On to Malacatan
Buenas tardes from Malacatan, Guatemala! After a day and a half of service in San Marcos, today we made the short drive down the mountan to Malacatan. We are now in the coastal plain, so we are more used to the altitude, but the temperature is much warmer so it's kind of an even trade.
We stopped at a national park on the way down the mountain. It was a beautiful place - a valley cut through the mountains by a small river. It is a reserve for the national bird - the Quetzal. Wewalked down to where a nest was supposed to be, but we did not see any birds. It was a good walk, though, down to the river. Everyone had fun climbing around the waterfalls and river. After climbing back up to the top where the buses were we all ready to sit down again for a bit.
Driving again, as we got closer to Malacatan the rain started in. It wasn't real heavy, but quite steady. It continued for the rest of the afternoon so it made things a little more interesting. The basketball team could not play a game, but they still went out on the court (in the rain) and shot around with some students from the school. The drama team put on 2 performances so they were still able to share the message of God's love and grace with the students.
The Children's team went to a local school and had a good afternoon. They were able to do their program inside, but then went out to the playground and played games and jumped rope with the school children in the rain. Medical did another half day clinic. It was in a much smaller facility, so they really felt the heat and humidity. They had a good day as well. Please remember them especially in your prayers as they will feel the effects of the climate more than any of the other teams.
Mime was able to do their program at a local school and at the church service this evening. They are continually improving their skills, and every presentation has a powerful impact on the audience. Service spent the afternoon painting some of the classroooms at the church so they were able to be inside as well. Everyone is still doing fairly well.
As we start our next set of service days we will continue to encourage the students to eat and drink - especially drink. Here in Malacatan it is hot and humid. It will likely rain every day with temperatures in the 80s and 90s.
The church here is very excited to have us back. Last year was our first year here and it went really well. This year they have prepared even more for us. Every one is staying with a church family, so we all have an opportunity to build significant bonds with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The worship time was amazing,with lots of music and active worship. The church has nearly doubled in size since last year, from around 300 to nearly 600. The pastor is very dynamic and they are an outreach-oriented congregation. We are looking forward to 2 great days of ministry.
I will close for now as it is once again time for bed. We will work on getting some student input for tomorrow's blog entry. God bless you all, and thank you once again for your prayers! And thanks for the responses you are posting to the blog. We will make them available for the students so they can see the depth of support they have back home. Here are a few pictures of the earlier days.
Buenas noches!

We stopped at a national park on the way down the mountain. It was a beautiful place - a valley cut through the mountains by a small river. It is a reserve for the national bird - the Quetzal. Wewalked down to where a nest was supposed to be, but we did not see any birds. It was a good walk, though, down to the river. Everyone had fun climbing around the waterfalls and river. After climbing back up to the top where the buses were we all ready to sit down again for a bit.
Driving again, as we got closer to Malacatan the rain started in. It wasn't real heavy, but quite steady. It continued for the rest of the afternoon so it made things a little more interesting. The basketball team could not play a game, but they still went out on the court (in the rain) and shot around with some students from the school. The drama team put on 2 performances so they were still able to share the message of God's love and grace with the students.
The Children's team went to a local school and had a good afternoon. They were able to do their program inside, but then went out to the playground and played games and jumped rope with the school children in the rain. Medical did another half day clinic. It was in a much smaller facility, so they really felt the heat and humidity. They had a good day as well. Please remember them especially in your prayers as they will feel the effects of the climate more than any of the other teams.
Mime was able to do their program at a local school and at the church service this evening. They are continually improving their skills, and every presentation has a powerful impact on the audience. Service spent the afternoon painting some of the classroooms at the church so they were able to be inside as well. Everyone is still doing fairly well.
As we start our next set of service days we will continue to encourage the students to eat and drink - especially drink. Here in Malacatan it is hot and humid. It will likely rain every day with temperatures in the 80s and 90s.
The church here is very excited to have us back. Last year was our first year here and it went really well. This year they have prepared even more for us. Every one is staying with a church family, so we all have an opportunity to build significant bonds with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The worship time was amazing,with lots of music and active worship. The church has nearly doubled in size since last year, from around 300 to nearly 600. The pastor is very dynamic and they are an outreach-oriented congregation. We are looking forward to 2 great days of ministry.
I will close for now as it is once again time for bed. We will work on getting some student input for tomorrow's blog entry. God bless you all, and thank you once again for your prayers! And thanks for the responses you are posting to the blog. We will make them available for the students so they can see the depth of support they have back home. Here are a few pictures of the earlier days.
Buenas noches!
At 6:27 AM ,
Kate said...
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At 6:32 AM ,
Kassie said...
We are so proud of you! God has provided for you in so many ways. We are thankful for your safety, ability to serve, and for the amazing leaders who are taking such great care of the group! We continue to pray daily for each student and leader...Please give Malia a hug and a kiss from her mama! :) Keep up the great work!
At 9:35 AM ,
Elizabeth said...
Dear Em,
I hope that you are having the most wonderful time on this trip! I hope that you have learned a lot so far.
I know that you are helping others come close to Christ. I hope that it's also encouraging your faith and that you continue to grow through this trip.
I hope that you have had an awesome time playing and singing with the kids. I also hope that your home stays have been marvelous, that you've had a great time with your host family's and with your partner!
You are in my prayers and everyone else's. I love and miss you!
Lots of love,
Your sis Elizabeth
At 9:56 AM ,
Gail Meyer said...
Thanks for the pictures! They are wonderful to see. Michelle, here's a hug and kiss from me. Hope you are staying well. Sounds like you are seeing a lot of people in clinic. Love you so much!!
At 10:04 AM ,
marcia said...
Praising God for all He has done and will do on this amazing trip. We are praying for each of you, that you will stay healthy and energetic to continue to learn, grow and serve Him. Jared, can't wait to hear all about your team's work - it sounds like you have been very busy! We love you and miss you ~ mom, dad and the fam
At 1:03 PM ,
Andi said...
I miss you so much, but I hope you are having an amazing time :) I have so much to tell you when you get back, but I know you'll have even more to tell me! I love you so much and have been praying for you and the group often. Keep spreading God's love. I can't wait to see you! IMKU
Love, Imba
At 1:21 PM ,
Elizabeth Z said...
Saw you sitting with your children's team - you were easy to spot in my old jersey. I hope that you are enjoying your time in Guatemala. I see some familiar sights, but also some new ones. Keep enjoying the loving and adoring children. I can't wait to hear about the things that you are learning and the ways that you're able to serve that you weren't expecting. Keep persevering through the hard work.
Y recuerde Jesus es la unica razon para la paz.
Te amo,
At 3:34 PM ,
Mogcks said...
Sounds like you are feeling the heat and cherishing the cool rain when it happens. So grateful that God is keeping you safe and well. Drew, we miss your humor around the house. We are happy that your team is able to perform so often. Keep motioning the Message--it is a beautiful love story.
Mom & Susan :)
At 3:45 PM ,
Sheryl and Gary said...
Danae - Hope you are enjoying working with the Children and showing God's love through your actions. Have fun and we are praying for the entire group. Love, Sheryl and Gary
At 4:44 PM ,
Zahorskys said...
So glad that you are not letting the rain slow you down or diminish your goals. In fact, playing in the rain sounds like a good metaphor for life. Danae, Mom and I hope that you are now recouping some of the sleep that you missed the last week of school, although you can always wait to sleep until you are 80 and not as active. Elizabeth is back in New York, and Aunt Marlene came yesterday, so it is still not quiet at home. FYI, you are top band. Knowing how much you enjoy ministering to younger kids, we are sure that you are doing great. We miss you and are continuing to pray for you and the group.
Dad Z
At 5:05 PM ,
TAG said...
SOMEBODY in Guatemala, please give this message to AMY GREENE:
"Karlene's surgery was a complete success and she is now cancer-free; the best possible outcome"
All the glory to Him!
Love, Mom & Dad (Tom & Jeanne)
At 5:32 PM ,
Kate Crane said...
Dear Guat Team:
Coming back and hearing the stories that you have posted on put a huge smile on my face. I have been praying for you often since you left, knowing that God is doing amazing things in your life. I am praying daily for your energy, so that you can serve God fruitfully. Remember not to hold anything back but to give 100% in all that you are doing. God will reward you for your service to Him, and will daily give you the energy you need to make it through. Don't ever forget how deeply you are loved! God is using you. Keep up the great work!
With love and prayers,
Kate Crane
At 6:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
SCHULTZ - We all have so much to be thankful for. I don't mean just that Miami lost in the NBA Finals!!!
You guys are all so gifted and to see you perform the Saturday night before you left was amazing. I know you're all winning hearts to the Lord daily. Keep working together as one big team because the real goal is to spread Jesus' love to everyone you meet. I'm very excited for each of you. I've known so many of you over the last few years and I'm amazed at the incredible things you each are doing and how you're all increasing His kingdom. I love you all and will continue to pray. Dan - I'm sending the blogs from Guatemala up to Mom at project colorado and that group will pray for you guys too!!!
Do they have dilly bars in Guatemala?
At 8:40 PM ,
Connie said...
Heidi it sounds like you hit the ground running with your first clinic! I'm sure God is doing amazing things through all of you! I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures. Sarah started at the patisserie (she tells me it is not a bakery). She came home covered in chocolate and flour. Her day was long but perfect!! Amanda is enjoying her new job as well. We miss you and are praying for you and everyone there everyday. Say hi for me to all of my friends from Guatamala last year. Love you tons Connie, Amanda, Sarah (Bear)
At 8:42 PM ,
Connie said...
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At 9:37 PM ,
JACK said...
At 11:14 PM ,
Kerry Fox said...
Thanks again for posting as you are able. Thanks, Tim, for working so diligently to overcome the picture upload issue. Please let Cam know he is in my thoughts and prayers. I have had several opportunities in clinic to talk about the trip. Praying for God's plentiful grace for each individual as the novelty of the trip wears off and fatigue enters the experience.
At 6:32 AM ,
Mark and Kate said...
Hola Lauren,
Te extranamos muchusimo y esperamos que no te hayas puesto enferma, cuidado con el agua! Puff y Nuggett dicen hola y Mama esta practicando Espanol para hablar contigo cuando vuelves. Te queremos y oramos siempre para ti y todos contigo.
Mama y Papa
At 9:16 AM ,
TAG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 6:35 PM ,
NanaBanana said...
Hey David S!
We LOVE seeing pics of you on the blog! One looks like you are soaking up the sun on a roof. We look forward seeing and hearing more about this amazing trip.
Today we celebrated Kai's first birthday at a park in St Paul... in the pouring rain. Good thing there was a picnic shelter. Jason had just arrived from Taiwan and will ride the BWUB this year. Del and Warren look forward to seeing you as well.
We are praying for you and the entire mission team.
Love, Mom
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