Day 1
Good morning! Sorry I was unable to post an entry last night. There was a thunderstorm (it is the rainy season after all) and so we could not get the internet to work at the house where we were staying.
The flights down were uneventful - everything ran on schedule. We had some good views of the row upon row of mountains surrounding Guatemala City as we neared our final destination. The mountain ranges were matched by rows of clouds that filled the sky. From above it looked like a rough surf running over a ragged reef. From below it looked like rain. Once we landed we could see a substantial downpour had just passed through. But God was smiling on us and held off the showers. We were able to get all the bags out to the curb and loaded onto the buses without getting wet.
And so we were off to an encouraging start. Even the meds went through customs without a hitch and without a tax. The last flight arrived in Guatemala around 1:30 and everyone was at Iglesia Renueva (Jaime's church) by 2:30 or so. The church families provided a nice lunch of hamburgers and sodas and we got to meet the Guatemalan's who will be working with us the next couple weeks. It was a nice time of reconnecting with many old friends. All in all, everyone is feeling good, although perhaps a little tired after that 2am start!
After lunch and a brief teaching by Mark everyone went off to their homestays for dinner with their host families and hopefully an early bedtime. We start into service right away in the morning. Everyone is excited to get started. We will have to start early (driving to the service sites before 8) or we will be stuck in the incredibly heavy traffic that is a Guatemala City rush hour.
Our word of the day for Monday is from Jeremiah 10:23-24.
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice
and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight."
This echoes the message the the team devotional for today (from James 2:14-26 and Ephesians 2:8). It all starts with God, whose resources we are privileged to tap into through faith, which enable us to do the work he has called us to. As the teams going to their respective service sites in Guatemala City today it will be important to keep this in mind. Thank you for your prayers as we start doing for real what we have been practicing for the past 6 months. It will be important for the students to remember that we are here in God's service and that our primary goal is to share (and demonstrate) His love in whatever circumstances He provides.
I' try to catch you up on the day's activities tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks for your prayers!
The flights down were uneventful - everything ran on schedule. We had some good views of the row upon row of mountains surrounding Guatemala City as we neared our final destination. The mountain ranges were matched by rows of clouds that filled the sky. From above it looked like a rough surf running over a ragged reef. From below it looked like rain. Once we landed we could see a substantial downpour had just passed through. But God was smiling on us and held off the showers. We were able to get all the bags out to the curb and loaded onto the buses without getting wet.
And so we were off to an encouraging start. Even the meds went through customs without a hitch and without a tax. The last flight arrived in Guatemala around 1:30 and everyone was at Iglesia Renueva (Jaime's church) by 2:30 or so. The church families provided a nice lunch of hamburgers and sodas and we got to meet the Guatemalan's who will be working with us the next couple weeks. It was a nice time of reconnecting with many old friends. All in all, everyone is feeling good, although perhaps a little tired after that 2am start!
After lunch and a brief teaching by Mark everyone went off to their homestays for dinner with their host families and hopefully an early bedtime. We start into service right away in the morning. Everyone is excited to get started. We will have to start early (driving to the service sites before 8) or we will be stuck in the incredibly heavy traffic that is a Guatemala City rush hour.
Our word of the day for Monday is from Jeremiah 10:23-24.
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice
and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight."
This echoes the message the the team devotional for today (from James 2:14-26 and Ephesians 2:8). It all starts with God, whose resources we are privileged to tap into through faith, which enable us to do the work he has called us to. As the teams going to their respective service sites in Guatemala City today it will be important to keep this in mind. Thank you for your prayers as we start doing for real what we have been practicing for the past 6 months. It will be important for the students to remember that we are here in God's service and that our primary goal is to share (and demonstrate) His love in whatever circumstances He provides.
I' try to catch you up on the day's activities tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks for your prayers!
At 11:11 AM ,
Unknown said...
God is Powerful! Praying for God's hedge of protection around all of you and your projects. May He give you clarity, peace and a love for the amazing people of Guatemala!
Kristine Maher
At 12:12 PM ,
Nancy McCormick said...
It is so good to hear that everything went well through customs and for each flight. We will continue to pray for safety and that remaining anxieties be calmed. Enjoy your daily projects and encourage each other!
Blessings, Audrey's mom
At 1:04 PM ,
Carina Smith said...
SO glad to hear things are going well so far! Thank you so much for your update - it means so much to us who remain on the home front :-) Looking forward to hearing more about God's amazing work!! Will continue to be in prayer for each of you!!
At 2:47 PM ,
Joelle Syverson said...
So grateful for the encouraging update and postive start to the trip. We praise God for His faithfulness in getting everyone safe to Guatemala City without soaked duffle bags! Continued prayers coming your way for the entire team as you shine the light of Christ, in service to Him! Blessings, Ellyse's mom
At 5:20 PM ,
BarbiO said...
Beyond grateful at Gods provisions! He is good! Loved the verse for today...I gotta put that one to the memory bank! Missin' my boy already, but you are so right, the send off service was powerful and I can wait to see and hear the way God works in and thru them all! Praying!! Barbi O
Jonathons mom!
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