R&R day
Hello from the Royal Decameron in Sonsonate, El Salvador. This is a beautiful resort on the Pacific coast. It has been very hot and sunny since we arrived yesterday afternoon so everyone is enjoying the beach and pools. Last night we had a great team worship time with siinging, students sharing what they have learned, and a special message from William, our Salvadoran evangelist. A very powerful night. There was a huge thunderstorm during the meeting which added to the the experience. We leave in a couple hours (around 1pm for a 5 hour bus ride back to Guatemala City. We will be in the Panamerican Hotel for tonight and then tomorrow we head back to the States. Below are a couple posts (everyone has been too busy relaxing to write much) and some more pictures. If you don't see your student in the team photo don't worry, we didn't lose them. There were a couple kids who came late so they are not in this picture but they are in the "official" picture that will be available after we get home.
Thanks again for your support!
I have been changed! God is so AWESOME and He has continually shown His love to all of us on this mission. As a co-leader on the Service Team, I had the privledge to work with some amazing students who showed extreme patience, perserverance, and strength. We endured many days of painting in extreme heat/humidity in San Marcos/Malacatan/Guatemala City as well as building a wall and a roof for two families in San Salvador. The team was split in 2 for the projects in San Salvador. I worked with half of the team on building the roof. We worked really hard to accomplish the task in 2 days; I was really proud of the team for what they did. God works in crazy ways! Quick story...I was about to go up on the roof right before our lunch break. The houses in the neighborhood that we worked on were directly next to each other (they share a wall on either side). I climbed up the ladder and used the neighbors' wall as a support to climb up onto the roof that we were working on. My knee slipped and went directly into the roof of the neighbors house (no worries Brenna, I was fully supported outside of my knee). Immediately, the lady from the house next door came out of her house holding pieces of her roof asking us what happened and if we were going to fix it. I told her that I was extremely sorry and that we would definitely fix it.
As we were fixing it, we noticed that she probably was experiencing water issues even before I put a whole in her roof. So, in an effort to show God's love to her, we added cement to her roof and caulking on the inside to prevent the flow of water from pentrating the inside of her house. She had a big smile on her face when she noticed that we were doing more than just fix the hole. As funny as it may seem, God used my knee to help this family in a way that we would not have even known about. How cool??!! After we finished the roof...we prayed with the father of the family. Then, we all gave him hugs...when the last person gave a hug to him, his face was full of tears - tears of extreme happiness! It was amazing to be a part of that experience! Tomorrow, we will be home...but, the mission isn't over. My prayer is that my life, as well as other fellow Christians' lives, will be in a constant state of mission. We are blessed, let's use our blessing to bless others even if it is in our own country! Brenna - I will see you and Junies (our baby to be) tomorrow night! Miss you and love you lots!
Tom Ramy
Hey Family!!!
This is Katie Hauge. I lovve you guys so much and i miss you all!! This trip has been an absolutely incredible and life changing experience! God has worked in some incredible ways and i am so excited to tello you guys about it when i get back. I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!Please have a MIlos sandwich for me. Dad: I hope you had an excellent father's day, I want to celebrate with you guys when i get back. see you in less than 36 hours!!!i can't wait!!
Much love, Katie Hauge

Thanks again for your support!
I have been changed! God is so AWESOME and He has continually shown His love to all of us on this mission. As a co-leader on the Service Team, I had the privledge to work with some amazing students who showed extreme patience, perserverance, and strength. We endured many days of painting in extreme heat/humidity in San Marcos/Malacatan/Guatemala City as well as building a wall and a roof for two families in San Salvador. The team was split in 2 for the projects in San Salvador. I worked with half of the team on building the roof. We worked really hard to accomplish the task in 2 days; I was really proud of the team for what they did. God works in crazy ways! Quick story...I was about to go up on the roof right before our lunch break. The houses in the neighborhood that we worked on were directly next to each other (they share a wall on either side). I climbed up the ladder and used the neighbors' wall as a support to climb up onto the roof that we were working on. My knee slipped and went directly into the roof of the neighbors house (no worries Brenna, I was fully supported outside of my knee). Immediately, the lady from the house next door came out of her house holding pieces of her roof asking us what happened and if we were going to fix it. I told her that I was extremely sorry and that we would definitely fix it.
As we were fixing it, we noticed that she probably was experiencing water issues even before I put a whole in her roof. So, in an effort to show God's love to her, we added cement to her roof and caulking on the inside to prevent the flow of water from pentrating the inside of her house. She had a big smile on her face when she noticed that we were doing more than just fix the hole. As funny as it may seem, God used my knee to help this family in a way that we would not have even known about. How cool??!! After we finished the roof...we prayed with the father of the family. Then, we all gave him hugs...when the last person gave a hug to him, his face was full of tears - tears of extreme happiness! It was amazing to be a part of that experience! Tomorrow, we will be home...but, the mission isn't over. My prayer is that my life, as well as other fellow Christians' lives, will be in a constant state of mission. We are blessed, let's use our blessing to bless others even if it is in our own country! Brenna - I will see you and Junies (our baby to be) tomorrow night! Miss you and love you lots!
Tom Ramy
Hey Family!!!
This is Katie Hauge. I lovve you guys so much and i miss you all!! This trip has been an absolutely incredible and life changing experience! God has worked in some incredible ways and i am so excited to tello you guys about it when i get back. I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!Please have a MIlos sandwich for me. Dad: I hope you had an excellent father's day, I want to celebrate with you guys when i get back. see you in less than 36 hours!!!i can't wait!!
Much love, Katie Hauge
At 1:04 PM ,
Sheri said...
Praise God for all He has done. We are thankful for each one of you and can't wait to get you all home.
Thanks be to God, who always leads you in triumph in Christ, and manifests through you the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Cor 2:14
At 1:33 PM ,
Kerry Fox said...
What a great group picture...looking forward to seeing the whole gang! Hope to talk with several of you about your experiences! You are loved...
At 1:57 PM ,
Brenna Ramy said...
I'm glad you were supported Mr. Ramy! (By the roof and God) Me and this baby want you to come home in one piece. I am so thankful for all the God has done in and through you and the service team. I am so proud to call you my husband! Shelby, Alex, Rachel, Abby, Monica I LOVE you all and think you're amazing. Can't wait to hear what God has done in and through you this week!
At 5:26 PM ,
Beth said...
Great to see you all together! Praying you are relaxed, healthy, and filled with the experiences of this season of service!
Can't wait to see you, Sarah! Grad party prep is coming along great!
See you Saturday night! Praying for safe travel.
Love you mucho! mom
At 6:25 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Father; Through blood, sweat and I’m sure a few tears, this team of unselfish, Spirit lead individuals has endeavored to fulfill the calling You have laid upon all of us. Please Bless their service to You. Please Bless those, who’s lives they have touched.
Let the Love they have experienced linger in their hearts, the Joys be remembered for a lifetime, the Peace bring them sweet rest, the Patience they have undoubtedly exercised endure for future challenges, the Kindness be used on others, the Goodness Bless your plan, the Gentleness be remembered by those it was shown to, the Faithfulness Bless each of them and let Self Control keep them from harming themselves in their service to You, (and other times as well).
At 6:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Please bring them all Home safe and expeditiously.
Thank You!
At 8:04 PM ,
Rox Martin said...
Shelby so great to see your smiling face and all of you. What a Blessing you All are and we Thank God for you.
So excited for your return :-) :-)
May God carry you home to us safely in his arms.
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