OCA 2011 is 20 days from departure! The time is flying by, but the students and leaders have been working hard so we have every confidence we will be ready to go at 2:30am Sunday morning June 12. For those who are trip supporters or interested in attending the send-off service it will be held 7pm, Saturday evening June 11. The teams will be introducing their members and explaing what they will be doing during our 2 weeks in Guatemala and El Salvador. We would love to have you come and be part of that event.
This year's team will travel to 3 different service sites - San Marcos and Malacatan in Guatemala and San Salvador in El Salvador - and also spend time in Guatemala City on our way to and from the other sites. We are taking a big team this year - nearly 60 students and 15 leaders - so there will be some challenges related to that. But having the large team provides the opportunity to add anew service team this year, a dram team to travel with the basketball team so that the mime team is able to present a longer program in other venues.
We covet your prayers, becuase we know we cannot do this trip on our own power. Please pray for safety during travel, whether it be to and from Guatemala, on the road between the cities, or during the days as the service teams spread out to perform their tasks. Pray for the churches we will be working with in each of the cities as well, that God will provide the resources and people they need to make our visit successful in God's eyes. And pray for the people we will be serving, that the Spirit will prepare their hearts for the message we bring. And finally please pray for our students, that they will have the energy to sustain them on this trip and that their hearts are also prepared for the work God has in place for them so that they are able to truly reflect God to the people we serve and also see what God is doing to them and through them.
There are 6 service teams this year.
Service: exemplifying God's love through performing whatever tasks - painting, construction, concrete work, etc, - they can to assist the partner churches and their fellow teammates.

Drama: presenting a short mime skit during the basketball halftime
showing the power of God's love and forgiveness.
Mime: providing a powerful story of the Gospel and life in Christ
to schools, churches, parks - anywhere we can set up the stage through a medium that avoids the language barrier.

Medical: providing care for spirit and body for people in areas
that do not have regular health care available (we have 2 nurses

Childrens: presenting the Gospel in schools, parks and orphanages
through stories, songs, puppets and play

Basketball: drawing crowds to hear the Salvadoran evangelist preach the Word and to see the drama team skit, as well as to build relationships through fun competition.
This year's team will travel to 3 different service sites - San Marcos and Malacatan in Guatemala and San Salvador in El Salvador - and also spend time in Guatemala City on our way to and from the other sites. We are taking a big team this year - nearly 60 students and 15 leaders - so there will be some challenges related to that. But having the large team provides the opportunity to add anew service team this year, a dram team to travel with the basketball team so that the mime team is able to present a longer program in other venues.
We covet your prayers, becuase we know we cannot do this trip on our own power. Please pray for safety during travel, whether it be to and from Guatemala, on the road between the cities, or during the days as the service teams spread out to perform their tasks. Pray for the churches we will be working with in each of the cities as well, that God will provide the resources and people they need to make our visit successful in God's eyes. And pray for the people we will be serving, that the Spirit will prepare their hearts for the message we bring. And finally please pray for our students, that they will have the energy to sustain them on this trip and that their hearts are also prepared for the work God has in place for them so that they are able to truly reflect God to the people we serve and also see what God is doing to them and through them.
There are 6 service teams this year.
Service: exemplifying God's love through performing whatever tasks - painting, construction, concrete work, etc, - they can to assist the partner churches and their fellow teammates.

Drama: presenting a short mime skit during the basketball halftime
showing the power of God's love and forgiveness.

to schools, churches, parks - anywhere we can set up the stage through a medium that avoids the language barrier.

Medical: providing care for spirit and body for people in areas
that do not have regular health care available (we have 2 nurses
traveling with us and will be joined by 1-2 Guatemalan doctors)

Childrens: presenting the Gospel in schools, parks and orphanages
through stories, songs, puppets and play

Basketball: drawing crowds to hear the Salvadoran evangelist preach the Word and to see the drama team skit, as well as to build relationships through fun competition.
Next stop - Guatemala City!
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