Full day in Malacatan - yikes is it hot!
Today was our last day in Malacatan. When the Guatemalan’s warned us it would be warmer here, they weren’t kidding. I understand it was up near 100 degrees today, with a humidity to match. We went through a lake’s worth of water, though, so everyone (so far, at least) is coping. We haven’t seen any serious sunburns on anyone, either, so praise God for continued health for the team.
The mime did 5 shows today, 3 in the sun. It was a draining but rewarding day with many of the audience members indicating they had made a decision to ask God into their life. The local church brought along a lot of their youth so they mingled with the crowds after the program to make a local connection with those making decisions and giving them information on what steps to take next. It was a true partnership between our team and theirs.
The childrens team “only” had 3 shows, but they spent a lot of time in the sun playing games and putting on puppet shows for the kids. At the last program 4 of the older kids (6th or 7th grade) not only raised their hands to indicate they had prayed to accept Christ, but were also willing to step forward out of the crowd to pray with the church representatives and talk about how to connect with the church. Between the mime and childrens teams we will have lots more company in heaven!
Service spent the day painting the inside of the host church, turning it from a perky orange to a soothing off-white. They finished the entire sanctuary and most of the stairs leading up from the street entrance - it looked great when they were done.
And then there is medical,. The saw nearly 300 (yep, 300) patients today, many who had very difficult situations. Apparently there is not a lot of medical care available for the people in the area and so many had gone without care for sometime. We used up a lot of the medicince we had brought and more that we had purchased here. It was a hard day for the nurses because a number of the patients had conditions that we just couldn’t treat. The whole team held on to the fact, though, of how many people they were able to help who would otherwise have continued to suffer. The kids have grown into their medical roles incredibly well. All I can say is God knows how to pick a team!
Tomorrow morning we had back southeast to the Lake Atitlan area. We will be driving about 5 hours back over the same roads we recently took up from Guatemala City. We have experienced many things over the days since we were last on those highways. We will end up in Santiago where we will have 1 and a half more days of service before we head into R&R time.
A couple prayer requests:
1) energy for the team to finish strong in Santiago. With all the performances that have already been done it is sometimes hard to be as energetic do the same thing one more time.
2) medicines for the medical team. Because of the volume of patients and the severity of the cases we have used up nearly all of our medicines. Pray that we will be able to find (and have the money for) the medicines we need to finish the next clinics.
3) overall focus for the team. They have been great so far, but the pace is wearing us all down little by little. Pray that we end strong in Santiago so we head into R&R with confidence that we have done our best for God and the people of Guatemala.
Gracias for you prayers and support! Enjoy the pictures from today’s activities and some notes from team members…
Hola Tebbe & Sullivan Families,
It’s Monday today and we just finished doing children’s programs at 3 schools. Many kids raised there hands to indicate they had accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior! It was definitely worth all the sweat due to the heat and humidity. What a privilege to part of this missions trip. It only took 1 full day to recover from being sick and 2 to be back singing and dancing with the kids, God is Good Sabu!!! Happy Father’s day Larry, hope you had a fun and successful fishing trip. I Love You and miss you Grande! Jill, hope you got the job you wanted and all is well in Fargo, missing you Mucho! Que Pasa Steph, Victor and William both say Hi back to you and wish you were here besides me. Maybe next year?!
Thanks for all your prayer’s Mom, Laura, Tom, Connerton’s, and all you Sullivan’s, and friends, we couldn’t do any thing without them. I’ll see you in a week. Got to go, I miss and love you all!
Hi Denice and Danielle,
We have been seeing many children ask Jesus into their heart on the mission trip. We are at Malacatan which is near the border of Mexico. We can see the highest point in Central America from our home stay. It is where Danielle’s birthmother lives, Volcano Tumulaco. Trying to get some good pictures of it, but I do have our home stays e-mail address here and they have some very nice pictures that they could share. Learning some Spanish, but I still have mas to learn. Hope everyone is doing well. I miss you guys. We have a day of travel tomorrow and some mission work in Santiago Atitlan.
Love you, Terry.
It is so hot we are melting like popsicles.
Katie Unger
Hi family. Its super hot and humid in Malacatan. I’ve been pushed way out of my comfort zone over these past few days. My home stay doesn’t have a real shower so I had to take a basin shower outside. Church here on Sunday was VERY different from anything I’ve ever experienced. All the Guatemalan kids were crying and screaming and falling down on the floor. Even though it was quite frightening to me, I’m glad I was able to experience something so unique. Love you and I can’t wait to get home and take a hot shower and sleep with a real pillow.
PS. I sprained my ankle the first day we got here, but the bruising and swelling is starting to go down and it doesn’t hurt as much. I’m starting to think I might live. Love ya!
From, Aimee
HEY family!! ITS Autumn. Thank you for the support that you have been giving our group on this blog. It haws been a really cool experience down here and I cant wait to share all the stories with you. Tell Bowe I say happy belated birthday and tell Ron and dad I say happy fathers day!! And Rayna as well. Anyway its all good. Just keep praying for us. LOVE you all.
-Autumn Blatz
Mom I forgot to feed Magenta (my bamboo plant next to my bed.) it would mean the world to me if you would feed it. Thanks mom. Love you lots.
First time on the blog. The mime team has been doing a great job! They’ve presented the 30 minute program 20 times in a variety of settings to a total audience of over 5,000 people. Many people have received Jesus……hundreds. Everyone is tired after doing 5 presentations today, but now enjoying a pizza dinner and I’m sure a good night’s rest tonight. It’s an amazing time. Keep praying.
Chris Erickson

The mime did 5 shows today, 3 in the sun. It was a draining but rewarding day with many of the audience members indicating they had made a decision to ask God into their life. The local church brought along a lot of their youth so they mingled with the crowds after the program to make a local connection with those making decisions and giving them information on what steps to take next. It was a true partnership between our team and theirs.
The childrens team “only” had 3 shows, but they spent a lot of time in the sun playing games and putting on puppet shows for the kids. At the last program 4 of the older kids (6th or 7th grade) not only raised their hands to indicate they had prayed to accept Christ, but were also willing to step forward out of the crowd to pray with the church representatives and talk about how to connect with the church. Between the mime and childrens teams we will have lots more company in heaven!
Service spent the day painting the inside of the host church, turning it from a perky orange to a soothing off-white. They finished the entire sanctuary and most of the stairs leading up from the street entrance - it looked great when they were done.
And then there is medical,. The saw nearly 300 (yep, 300) patients today, many who had very difficult situations. Apparently there is not a lot of medical care available for the people in the area and so many had gone without care for sometime. We used up a lot of the medicince we had brought and more that we had purchased here. It was a hard day for the nurses because a number of the patients had conditions that we just couldn’t treat. The whole team held on to the fact, though, of how many people they were able to help who would otherwise have continued to suffer. The kids have grown into their medical roles incredibly well. All I can say is God knows how to pick a team!
Tomorrow morning we had back southeast to the Lake Atitlan area. We will be driving about 5 hours back over the same roads we recently took up from Guatemala City. We have experienced many things over the days since we were last on those highways. We will end up in Santiago where we will have 1 and a half more days of service before we head into R&R time.
A couple prayer requests:
1) energy for the team to finish strong in Santiago. With all the performances that have already been done it is sometimes hard to be as energetic do the same thing one more time.
2) medicines for the medical team. Because of the volume of patients and the severity of the cases we have used up nearly all of our medicines. Pray that we will be able to find (and have the money for) the medicines we need to finish the next clinics.
3) overall focus for the team. They have been great so far, but the pace is wearing us all down little by little. Pray that we end strong in Santiago so we head into R&R with confidence that we have done our best for God and the people of Guatemala.
Gracias for you prayers and support! Enjoy the pictures from today’s activities and some notes from team members…
Hola Tebbe & Sullivan Families,
It’s Monday today and we just finished doing children’s programs at 3 schools. Many kids raised there hands to indicate they had accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior! It was definitely worth all the sweat due to the heat and humidity. What a privilege to part of this missions trip. It only took 1 full day to recover from being sick and 2 to be back singing and dancing with the kids, God is Good Sabu!!! Happy Father’s day Larry, hope you had a fun and successful fishing trip. I Love You and miss you Grande! Jill, hope you got the job you wanted and all is well in Fargo, missing you Mucho! Que Pasa Steph, Victor and William both say Hi back to you and wish you were here besides me. Maybe next year?!
Thanks for all your prayer’s Mom, Laura, Tom, Connerton’s, and all you Sullivan’s, and friends, we couldn’t do any thing without them. I’ll see you in a week. Got to go, I miss and love you all!
Hi Denice and Danielle,
We have been seeing many children ask Jesus into their heart on the mission trip. We are at Malacatan which is near the border of Mexico. We can see the highest point in Central America from our home stay. It is where Danielle’s birthmother lives, Volcano Tumulaco. Trying to get some good pictures of it, but I do have our home stays e-mail address here and they have some very nice pictures that they could share. Learning some Spanish, but I still have mas to learn. Hope everyone is doing well. I miss you guys. We have a day of travel tomorrow and some mission work in Santiago Atitlan.
Love you, Terry.
It is so hot we are melting like popsicles.
Katie Unger
Hi family. Its super hot and humid in Malacatan. I’ve been pushed way out of my comfort zone over these past few days. My home stay doesn’t have a real shower so I had to take a basin shower outside. Church here on Sunday was VERY different from anything I’ve ever experienced. All the Guatemalan kids were crying and screaming and falling down on the floor. Even though it was quite frightening to me, I’m glad I was able to experience something so unique. Love you and I can’t wait to get home and take a hot shower and sleep with a real pillow.
PS. I sprained my ankle the first day we got here, but the bruising and swelling is starting to go down and it doesn’t hurt as much. I’m starting to think I might live. Love ya!
From, Aimee
HEY family!! ITS Autumn. Thank you for the support that you have been giving our group on this blog. It haws been a really cool experience down here and I cant wait to share all the stories with you. Tell Bowe I say happy belated birthday and tell Ron and dad I say happy fathers day!! And Rayna as well. Anyway its all good. Just keep praying for us. LOVE you all.
-Autumn Blatz
Mom I forgot to feed Magenta (my bamboo plant next to my bed.) it would mean the world to me if you would feed it. Thanks mom. Love you lots.
First time on the blog. The mime team has been doing a great job! They’ve presented the 30 minute program 20 times in a variety of settings to a total audience of over 5,000 people. Many people have received Jesus……hundreds. Everyone is tired after doing 5 presentations today, but now enjoying a pizza dinner and I’m sure a good night’s rest tonight. It’s an amazing time. Keep praying.
Chris Erickson
At 12:20 AM ,
StephanieT said...
hey madre! It sounds like you're having such a great time and I am so glad you are feeling all better now. I wish I was there with you!! I have just been busy working and all that fun stuff. It was fun to see you in some of the photos, you look great! Dad had a fun fathers day fishing with Matt. We miss you mucho though. I am so happy you are having a good time but I can't wait for you to come home to meee. I will keep praying for you and the team. I love you bunches!! Dios Bendiga!
p.s. oh Jill is going to start working at famous daves in a couple days! she is pretty excited :)
At 12:43 AM ,
kathy said...
Hola Kendall-ita. The numbers from this trip are amazing...5 performances with 3 in the sun, 3 kid's shows, 100s coming to Christ!, 300 patients, 1 beautiful sanctuary, 5 hours on the road on a once in a lifetime journey! God is good all the time---all the time, He is good! Just in case you ever get the urge to write a quick note on the blog...it's not like I stay up super-duper late or wake up reeeeaaaally early to see if the blog has been updated...I wouldn't do that...much... We're still praying... Love you! Mom
At 4:22 AM ,
Holzworth's said...
Lindsey it was wonderful reading your blog the other day and seeing photos of you are so great. You are such an inspiration to us and to the people their and the many lives you are touching. We pray for you and all the teams constantly, may God continue to give you all the strength each day to do His work and touch the lives of the people of Guatemala, you all have done that in each team you serve.
Lindsey we are soo excited to see you next Sunday, may you have a wonderful rest of the week, we're so glad you all have some R&R coming up as it seems you all have been working extremely hard. We pray for safe travel today too. We love you and miss you sooo much Lindsey. Mom, Dad and Luke
At 6:52 AM ,
Laura Jordan said...
Becca - It sounds like the medical team has really been stretched. I know you're probably feeling a bit tired and drained. I'm glad you'll have a few days of rest before you return home. The snapdragons are starting to bloom. Take lots of pictures. You'll be glad you did. We miss you.
Muchos besos,
At 10:18 AM ,
Margie Unger said...
Hello, Central American Team (and especially Katie Unger!!). We have LOVED reading everyone's postings and following along with your incredible experiences serving the people of Guatemala. Your schedule sounds grueling and the heat is unreal - so it is evident that God is working in powerful ways to keep you all sustained. We are praying for a strong finish and for each member of the team to experience new and fresh awareness of God's power and goodness. Katie - we love you SO much and we all miss you here at the Rushes. We are having fun, but not too much because that would be wrong without you here :). We can't wait till you are back with us, but at the same time, I hope that these last days will be full and rich and won't go by TOO quickly for you. Keep up the great work with those precious children. You are making such a difference in their lives!!! Love you tons and tons. Hugs and kisses, Mom Unger
At 4:04 PM ,
Maria Elizabeth said...
Hello Maria!! Your requests have been done. Amanda had actually already taken care of Magenta. We miss you a lot. It is so quiet around here but we are also glad that you are having such a sucessful trip!! You are already getting emails from fans from San Marcos. We are so looking forward to seeing you Sunday evening and hope that the rest of the trip is wonderful for you and the whole team. Enjoy the rest of your time. Don't think about home. It is all under control. We will be praying for you all for energy, safety and health!!
Love, Mom, Craig and Amanda.
At 4:17 PM ,
The Jaspers said...
OCA Team, we are praying for strength and perseverance for each of you! Sounds like it has been one of the best experiences of your lives, as well as challenging at times. Way to trust God and do His will in all circumstances!!! Here are a couple verses of encouragement. Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." Ephesians 6:10, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power." How comforting to know that we are not to be strong in our own power, but in The Lord and His power. He will provide! Sam, we love you and miss you. Not the same without you; and we are still getting used to your bedroom being spotless. :))) XOXO
At 5:30 PM ,
Vicki said...
So good to hear from YOU!! I've cherished the blog and photos that help paint the picture of what you're experiencing! We're praying for so many of your requests/needs especially that God provides YOU, your children's team and ALL the other teams the energy you ALL need to finish STRONG!
“The happy heart runs with the river, floats on the air, lifts to the music, soars with the eagle, hopes with the prayer.”
Enjoy all your experiencing! I keep wondering if your spanish has been helpful!
Love you, Mom
At 6:32 PM ,
Kerry and Colin said...
It is great to hear your about your journey! Thanks for sharing the pictures as well. I hope you have a chance to check out the Chicago blog. Great things are happening there too! Praying for all of you... II. Peter 1:5-8
Kerry and Colin
P.S.- We love you, Tim. It is hot here today...for a change. We are headed to Colin's soccer game soon. Kathy is joining me. Took my car to the shop for a tuneup. Where is the extended warrantee information if it's needed? Will take yours tomorrow for tuneup on Thursday. Hopefully both vehicles will not need anything major since you aren't here.
At 8:30 PM ,
Anonymous said...
You guys ROCK! I am proud of all of you and I am praying for you to finish strong and really lean on the relationships you have developed as part of God's team. Let the Spirit continue to flow through you!
Bob Moberg
At 11:33 PM ,
Luke Holzworth said...
Hey Lindsey
I hope you are having a great time in Guatemala. Im having fun at Basketball Camp. Its half way over Im sad but Football Camp starts next month. I cant wait until next Sunday when you get home. Ill be there with Mom and Dad.
Have a Great Time,
Luke Holzworth
At 8:02 AM ,
Anonymous said...
To Granddaughter, Ashley Davis-
Every morning I race to my computer to see what you did the day before. Thank you so much for letting us share in your journey. It's such a thrill to read about what the different teams are doing - and then you give us the privilege of sharing your prayer requests. Awesome.
May God continue to bless your mission trip - and those you have brought to Christ.
Sending you a BIG HUG and lots of love......Gram
At 9:05 AM ,
Kathy Sommerville said...
Aimee- Sorry to hear you sprained your ankle. From the pictures it looks like you are being a trooper. Excited to hear more about your experiences and see your pictures. What you are doing will last for eternity. Way to bless the Lord! Neat to hear about the partnership with the churches there. That follow up is key! I'll have your favorite cake waiting to celebrate your birthday!! We all love you...
At 6:03 PM ,
Annie Thoresen said...
I'm missing you guys a BUNCH! I can't wait to see you guys and hear about your amazing stories when you get back!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Annie Thoresen
At 1:37 PM ,
Lisa said...
Praying for you every day!! So good to read the updates today...you are all doing an amazing work, keep up the great work! Know that there are hundreds lifting you up to God in prayer :).
Trev, you look great, I love you bud!
Chris, good to read your update!
Peggy, glad you are better...I'm praying for you for complete healing!
Stay strong in the Lord!!!
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