Malacatan to Guatemala City
Good evening from Guatemala City!
Today was a rest and ride day. We left early this morning (6 am) from Malacatan and headed back to the City along the coast highway. Leaving early meant we all had to sleep on the church floor last night in order to have everyone to the buses on time. A "fun" bonding time. On the up side the church was airconditioned so the sleeping area was cool. On the down side we only had about 15 matresses so most of us slept on the nice soft tile floor.
Our drive was about 4 hours or so on a reasonably straight highway (not North Dakota straight, but close) since it was on the coastal plain. Our lunch stop was at a water park in Puerto San Jose, a litte town outside Guatemala City on the Pacific Coast. The team had a couple hours to swim in the pools and in the ocean. It is a black sand beach so it was a new experience for much of the team. The waves were good and it was a nice sunny day so everyone enjoyed the break. As we drove into Guatemala City around 5 it started raining.
It was still coming down pretty good when we arrived at the Iglesia Reunueva (Jaime's home church) so we got a little wet unloading the buses. But they had a snack of hot coffee, sandwiches and cookies for us so it made for a warm welcome. From there the team split up to go to home stays for dinner and bed. Tomorrow we come back together for church at the church and then will spend the afternoon shopping and exploring in Antigua with the church families. Tomorrow night we are back in the Hotel Panamerican in Guatemala City and then off to San Salvador Monday morning.
I will try to get some more of the students to post comments during the day tomorrow so you can here more stories of what God is doing in them and through them. This is a strong team and God has been good in providing us opportunities to share his love and grace. Please continue to pray for strength and healing. We have a handful of students who are experiencing the not-unexpected intestinal issues so they would benefit greatly from your prayers. Our medical team and a doctor from the church are caring for them and hope to have them up and able to enjoy our day of worship and relaxing in Antigua tomorrow.
In the meantime, here is a post from one of the students from the medical team and few more pictures.
Charlotte Hallstrom: DIOS LES BENDIGA from Guatemala! I hope you all are having a great start to your summer! We miss you all SO much, but God is doing AMAZING WORK through us! Today alone, the medical team served 330 people, making that a grand total for the past five days around 1000 paitents. I feel so blessed to be here, and God is doing great things in me. I came into the experience with few expectations,only because I didn't want my expectation hindering from the work that God could potentially do. But he has blown me AWAY! Not only has he provived me with a new love for others, but he has broken me down and built me back up in a way that I hope will change the way I live from now on. He has introduced me to new friends and made other relationships stronger. I am so blessed to be with this group of students who refrain from judgment and pray for me even when I don't ask. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well and I sat out from the afternoon clinic. While I was sleeping in the church, the Service Team surrounded me and prayed over me and the two other sick people I was with. The amazing thing is that we all felt a MILLION times better in a matter of hours. PRAISE GOD! Thank you all so much from your prayers and love. We need it mucho!! I love you Mom and Dad and I miss you a lot!! Happy Father's day Dad, I couldn't ask for a better father to help me grow to be more and more like Christ. You are amazing and I love you so much! (Steve says Hi)
AND: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MOST AWESOME BROTHER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! You are so SICK E! UMETFEVA-I miss you and I can't wait to see you all!God Bless
P.S. Megan P. wants to say that she loves her parents so much and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!
the beach
worship time
Today was a rest and ride day. We left early this morning (6 am) from Malacatan and headed back to the City along the coast highway. Leaving early meant we all had to sleep on the church floor last night in order to have everyone to the buses on time. A "fun" bonding time. On the up side the church was airconditioned so the sleeping area was cool. On the down side we only had about 15 matresses so most of us slept on the nice soft tile floor.
Our drive was about 4 hours or so on a reasonably straight highway (not North Dakota straight, but close) since it was on the coastal plain. Our lunch stop was at a water park in Puerto San Jose, a litte town outside Guatemala City on the Pacific Coast. The team had a couple hours to swim in the pools and in the ocean. It is a black sand beach so it was a new experience for much of the team. The waves were good and it was a nice sunny day so everyone enjoyed the break. As we drove into Guatemala City around 5 it started raining.
It was still coming down pretty good when we arrived at the Iglesia Reunueva (Jaime's home church) so we got a little wet unloading the buses. But they had a snack of hot coffee, sandwiches and cookies for us so it made for a warm welcome. From there the team split up to go to home stays for dinner and bed. Tomorrow we come back together for church at the church and then will spend the afternoon shopping and exploring in Antigua with the church families. Tomorrow night we are back in the Hotel Panamerican in Guatemala City and then off to San Salvador Monday morning.
I will try to get some more of the students to post comments during the day tomorrow so you can here more stories of what God is doing in them and through them. This is a strong team and God has been good in providing us opportunities to share his love and grace. Please continue to pray for strength and healing. We have a handful of students who are experiencing the not-unexpected intestinal issues so they would benefit greatly from your prayers. Our medical team and a doctor from the church are caring for them and hope to have them up and able to enjoy our day of worship and relaxing in Antigua tomorrow.
In the meantime, here is a post from one of the students from the medical team and few more pictures.
Charlotte Hallstrom: DIOS LES BENDIGA from Guatemala! I hope you all are having a great start to your summer! We miss you all SO much, but God is doing AMAZING WORK through us! Today alone, the medical team served 330 people, making that a grand total for the past five days around 1000 paitents. I feel so blessed to be here, and God is doing great things in me. I came into the experience with few expectations,only because I didn't want my expectation hindering from the work that God could potentially do. But he has blown me AWAY! Not only has he provived me with a new love for others, but he has broken me down and built me back up in a way that I hope will change the way I live from now on. He has introduced me to new friends and made other relationships stronger. I am so blessed to be with this group of students who refrain from judgment and pray for me even when I don't ask. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well and I sat out from the afternoon clinic. While I was sleeping in the church, the Service Team surrounded me and prayed over me and the two other sick people I was with. The amazing thing is that we all felt a MILLION times better in a matter of hours. PRAISE GOD! Thank you all so much from your prayers and love. We need it mucho!! I love you Mom and Dad and I miss you a lot!! Happy Father's day Dad, I couldn't ask for a better father to help me grow to be more and more like Christ. You are amazing and I love you so much! (Steve says Hi)
AND: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MOST AWESOME BROTHER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! You are so SICK E! UMETFEVA-I miss you and I can't wait to see you all!God Bless
P.S. Megan P. wants to say that she loves her parents so much and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!
worship time
At 9:03 AM ,
Kerry Fox said...
So fun to see the team! Thanks so much, Tim, for you frequent posting when you have internet access. We continue to pray for all of you as you are faithful to our heavenly Father. Happy Father's Day to the dads on the trip! Enjoy Antigua! Love to all of you!
At 10:35 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much Tim for the updates and pictures. A special happy Fathers day to our Heavenly Father and thanks for the Blessings of being the Dad of an incredible Spirit filled young Lady, Shelby. May God Bless the rest of your trip and travel home. We miss you all and pray for health, protection and fruitful Blessings to all the team and the lives you have touched. Pslm. 91:1-2.
At 12:38 PM ,
The Zahorsky's said...
Thanks for the blog posts and pictures. It sounds like all of you are having an amazing adventure for God. Continue to "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved... 2 Timothy 2:15"
Danae, We love you and pray you are well, enjoying the food, and loving on the Guatemalan children as God has gifted you so abundantly to do. It has been fun to see you in some pics. May you continue in good health, energy, compassion and joy as you start your second week. Your laughter and smile are contagious! May God continue to bless everyone's endeavors.
Love, Mom and Dad Z
PS - Aunt Marlene is looking forward to "your stories!"
At 12:49 PM ,
Connie said...
Heidi HO!
I hope you are doing well. As you may well know today is Father's day. In honor of father's day, buppa and grammy just came over and they'd like to let you know they say hi and they love you and hope you are doing well. It sounds like your quite busy on the medical team! I hope you are staying healthy and enjoying yourself and learning lots. I've officially worked 3 days at the patisserie now and it's FANTASTIC!!! It's literally a dream come true. I come home everyday with chocolate up to my elbows and flour covering my shoes. Haley sits for like a half hour and licks my shoes clean for me which is kinda gross.
Anyways, I must go now but I would like to let you know that I love you lots and lots and I miss you as well.
At 1:06 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Stefan,
Saw that you scored the first point. Awsome. Praying for you and your team. Hope your staying healthy and having an amazying experience. Spent the week at the pool with your mom and brother. Looking forward to hearing all your stories about the trip. Tell my sister Alicia hi. We miss and love you both.
Love your favorite aunt.
At 4:01 PM ,
Hallstrom Family said...
Thank you for the update and great fathers day gift. Eric loved the recognition as well. We are praying for you, the medical team, and the whole missions team for safety, health, and continued service to the people of Guatemala and El Salvador. All of you are making God look good. Well done! We love you and we can't wait to see you on Saturday!
Love, Dad, Mom, and ERIC
At 4:58 PM ,
Grandma Diane said...
I'm at your house now celebrating Fathers Day with our dad! I hope you are having a great time. I pray for you and know that the Lord will take care of you. I hope this helps you make decisions about your medical aspirations. Can't wait to see you and hear all about the trip. Love, Grandma Diane P.S. I will bake you some brownies when you return!
At 5:02 PM ,
Grandma Diane said...
I meant YOUR dad not our dad!
At 5:06 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow! What amazing work you are all doing for others in the name of God. The work you are doing sounds incredible and I’m sure the people you are with appreciate it so much! I look forward to reading the blog entries every day and looking at the pictures so I can hear what you are all doing and how you are all doing. I think and pray for all of you all day! A special shout out to Rachel D – we love her, miss her and are so proud of her; we know this will be an experience she will remember forever. Love, Aunt Sharon
At 6:05 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Lots of love and prayers being sent to you all. Please pace yourselves this next week as the exhausting schedule you all keep can catch up to you. Please know that I pray for you each daily. It was good to see Daniel Schultz in pictures as he usually avoids being in front of the camera. I stopped in at Parents of Teens this morning and everyone is praying for you all there too. Keep doing God's will as He has so many plans for each of you. You guys are AWESOME!!! Dave Schultz
At 6:49 PM ,
Mark and Sara Solfelt said...
So glad to see everyone having such a wonderful, fruitful time. The LORD is good and answering so many prayers. We continue to pray for all of you and are anxious to hear all the stories of how the LORD has worked in the lives of the the people you are ministering to as well as your own lives. We prayer God's blessings for protection, health, fruit in ministry, cohesiveness as a team, and joy through the Holy Spirit.
Elisabeth - Daddy sends a special hello on Father's Day. I love you, miss you, and I'm praying for you daily.
At 10:57 PM ,
Anonymous said...
From the Lima family: Thanks so much for all your wonderful updates and the beautiful pictures. We love seeing pics of Miss Sonia Lima, of course! We miss you, sweetie! We are praying for you all as you serve God through your awesome work for Him! We love you all, The Lima Family (Josias, Janet, Andrea and Cory (dog)....
At 12:29 PM ,
Rox Martin said...
Thank you so much for the updates. They mean alot. Sending up prayers for a smooth transition across the border, enthusiasm to continue serving with God's love and compassion for 2 more days. Prayers for health, safety, energy, and perserverence.
Shelby miss your smile, wit and hugs. Looking forward to sharing all of your experiences and seeing how God is preparing you for a lifetime of service. Trigger Pele' and Kuppy miss you too :-)
Love always and forever, Mom
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