Overnight in Guatemala City
We're back in the Panamerican Hotel in Guatemala City tonight. This morning we enjoyed a service with the Renueva Church congregation. We had an hour of worship with great music, followed by a presentation by our mime group and then a message presented by Mark. Afterwards we emjoyed a spaghetti dinner with the church families before heading for an afternoon of shopping in Antigua. It was cloudy by the time we got there but the rain held off so it was nice and cool for all the bargaining and treasure hunting. We left there about 6 and came back into Guatemala City for a gourmet meal at a place very familiar to everyone - a mall food court. The Mile Flores mall is one of the largest and newest in Guatemala City and has a lot of the favorite restaraunts from home.
From there we came in to the hotel and right to bed. Tomorrow is another early morning as we will be leaving at 6:30 for San Salvador. We have to build in a little cushion to our travel time as we have to cross the border and it is never certain how long that process will be.
We're heading into our last 2 days of service, so please pray for renewed energy and excitement for our team. Everyone is feeling the pace a bit now, and it gets a little harder to be enthusiastic about things we have been doing over and over for the past 2 cities. God is good - he has been providing for us and protecting us is ways we could not have imagined or planned.
I'll post again from San Salvador when I can get connected. Thanks for all your support so far. The team has had a tremendous impact on the people of Guatemala, our partner churches, and each other. We are looking forward to whatever God has in store for us in El Salvador.
Dios te bediga!
From there we came in to the hotel and right to bed. Tomorrow is another early morning as we will be leaving at 6:30 for San Salvador. We have to build in a little cushion to our travel time as we have to cross the border and it is never certain how long that process will be.
We're heading into our last 2 days of service, so please pray for renewed energy and excitement for our team. Everyone is feeling the pace a bit now, and it gets a little harder to be enthusiastic about things we have been doing over and over for the past 2 cities. God is good - he has been providing for us and protecting us is ways we could not have imagined or planned.
I'll post again from San Salvador when I can get connected. Thanks for all your support so far. The team has had a tremendous impact on the people of Guatemala, our partner churches, and each other. We are looking forward to whatever God has in store for us in El Salvador.
Dios te bediga!
At 7:58 AM ,
Lisa said...
We are praying for the BORDER! We miss you so much and cannot wait to hear your stories of God's faithfulness! Love and Hugs to you! Dave and Lisa Schmid
At 9:04 AM ,
Mark and Sara Solfelt said...
So thankful to hear everything continues to be going so well. We, too, will be praying for your time in El Salvador. Much love and prayer to you all. Mark and Sara Solfelt
At 10:31 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I will be praying for your team as it goes through the border and begins the last leg of service.
I love seeing all the pictures of the teams - it brings back great memories. :)
God bless all of you as you finish strong!!
Jessica (Feigal) Borchardt
At 2:52 PM ,
Samuel George said...
It has been good to hear about your travels and adventures down in Guatemala. Don't get too fluent down there and find a nice Spanish chica to marry and live with growing a banana plantation living a happy life as the only blonde in that village. It is lonely up here with out my pal so hurry home. Also, I am Dragon.
Samuel George Dragon Knutson
P.S. How is your health? Are you solid if you know what I mean?
P.P.S. Please blog about one of your favorite experiences soon.
At 5:09 PM ,
Kerry Fox said...
Thanks for the regular updates! I'm trusting God made the border crossing smooth...or had a lesson in reliance on Him if it did not go smoothly. Praying for all of you to keep your eyes on Jesus as you finish the race strong!!! Tim, remind the team of the great truths in Philippians 4:4-9, 11-13. Please tell Cam his absence is very much missed!!! Love ya both...
At 8:00 PM ,
Elizabeth said...
you went to the ocean!!! No way! I went to the ocean for the first time last month, and we were on the same coastline...not too far apart (though mine was a white beach). How is children's team going? Have you mastered El Sapo yet? Or have you gotten to put on any facepaint? Did you enjoy shopping in the markets of Antigua? I love that place - one of my friends from college actually lives in that city. Some day I hope to visit him while he's there. Enjoy El Salvador, another lovely country!
love you!!!
At 11:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much for adding more hours to your long days and updating us about the events of the day, the ministries and how team members are doing. We eagerly look forward to each posting.So glad you had some moments to play. Will be praying for the Lord to strengthen you with renewed energy for the missions ahead and safety as you venture into new territories - the Phil. passages is such a great encouragement. And when the songs are sounding repetitive & the routines routine,remember they are newsongs,new words,Good News,critical news, important caring for and tending to, the
ones whose day it is to hear, to decide, to see Jesus in you. Allelujah What A Savior!
At 5:46 AM ,
Connie said...
Heidi - We all are missing you and hope you are feeling well. So glad to hear that the boader crossing went smoothly. Clearly you are right were God wants you to be. We are praying for everyone to have renewed energy and strength as you go into the home stretch! Remember God will provide for everything that you need!! Love you and miss you! Stay strong.
Connie, Amanda and Sarah
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