and tell you about this amazing trip! P.S… I wouldn’t mind some pasta when I get home!
-Ashley Davis
Message from Drew Bohleen “Dad, please make sure that we have iced tea and No Yoks at home, oh and please bring a 52 oz. pop to the airport, love you”-Drew Bohleen
At 7:27 AM ,
Mark and Kris said...
Hi Sarah and team,
It is so great to hear about the way that God is moving in Guatemala. It sounds like your service is really having an impact. Thanks for writing and giving us a glimpse into what is happening day by day. Please know that you are in our prayers often!
Sarah, Thanks for the Father's Day card and gift. You are the best daughter a dad could wish for. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the experience. Keep up the great attitude! I love you lots!! - Dad
At 8:06 AM ,
Kent Holzworth said...
Hi My BBS,
You just gave me the best Father's Day gift .... hearing from you! We all miss you so much and can't wait to hear about your amazing journey. I thank the Lord everyday for the blessings you bring me and our family. Have a great remaining seven days .... I'm sure you and the Team are touching and changing more lives then you can ever imagine - Dad.
At 8:23 AM ,
Anonymous said...
From Rich Frieder (Elise's dad)....Elise - so good to hear from you -- we miss you! Wow, it sounds like God is doing amazing things through you and the team. We saw a picture of you working with the children -- looks like you are having lots of fun!
We're praying God blesses your next week there! I love you.
At 10:39 AM ,
kathy said...
Very fun to hear the stories and see the pictures of all you're experiencing as a group. It certainly sounds like the Spirit of God is in your midst and the name of Christ is being lifted high! Well Done!
We're at the lake, missing you and all the fun you bring to life. We're also missing the keys for the boat that we left at home. Character building experience for us all (namely Blake). I think this may be the catalyst for his first book -Where is God when it hurts? He's so desparate he's trying to resurrect Gramps old 1950's speedboat that hasn't seen the water in 10 years. Anyways, there will be plenty of things to yuck it up about when you return as you can well imagine.
Kendall - You make my heart smile and I love you very much. See you next week. Daddio
At 2:02 PM ,
Russ L. said...
Hope you are well! Thinking of you today. We have been following your adventures each day. Do the kids like your hair??? Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. We're proud of you! Dad
At 2:09 PM ,
John H. and Jordan L. said...
Hi Paigie,
We hope you are having fun and learning a lot on the trip. Yesterday Spencer found a HUGE spider in the entry way, so are so lucky you did not see it!
Don't forget to take your malaria pill today! Drink lots of water and stay healthy. And we are praying for you and remember that God has everything in his hands.
Matthew 6: 25-27
Jordan and John
At 3:43 PM ,
Joni Bohleen said...
Drew, glad to hear the trip is going great. And even time for a little soccer!!Dad's been checking out your XBox...sorry its not working just quite the same......just kidding...Tea, no Yoks and a pop- you got it! take care...Love Mom and Dad
At 3:48 PM ,
Rollie Mattson said...
Hola Dana and Nellie - me amiga Rolando un Papa's day. El son and chica-in-law went to el auto show at und fair grounds. Mucho fun had by all seniors and senorita. Today la daughter, senor-in-law and Piper took granddado to Cowboy Slims' grande time again. Must go to banyo el drinke too much agua. Mucho Grande love
At 10:04 PM ,
Vicki said...
Were enjoying the daily updates and hearing what your hearts are experiencing as missionaries. We're anxious to hear your own blog posting. The pictures of the kids remind me of Jose...I'm betting you really enjoyed the orphanage experience. I hope your sharing lots of your love for children and hugs that God has graced you with.
All is well here and Fathers day was very nice!
I Love You!!!!....Mom
At 10:40 PM ,
JRT said...
Hi gorgeous! Glad you're having fun. Thanks for the note! Dad
Hi Jackie - I shrieked when I read your note. What a great way to start the day. I'm off to bed. Will be reading Philippians 2. We love you - we're do proud of you. Mom PS - Lewis and Maxi say hi.
At 11:13 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Sarah W., Jessica K., and Mary R.-
I am so glad to hear that you are having a wonderful trip! I just read over your blog posts! Makes me miss you guys! You will all be in my thoughts and prayers as you finish up this last part of your trip! I know that God is doing amazing things through you!
Love, Breanna Schulenburg
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