Day 2
Sports and drama took their show on the road, going to several schools around the city. They did not fare so well on the soccer pitch, but the put up a valient effort and made a good impression on the Guatemalan students. The drama was very well received. At one school they visited in the morning the principal was so impressed with the skit that she asked the team to come back in the afternoon, even if it was just to perform the skit for the afternoon students. A prayer request for them would be energy. Both the games and the drama require a lot and they are a small team.
Service worked at the Iglesia Renuevo, hanging some sheetrock, doing some plumbing and painting as well. They are getting a nice variety of experiences and the church members are very grateful to have the work done. A prayer request for them would be safety as they are tackling many different jobs.
The mime presented their program 3 times today and all went very well. They had a pretty good turnout at each location and the program was wel-received at each stop. A prayer request for them would be both physical and spiritual energy. It takes a lot of both to do the presentations so many times over the course of the trip and be fully engaged in every presentation.
For all health is always a prayer request. So far everyone is doing great and we are praying that continues. Its hot and rainy, but the sleeping conditions are good and we're eating lots of really interesting food. After tonight's dinner we had the added treat of 3 birthday cakes as we celebrated the birthdays of Garrett, Emily and Jordie.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will follow a schedule similar to today's. Tonight we have a student service wth Iglesia Renuevo. Its starting with a time of praise and worship through (very loud!) music. That is followed by testimonies from both a few members of the church and a few from our team. The students and leaders are all enjoying the oppotunity to worship with those we have been serving with today.
Our word for today comes from the pastor, in a brief message from Philippians 1:6 - "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." His point was that we need to keep in mind that even as we are serving others for Christ he is still working in our lives and to be open to that growth as well. A good message to help set the results of the day in the context of eternity.
Have a good evening, and thank you for your comments. I will be sure to make them available to the team as they are a great encouragement. Following are a few pictures from the last couple days.
At 9:18 PM ,
Kerry Fox said...
Thanks Tim for the update. It helps to be given specific prayer requests for each team. The Project Colorado blog is available as well. You might want to get those updates to share with the team. Please know that you all are thought of often and prayed for much. Work has been incredibly busy but it's nice to take a moment to pray for Cam, Colin and you. I take time in the evening to pray for OCA and PC. Sleep well. Praying Phil. 4:4-9 for you tonight.
At 9:56 PM ,
Unknown said...
Praise God you arrived safely. I am so excited that you have already jumped in and started ministering. I have been praying for you by name as my watch hits the top of the hour. I am so excited about what God is going to do through and in you all. Rely on Him for your strenght.
Libby, we miss you. Courtney scored a goal in her game tonight Hurray!
At 9:58 PM ,
Vince & Kelly Beggin said...
Wow. Sounds like the team's off to a busy start. Three mime performances in one day. Tell Jake there's no shame in icing those arms!
We're praying for everybody's health and a transformational experience for all involved.
--Vince & Kelly Beggin
At 10:46 PM ,
Char Altman said...
We are thinking about and praying for you all! It is so great to get pics and details! Thank you to the bloggers!
Tell Christy that Lauren is having a great time in CO. She dissasembled a bridge today (!!??) and took bark off trees ?? Please thank Christy for being such a great big sis as Lauren was getting ready to leave.
Bless you all!
Char and Mark Altman
At 11:36 PM ,
Kelly and Joe Jasper said...
Thank you for the updates! Appreciate them and the photos too! Jack, we love you and are praying for you and the entire OCA team. XOXO
"And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience...". Colossians 1:10-11
At 8:50 AM ,
Unknown said...
Praising God for a great first day ministering. Know we are praying for you all...God's hedge around all of you. Madison, are your shoes on?!
At 10:27 AM ,
B Halling said...
Sounds like a great day of service! Praising God for using you all as His hands and feet while you are there. Happy belated birthday to Garrett, Jordie and Emily.
(Garrett - sorry I can't be there to provide snacks!)
At 5:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Tom, MOT, Daddy..... Tessa and I love you and miss you! we are so proud of the husband and father you are and i can't wait for the day that Tessa gets to hear about how her earthlly father serves her heavenly Father. We are a proud mom and baby. I'm praying for energy for all of you and that you would have strength to get through each game and drama presentation.
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"
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