Days 2 and 3 -- San Marcos
Day 2 & 3 - San Marcos
Hello Families and Supporters!! Here are updates from each of the teams about what has happened so far in the trip. God's hand has been evident in many ways.
As soon as we arrived in San Marcos we went to a school with 120 kids from ages 1 to 12. The kids just connected right away and did an amazing job performing and interacting with the children. We joined with some local leaders, including a clown, and we started to figure out how we could all best work together. We also went to an orphanage where we had a chance to show
love to the kids. Today we had a program at a school of 500 students and again it was so neat to see how well the team related to the children. There were times where they were each surrounded by 20 or more children all trying to get their attention and talk to them. It was so neat! We're leaving soon for two more programs this afternoon.
Lynn Martinson
Hi!I'm so excited to share all of the fabulous things that God has done so far on this trip! One of my highlights so far has been being able to use my Spanish that I have had in school and communicate with the people in Guatemala! On the first day, Mark challenged us to look out the our bus windows and say "That person was made in the image of God" about everyone that
passed. I have been learning that even though we live thousands of miles away and our culture is different, we are all one in Christ and have been made in His image! I can't wait to see what else God has in store for this trip!
Elisabeth Solfelt
So far this trip has been AMAZING! Everything is so different and it's awesome to be able to be immersed in this completely different culture. I was afraid I would not like the food here, but I have loved (almost) everything that has been put in front of me. The coolest experience so far was worshiping at the church that is hosting us last night. Even though we didn't understand each other completely our whole team and the Guatemalans were singing and dancing together. It was a really eye opening experience to see that even across cultures we are still worshiping the same God with the same passion!
Abby Emerson
We are having a great time here at the church. Our main job has been painting the outside and making some small fixes to it. To explain the color of blue that we used would be hard it's mostly smurf with a dash of deep blue ocean. If we had an award for the worst job Tom takes the cake...or beans... as it may be. His work on top of top of a ladder balanced on weak plastic
makes him a superhero. Our journey that started so long ago is now kicked into high gear. Some of us are tired but we have been tired before. What we do is take all of what God has given us and we use it to serve Him in every way we can. God has been great!!!
FranskeOh ya Mom, I'm ok.
Hello families!! This trip so far is beyond awesome. I think everything I have experienced has been something I have never done before. Service team began painting the church yesterday and we are almost done. It's blue with grey trim and looks pretty sweet. We had an out of body experience last night at our church service. Everyone was up dancing and singing. It was
a really cool thing to see not only myself indulging in giving my all to praise Jesus but doing it along with everyone else on the trip. I'm so excited to see what's in store for all of us because I know it's only going to get better from here. Please continue to pray for our safety and health! Much Love.
Brady Ramm
Words cannot even begin to describe the experiences that we've had, the memories that we've already made, and the things God has done in and through us already on this trip. The church service last night was incredible- people were so excited and filled with the Holy Spirit. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. There's something about worshiping the same God with other people around the world, praising Him together, and sharing fellowship. The food has been INCREDIBLE and the home stays have provided interesting stories haha :) I'm so thankful for the families that opened up their homes to us.
Thank you so much for praying for us!
Ashley Aamot
San Marcos....what a great time of ministry! The Mime crew did four presentations at four different schools. Their audiences ranged in size from 70 to 250. They presented the Gospel to 511 students and teachers through these four outreaches. Towards the end of each presentation after our national evangelist, Luis Gilbert gives an invitation, response cards are distributed and collected while the team interacts with audience members. From the four presentations, 413 response cards have been collected. Although we do not have a specific number of first time decisions at this time, we anticipate many responses. Praise the Lord!!!! The mime crew is healthy, definately engaged and excited about the ministry they are having here in San Marcos. From a leadership perspective, this mime crew is very into what they are dointg here and doing an outstanding job. It is a pleasure serving the Lord with them and sharing in the experiences we've had to date.
Chris Erickson
Hello Everyone!!!! Today the mime team had four shows! They all went really well and we had great responses from all the kids. All the kids want autography and pictures with us! It's so great it's likewe are celebrities. All the people are so excited to see people from the United States. They like to comment on how tall we are and how short they are. Our first home stay was last night and we are so thankful for all the families for their hospitality! I am having such a great time here, but I do miss home. Please keep all of us in your prayers because tomorrow we are traveling!
Carley Shaw
To date, the team has played 3 games. The first game was played in from of 400 students. It was an excellent showing of hands at halftime to receive Christ. Our second game was not scheduled, the orginial game with the school was cancelled. So we went to a school near the church and asked if we could play. Their team was very good and it was a close game which we
won. We will be on the local news tonight as they filmed some of the game and interviewed the coach!! We played our third game 40 min outside of San Marcos. We won easily, but their girls beat us at soccer. The team visited a national park. Everyone is healthy and Stefan Dellis scored the first 2 points for the team this year. Everyone on the team is now on the scoring board. Keep praying.
Steve Healy
Hola from Guatemala! It's hard to imagine it's only day 3! We have packed as much as we possibly can into each day. Last night we had a praise service with a Guatemalan worship team. It was absolutely incredible. I don't think any of us have praised God with that much enthusiasium before, especially with not even completley knowing what we were singing. I have learned so much about the differeces between us and the Guatemalan people, however, we are more alike than I ever could have imagined. I'm also so grateful to be on the basketball team. We have played three games and we have been treated like heroes every step of the way. The rainforrest we went to today was awesome and it has the same problems as us. And yes mom I'm fine.
Nate Hilgenkamp
Monday, the team performed at the halftime of the basketball game. This was the first public performance infront of hundreds of high school aged students. The students were energized by the experience and the reception of the message with the audience. We performed again for our hosting church and host families as they threw a welcoming service for us. Today, we performed at both of the basketball games. The students are really growing from delivering their faith stories during our halftime shows. The public declaration of their faith is making them more bold and open with the people of Guatemala and with each other on the whole team. Actively using their spiritual gifts and being submerged in a full time ministry has definately
started a change in their hearts. I wish you could be here to see it. You will see the end resault. Thank you for your prayers. God bless.
Deitric Newman
We have been playing the numbers game, and for this post, will continue to do so. In the weeks and months before this adventure, the medical team has been collecting donations and purchasing medical supplies, scores of thousands of vitamins and a handful of lesser pleasant items. For customs' sake we knew the exact amount of pills and capsules, lot numbers and and bag numberof EVERYTHING. Counting scrubs and green t-shirts after every bathroom stop on the road has been, from a parent's prospective, most important. Clinic Day 1, we were to see 40 people, 50 time permitting. We returned to our church HQ after 136. A good number for what was to be a "half" day. Today we saw another 160. While nearly 300 were given hygienic advice, medical attention and vitamins/medicines, we have kept in mind the biggest number of all. We are priviledged, both Guatemalan and Minnesotan, to worship our ONE, all powerful, creative, loving God.
Justin Satterberg
Hello Families and Supporters!! Here are updates from each of the teams about what has happened so far in the trip. God's hand has been evident in many ways.
As soon as we arrived in San Marcos we went to a school with 120 kids from ages 1 to 12. The kids just connected right away and did an amazing job performing and interacting with the children. We joined with some local leaders, including a clown, and we started to figure out how we could all best work together. We also went to an orphanage where we had a chance to show
love to the kids. Today we had a program at a school of 500 students and again it was so neat to see how well the team related to the children. There were times where they were each surrounded by 20 or more children all trying to get their attention and talk to them. It was so neat! We're leaving soon for two more programs this afternoon.
Lynn Martinson
Hi!I'm so excited to share all of the fabulous things that God has done so far on this trip! One of my highlights so far has been being able to use my Spanish that I have had in school and communicate with the people in Guatemala! On the first day, Mark challenged us to look out the our bus windows and say "That person was made in the image of God" about everyone that
passed. I have been learning that even though we live thousands of miles away and our culture is different, we are all one in Christ and have been made in His image! I can't wait to see what else God has in store for this trip!
Elisabeth Solfelt
So far this trip has been AMAZING! Everything is so different and it's awesome to be able to be immersed in this completely different culture. I was afraid I would not like the food here, but I have loved (almost) everything that has been put in front of me. The coolest experience so far was worshiping at the church that is hosting us last night. Even though we didn't understand each other completely our whole team and the Guatemalans were singing and dancing together. It was a really eye opening experience to see that even across cultures we are still worshiping the same God with the same passion!
Abby Emerson
We are having a great time here at the church. Our main job has been painting the outside and making some small fixes to it. To explain the color of blue that we used would be hard it's mostly smurf with a dash of deep blue ocean. If we had an award for the worst job Tom takes the cake...or beans... as it may be. His work on top of top of a ladder balanced on weak plastic
makes him a superhero. Our journey that started so long ago is now kicked into high gear. Some of us are tired but we have been tired before. What we do is take all of what God has given us and we use it to serve Him in every way we can. God has been great!!!
FranskeOh ya Mom, I'm ok.
Hello families!! This trip so far is beyond awesome. I think everything I have experienced has been something I have never done before. Service team began painting the church yesterday and we are almost done. It's blue with grey trim and looks pretty sweet. We had an out of body experience last night at our church service. Everyone was up dancing and singing. It was
a really cool thing to see not only myself indulging in giving my all to praise Jesus but doing it along with everyone else on the trip. I'm so excited to see what's in store for all of us because I know it's only going to get better from here. Please continue to pray for our safety and health! Much Love.
Brady Ramm
Words cannot even begin to describe the experiences that we've had, the memories that we've already made, and the things God has done in and through us already on this trip. The church service last night was incredible- people were so excited and filled with the Holy Spirit. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. There's something about worshiping the same God with other people around the world, praising Him together, and sharing fellowship. The food has been INCREDIBLE and the home stays have provided interesting stories haha :) I'm so thankful for the families that opened up their homes to us.
Thank you so much for praying for us!
Ashley Aamot
San Marcos....what a great time of ministry! The Mime crew did four presentations at four different schools. Their audiences ranged in size from 70 to 250. They presented the Gospel to 511 students and teachers through these four outreaches. Towards the end of each presentation after our national evangelist, Luis Gilbert gives an invitation, response cards are distributed and collected while the team interacts with audience members. From the four presentations, 413 response cards have been collected. Although we do not have a specific number of first time decisions at this time, we anticipate many responses. Praise the Lord!!!! The mime crew is healthy, definately engaged and excited about the ministry they are having here in San Marcos. From a leadership perspective, this mime crew is very into what they are dointg here and doing an outstanding job. It is a pleasure serving the Lord with them and sharing in the experiences we've had to date.
Chris Erickson
Hello Everyone!!!! Today the mime team had four shows! They all went really well and we had great responses from all the kids. All the kids want autography and pictures with us! It's so great it's likewe are celebrities. All the people are so excited to see people from the United States. They like to comment on how tall we are and how short they are. Our first home stay was last night and we are so thankful for all the families for their hospitality! I am having such a great time here, but I do miss home. Please keep all of us in your prayers because tomorrow we are traveling!
Carley Shaw
To date, the team has played 3 games. The first game was played in from of 400 students. It was an excellent showing of hands at halftime to receive Christ. Our second game was not scheduled, the orginial game with the school was cancelled. So we went to a school near the church and asked if we could play. Their team was very good and it was a close game which we
won. We will be on the local news tonight as they filmed some of the game and interviewed the coach!! We played our third game 40 min outside of San Marcos. We won easily, but their girls beat us at soccer. The team visited a national park. Everyone is healthy and Stefan Dellis scored the first 2 points for the team this year. Everyone on the team is now on the scoring board. Keep praying.
Steve Healy
Hola from Guatemala! It's hard to imagine it's only day 3! We have packed as much as we possibly can into each day. Last night we had a praise service with a Guatemalan worship team. It was absolutely incredible. I don't think any of us have praised God with that much enthusiasium before, especially with not even completley knowing what we were singing. I have learned so much about the differeces between us and the Guatemalan people, however, we are more alike than I ever could have imagined. I'm also so grateful to be on the basketball team. We have played three games and we have been treated like heroes every step of the way. The rainforrest we went to today was awesome and it has the same problems as us. And yes mom I'm fine.
Nate Hilgenkamp
Monday, the team performed at the halftime of the basketball game. This was the first public performance infront of hundreds of high school aged students. The students were energized by the experience and the reception of the message with the audience. We performed again for our hosting church and host families as they threw a welcoming service for us. Today, we performed at both of the basketball games. The students are really growing from delivering their faith stories during our halftime shows. The public declaration of their faith is making them more bold and open with the people of Guatemala and with each other on the whole team. Actively using their spiritual gifts and being submerged in a full time ministry has definately
started a change in their hearts. I wish you could be here to see it. You will see the end resault. Thank you for your prayers. God bless.
Deitric Newman
We have been playing the numbers game, and for this post, will continue to do so. In the weeks and months before this adventure, the medical team has been collecting donations and purchasing medical supplies, scores of thousands of vitamins and a handful of lesser pleasant items. For customs' sake we knew the exact amount of pills and capsules, lot numbers and and bag numberof EVERYTHING. Counting scrubs and green t-shirts after every bathroom stop on the road has been, from a parent's prospective, most important. Clinic Day 1, we were to see 40 people, 50 time permitting. We returned to our church HQ after 136. A good number for what was to be a "half" day. Today we saw another 160. While nearly 300 were given hygienic advice, medical attention and vitamins/medicines, we have kept in mind the biggest number of all. We are priviledged, both Guatemalan and Minnesotan, to worship our ONE, all powerful, creative, loving God.
Justin Satterberg
At 10:08 PM ,
The Emersons said...
Thanks so much to all for the updates and the tremendous service! Ab, we are so happy to have been able to read your own words. We miss you and love you!!
Papa and Mama
At 10:12 PM ,
Beth said...
Great to hear how your first days are going! I love hearing how God is working in and through you. Keep up the amazing work and embracing those you serve. Praying each day for your safety, health, and for those you will impact. God bless!
Miss you and love you, Sarah!
At 10:14 PM ,
Kerry Fox said...
It was fabulous to read your posts! Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences. We continue to pray for your health and safety as you travel and serve. It was good to talk with you briefly, Tim. I'll specifically pray that you are able to find a solution to the picture posting problem soon. Praying for God's blessing on all of you as you get some needed rest tonight before heading to Malacatan.
At 11:46 PM ,
Nancy said...
What a joy and encouragement to hear of your going forward in faith and service to our loving and mighty Savior! Thank you for sharing your moment by moment experiences of worship, service, interactions, home stays, and food. The Lord is in it all and walks with you in delight! And He is glad for the use of bug repellant and anti-malarial pills. : ) We love you so Dear Katie Rose and are praying for strength, energy and good health for all of you. All of the faithful prayer sponsors are joining with us. Rest well; you are doing service for The King.
At 8:35 AM ,
Gail Meyer said...
Thank you for all the updates. We love hearing how God is working! We will continue to pray for safety and great health!! We love and miss you, Michelle. Jeff taught Tre how to water ski yesterday, and Miley got thrown in twice :) Blessings to all!!
At 8:36 AM ,
Anonymous said...
We are so proud of you all and what you are taking in and are giving out. Abby, you have what it takes!
Hugs, Grandma
At 12:36 PM ,
Jessica Schaetzke said...
Hola a todos los estudiantes que conoczco de EPHS!! I'm so excited to hear you are doing such great work down in Guatemala and El Salvador. It is one of my favorite places on earth and I'm so happy that you can experience it in all its glory. Don't forget to use your wonderful Spanish to get to know the people. Can't wait to hear more stories!
Con mucho amor, Srta. Schaetzke
At 1:14 PM ,
Rox Martin said...
It's so great to hear all the wonderful experiences you are having. Shelby has a tendency
to wear more paint than what she is painting. Wondering if I should look for a blue Shelby upon her return. Hope the weather is accomodating for all God has planned for you.
Can hardly wait to hear more.
Sending prayers your way.
Love and Hugs to you all :-)
At 2:35 PM ,
Tebbe's said...
Hey Mama Tebbe!!
Great to hear that the trip is starting off great! We miss you lots back at home though. Praying that you have a wonderful time and stay healthy. Keep on practicing your Spanish :) Can't wait to hear more about your super fun days. We love you mucho!
Stephie, Jill & Dad
At 4:45 PM ,
Joni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 4:45 PM ,
Joni said...
Abby--It's so great to get the updates on your experience so far! It made me smile to read your comment about the realization that even though we are different people, from different parts of the earth, we can all worship the same, one, true God! I have found that to be true myself having lived in different parts of the U.S. It can give you comfort; being in a foreign place, having that one (most important) thing in common! We continue to pray for you and excited to see the Lord leading you, teaching you and growing you. . . not to mention the blessing you are to everyone you meet. :)
Love, Aunt Joni
At 6:39 PM ,
Kari said...
LOVED reading the updates from all of you! Praise God for all the things he is doing and the ways he is using each of you to be his hands and feet!
And, as Justin reminded us, it is about out audience of ONE! Praise God for the ways HE is working for HIS glory... and for the joy of being a part of it both there and here as we pray! Praying for all of you daily!!!
At 8:23 PM ,
rabele231 said...
We are very, very grateful for all of you and this mission - for the staff in leading our kids and for the kids in putting their trust in God and living & bringing His grace. The "posts" are wonderful and heart-warming, and while we miss you all, they provide much comfort. Chris, we love you....stay well. Love, Rob,Karen and Pat
At 11:44 PM ,
becfur said...
Sweet dreams and God's blessings to you all and those you are serving! May He protect your travels and intestines as you continue on this great adventure!
Heart and hugs to you all -
Becky Tarvin
Shout out to sartar - love ya girl! Xo
At 11:34 PM ,
Dana said...
Peggy, Lynn, Mark and all of the team members, leaders, and interpreters... I am praying for you and loving the pictures and updates! God bless you all!! Greet all of the Guatemalans! Miss you, Dana Mattson
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