Only one more service day left....
Hello again from San Salvador! We had a great day of service today.
The children's team went to 4 schools, mime was able to perform 4 times, and the basketball team played 3 games (winning 2, including a good night game in Saltetpeque, where basketball is a big time town event). The drama team performed at all the basketball games. Medical had another strong day in clinic, seeing over 200 people. And the service team split into 2 teams so they could help re-roof a house and build a wall for a backyard at another house.
It was a little warm in the morning, but then some heavy showers came through midday and cooled things off nicely. Later in the afternoon and into the evening it was quite pleasant. Everyone (except mime, who had a performance in another town) was able to see the last half of the basketball game so itwas a fun way to round out the day. There were over 200 people from the city there so we had a good crowd to see the drama and hear William's passionate preaching of the Word. When the invitation was given there were 20-30 in the crowd who indicated they had received Christ for the first time. So whether the basketball team won or lost, the night was a success with regards to increasing the kingdom of God.
Tomorrow is our last day of service. Everyone is feeling pretty good again so we are looking forward to finishing strong with that home stretch burst of energy. Please pray for good weather and good spirits and that we all see the hand of God in whatever we are doing.
Here are some additional notes from our students. They are enjoying reading your posts -
thanks for the support!
Mi familia y mis amigos! Hola! O my gosh El Salvador is the BEST. Today was our first day of ministry in el salvador and it was amazing. the El Salvadorians are so awesome! the childerns team performed 4 times today and every time was SO incredibly fun! I got to know a girl named Karla really well and am planning on writing her a letter when i get back home! :) Its funny because a lot of the kids ask me "have you met justin bieber/Lady GaGa/Usher??" hahaha. One of my favorite parts of being on childerns team is seeing the kids bow their heads, fold their hands, and repeat the prayer of salvation. It actually brings tears to my eyes. today was another VERY hot day here. I just got done playing a game of futbol. SO FUN even though i am so bad hahah. I am staying in a homestay with 10 girls! its SO fun! Well i hope everyone at home is great! praying and thinking about you all! hope its not as hot as it is here! LOVE!
Taylor Hansen
P.s. Mom, i traded my watch for your gift in you can add NEW WATCH to my birthday list...i keep looking at my emtpy wrist. THANKS. LOVE.
Hey family and friends (Andi haha),thank you so much for your encouraging notes, I've been dying to get on here and read them. Thank you so so much for your prayers. The trip has been wonderful so far! Due to the lack of sleep and hard work all day I would think I would be absolutely exhausted (and sometimes I am) but I've been surprised at how much energy and strength I have and I know it only comes from God so praise God! :) Some highlights of the trip for me have been going to the
ocean, getting to know my homestay families and other team members, and spending time with all of the kids here. Even though I'm not on childrens team I've had plenty of amazing conversations and opportunities to spend time with cute kids :) Andi, this little girl Hilary was helping me paint this church and she put a little handprint on my shorts that have your handprints:) so cute. I gotta go but I love you so much guys. Andi, thank you SO much for your notes, they have honestly been an immense blessing to me. I read the one from Ri Ri last night and almost cried it was adorable. Tell the family I miss them. Mom, I miss you a lot. It was so great to see you and Mares before I left, I can't wait for our girls weekend :) LOTS OF LOVE.Ash
P.s. Grandpa I could tell that your message was from you because you always write in all caps :) I love you guys, thank you so much for your prayers.
P.p.s. Imba, IMKU. Can't wait to get home and give you a big hug!! :) Love you bunches.
The children's team went to 4 schools, mime was able to perform 4 times, and the basketball team played 3 games (winning 2, including a good night game in Saltetpeque, where basketball is a big time town event). The drama team performed at all the basketball games. Medical had another strong day in clinic, seeing over 200 people. And the service team split into 2 teams so they could help re-roof a house and build a wall for a backyard at another house.
It was a little warm in the morning, but then some heavy showers came through midday and cooled things off nicely. Later in the afternoon and into the evening it was quite pleasant. Everyone (except mime, who had a performance in another town) was able to see the last half of the basketball game so itwas a fun way to round out the day. There were over 200 people from the city there so we had a good crowd to see the drama and hear William's passionate preaching of the Word. When the invitation was given there were 20-30 in the crowd who indicated they had received Christ for the first time. So whether the basketball team won or lost, the night was a success with regards to increasing the kingdom of God.
Tomorrow is our last day of service. Everyone is feeling pretty good again so we are looking forward to finishing strong with that home stretch burst of energy. Please pray for good weather and good spirits and that we all see the hand of God in whatever we are doing.
Here are some additional notes from our students. They are enjoying reading your posts -
thanks for the support!
Mi familia y mis amigos! Hola! O my gosh El Salvador is the BEST. Today was our first day of ministry in el salvador and it was amazing. the El Salvadorians are so awesome! the childerns team performed 4 times today and every time was SO incredibly fun! I got to know a girl named Karla really well and am planning on writing her a letter when i get back home! :) Its funny because a lot of the kids ask me "have you met justin bieber/Lady GaGa/Usher??" hahaha. One of my favorite parts of being on childerns team is seeing the kids bow their heads, fold their hands, and repeat the prayer of salvation. It actually brings tears to my eyes. today was another VERY hot day here. I just got done playing a game of futbol. SO FUN even though i am so bad hahah. I am staying in a homestay with 10 girls! its SO fun! Well i hope everyone at home is great! praying and thinking about you all! hope its not as hot as it is here! LOVE!
Taylor Hansen
P.s. Mom, i traded my watch for your gift in you can add NEW WATCH to my birthday list...i keep looking at my emtpy wrist. THANKS. LOVE.
Hey family and friends (Andi haha),thank you so much for your encouraging notes, I've been dying to get on here and read them. Thank you so so much for your prayers. The trip has been wonderful so far! Due to the lack of sleep and hard work all day I would think I would be absolutely exhausted (and sometimes I am) but I've been surprised at how much energy and strength I have and I know it only comes from God so praise God! :) Some highlights of the trip for me have been going to the
ocean, getting to know my homestay families and other team members, and spending time with all of the kids here. Even though I'm not on childrens team I've had plenty of amazing conversations and opportunities to spend time with cute kids :) Andi, this little girl Hilary was helping me paint this church and she put a little handprint on my shorts that have your handprints:) so cute. I gotta go but I love you so much guys. Andi, thank you SO much for your notes, they have honestly been an immense blessing to me. I read the one from Ri Ri last night and almost cried it was adorable. Tell the family I miss them. Mom, I miss you a lot. It was so great to see you and Mares before I left, I can't wait for our girls weekend :) LOTS OF LOVE.Ash
P.s. Grandpa I could tell that your message was from you because you always write in all caps :) I love you guys, thank you so much for your prayers.
P.p.s. Imba, IMKU. Can't wait to get home and give you a big hug!! :) Love you bunches.
At 2:22 AM ,
TheZahorskys said...
You have really been on our minds the past few days, and we have been thinking and talking alot about you. We miss having you home, and I missed having you here on my birthday. Mom was the only one here this evening to sing Happy Birthday to me, and you know what that meant. :-) From all of the postings it is great to hear the impact that each of you are having on Guatemalans and Salvadorans. We are glad that you have this opportunity to serve God in Central America, but we are really looking forward to your return home.
Mom and Dad Z
At 6:45 AM ,
Mark and Kate said...
Lauren P,
I used your "Betty" coffee cup this morning (sorry!) and continued to pray for you and the team. Phil. 1:6..."There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears." - The Message. See you soon!
Mom and Dad
At 7:06 AM ,
Kerry Fox said...
Cam and Tim- Happy Wednesday from rainy Minnesota! Praying for you as you complete your service in El Salvador. I'm exited to hear how God stretched you while you served him there. I also want to know what you learned about yourselves that you didn't previously realize. See you this weekend! Please let me know if Cam wants to be picked up at the airport or if he's riding to church with you to unpzck the bus.
At 7:16 AM ,
Shannon Atwill said...
Will A.,
It has been so wonderful to read about the amazing things God is doing through all of you. We love you. We miss you. And, can't wait to see you this weekend. I know I don't have to tell you to stay strong. God clearly has you and the OCA team in His hands.
Mom and Dad and Tasha (who is licking your earphones as I type - very gross!)
At 7:52 AM ,
Gail Meyer said...
Michelle M, I'm counting down the days :) We miss you! Sammi is learning how to jump on our bed!! I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks:) Dad is out of town again this week- the kids are all doing VBS. Tre & Octavio are teaching, Kelsey & Chris & Alex are having fun going. Jeff has been on the boat alot! He said people are tubing and skiing in our bay again- Yea! See you Saturday!! Love ya lots!!(the weather has been yucky-bring home some warmth and sunshine please)
At 8:03 AM ,
Andi said...
Ashley!! It was so great to hear from you! I'm counting down the days until you come home :)I can't wait to hear all about it. Still praying for ya! See you in a couple days, i love you tons.
Lots of love,
At 9:41 AM ,
Sheri said...
It's your last day. We can't wait to see your bright, smiling face on Saturday night. We have missed you so much. I am thankful to hear how mightily God has been working through you during this experience. What a privilege to be his chosen vessel to reveal His love and glory to others. I know you will come home a different person--more in love with our Creator, more like Him, and with great reverence for who He is and His plans for you. Press into Him these last couple days and be strengthened and encouraged. I can't wait to hear all the stories and details. We are faithfully praying for you and can't wait to give you a hug! I love you!!
Eph 2:10 For you are God's masterpiece. He has created you anew in Christ Jesus so you can do good things He planned for you long ago.
At 9:46 AM ,
Sheri said...
Small group--I have been praying for you and it's been fun to hear from a couple of you on the blog. You all have so much to offer and I can't wait to hear how God changes you through this experience. Sarah, will you now be headed toward nursing school? :) Just think of how far you have come through your reliance on God! All of you finish strong and bring Him glory right to the end! I hope you've all survived without the talking stick. Continue to raise your hands. :) Love you all and can't wait to hear the stories! Miss you!
At 10:24 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hola Chica Nina Favorita,(mgb)
Miss you tons but know you are right where God wants you and He is with you.
Anticipating Saturday Night like crazy!
Hi from Dad and Bella.
Te amo!
tu madre
At 11:20 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Sonny, I'm following your blog every day and can't wait to meet you at the Gate Sat night. A great ending to our anniversary!safe home, love Mom
At 12:31 PM ,
Rox Martin said...
So good to hear you are all feeling better and glorifying God right up until you return. Shelby, I sure miss your smiling face and hearing your voice. Mom is still out West. Has been raining steady, hopefully I can hook the trailer up tomorrow and not get stuck on my way out. I want to get home in plenty of time to jump in your arms as you come off that plane(just kidding but would like too). Love and Miss you lotz.
Have an idea, when you all get back to Gautemala City if you have time it would be great to know one thing each of you would like to eat, that you missed since you left. The Mom from America :-)
Can hardly wait to hear and see all your smiling faces. Sending prayers up for a safe return.
At 1:31 PM ,
TAG said...
We enjoy reading the updates and hope you are well! You have several days remaining down there. Stay strong! To Him be the glory!
Mom, Dad, Danny
At 2:17 PM ,
Karen said...
So great to have another post from you. I can't wait to see my gift. You will need to get a watch soon to start putting on those 250 XC miles! UGH!!! You are not missing any weather that you could write home about. Rainy and dreary. We are sitting the Henschel dogs so having 4 is interesting. Moose follows me everywhere. I am so excited to see your smiling face and hear about your adventures and ministry stories. Dad are I are having fun but it is too quiet for me. I miss my girls. Our prayers are with you for a safe and productive last few days. Come home rested so we can have lots of conversation time. Love you tons.
At 3:21 PM ,
The Weis' said...
So fun to read the blog and hear about all the opportunities the OCA Team has had to minister to the people of Guatemala and El Salvador. We have been praying daily for you and are anxious to hear about all the things that God has done through your OCA Team. Was glad to see an update on the Service Team and what projects your team has been working on. We know that God will use you for his glory. Holly misses you and will be glad to see you as we will too. See you Saturday night!
At 3:33 PM ,
Christine Lasley said...
Monica - We miss you SO much and can't wait to see you on Saturday night! Just so you know, the weather here has been awful and all of your soccer games so far have been rescheduled - so you didn't miss any of them!! We can't wait to see you and hear about all of your adventures! We love you SO!
Mom and Dad
At 4:09 PM ,
Andrew G. said...
I messed up your room, went all your stuff looking for money...didn't find any (haha just kidding). I hope ur having fun. Excited to see my big sis. Love, Andrew
At 5:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
FRom the Lima Family: Thank you for all your updates! Dear Sonia: We miss your lilting laugh and beautiful smile here at home (and Cory is moping around, looking for you!), and we are praying for you, your team and leaders these last couple days of service. God's blessings to you all as you wrap things up and venture back to MN! You have been a tremendous blessing to the people of Guatemala and El Salvador! Special hugs to Sarah S. and Kyle A! Love, Josias, Janet, Andrea and Cory Lima :)
At 6:06 PM ,
Beth Griggs said...
Hey Briana was so good to hear from you, honey. We are praying so much for you and are excited about what God is doing in you and through you. You are missed by all of us and especially by Matt. We love you.
Mom and your family
At 6:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Paging Katie Rose Hauge! We can hardly wait to see you in MPLS Sat.eve and hear all about how the Lord has been working in and through you. We have been thinking of and praying for you constantly. Enjoy these last few days and finish the race strong. I bet you have been running in your sleep without your daily distance runs. Hopefully you've been able to use that energy in the clinics and for staying well.Cheering for you & the the entire team via prayers. You have had great training for your upcoming races - Glad you all have such a great COACH. Missing you mom,dad & MR M&M ;}
At 6:58 PM ,
At 7:34 PM ,
Kalli said...
RYAN D., So great to see you in pics of the basketball team! Praying each day for God's grace as you minister, and we are excited to hear all about it soon. Joel is keeping the hermanitos in line for you, mowing, landscaping, etc. Mariah W is taking our family photo on Sunday (day after you return home)! Lots of love, Mom
At 9:11 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Danae,
It was great to see your message - I'm glad things are going well. We missed you on Father's Day, we talked about you a lot, but I'm really looking forward to seeing all your pictures and hearing about your adventure. I'll be leaving for CA Friday - back Wednesday - so I'll catch up with you next weekend.
Lots of love!
At 10:34 PM ,
Bonita Artz said...
Hope all is going well for you. It sounds like you may have picked up some new skills. We can't wait to see you. Bella says Hi as well. Take Care
Love Mom and Dad
At 11:12 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wonderful report and so glad everyone is feeling good. We continue to pray for you daily and can't wait to see you Saturday. Katie we love you, miss you lots, and are eager to hear all the details about the trip. Grandma & Aunt Myrl send their love and are praying for you everyday too.
-Jan Barrett
At 11:52 PM ,
Lisa Shaw said...
Carley S
I have loved reading all of your blogs and have just figured out how to leave a comment. That is one of the many reasons I miss you so much. Your trip sounds amazing! I am glad that I got to share a little of it through your postings. I am praying for your last day to be great and that you have safe and easy travels home Roxy and I can hardly wait to see you!
At 11:53 PM ,
Lisa Shaw said...
Carley S
I have loved reading all of your blogs and have just figured out how to leave a comment. That is one of the many reasons I miss you so much. Your trip sounds amazing! I am glad that I got to share a little of it through your postings. I am praying for your last day to be great and that you have safe and easy travels home Roxy and I can hardly wait to see you!
At 7:07 AM ,
Robin Welch said...
Caroline--Can't wait to see you in a couple of days. I just got home from Little Rock where it was 95+ almost the whole week. Am so excited to hear about all your many experiences. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Praise the Lord for this time you've had in Central America. Love you lots. Mom
At 7:07 AM ,
Robin Welch said...
Caroline--Can't wait to see you in a couple of days. I just got home from Little Rock where it was 95+ almost the whole week. Am so excited to hear about all your many experiences. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Praise the Lord for this time you've had in Central America. Love you lots. Mom
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