Observations from the team
Though I'm with all of my church friends, it's been a struggle to be this far away from my friends and family, but through this struggle, I've learned to be dependent on God and know that he will give me comfort no matter how far away I am from home! The home stay was awesome and I've already experienced so many new things on the first day. -Tammi L
I loved the Spanish songs we sang last night at the church! My homestay was with 20 other kids at a big house. Our host family is really sweet and generous. We have seen how God has been providing for us through our safe trip, host families, and great experiences with the kids! I loved jumping rope with them and seeing their reactions to the puppet show and program. ¡Gracias for your prayers! Emily E.
Seeing the kids smile when we gave them the gospel bracelets was so precious! It's so rewarding being on the children's team. I feel like I'm learning just as much from them as they are from me! And my 5 spanish words are actually proving pretty useful. It's amazing how smooth and easy going everything has been so far, which shows God has been good! Can't wait for what's next! Keely P.
The woman who I am staying with has one of the biggest hearts! She is older and lives by herself and she loves having me and Shea in her house. I loved going to the school. It was so cool to see the kids reactions to the activities! I really like being challenged with the language barrier. I feel like my spanish is already getting better! Thank you so much for all your support and prayers! I am looking forward for what's to come! Ellen W.
I am continually amazed that I'm ACTUALLY here experiencing the culture of Guatemala. God has completely blown away every expectation I had. Last night I stayed with Marcela in a beautiful condo. She was willing to get us whatever we needed including food, a hot shower, and our own beds. I love being able to understand & communicate with all of the people. I'm learning lots too, like "coche" means pig, not car! The children here are absolutely beautiful. (Mom & Dad I love it here, don't worry about me! my favorite kids are the first graders, love you :)) I am most excited that we have so much time left to take it all in. -Brooke N.
Ahhh I can't believe I'm in Guatemala! Wow, words can't begin to explain how much I love this place. I am staying with the most generous, passionate people. There are 20 other girls in the house, and it is by far the most gorgeous home I have ever been in. They made the best guacamole and beans! (I also enjoyed the black coffee:)) The people, colorful streets, rustic buildings, beautiful children, on and off rain, and lit up mountains add to the beauty of being here and make me want to stay forever. Mom and Dad, I miss and love you,-don't worry about me ;) It's quite the adventure and I couldn't be more thankful to have so much time to take it all in! Thanks for everything! ttfn, Berit A :)
Mom, Dad, guess what?! I'm in Guatemala! I'm SO excited. (I don't think I'll ever stop telling you guys that) :) I can't believe that we have only been here for a little over a day. It is so beautiful here, and every single person I have talked to has been so warm and loving. I'm finding it harder than I thought it would be to say goodbye to the kids. They are so eager to give you hugs and kisses and talk about God, and they love just being with you. It's hard not knowing how much of what we are teaching them and singing about are sinking in, but I know that seeds are being planted and that God will use what we're doing for His glory! I love the people here, and I love you guys back home! - Elizabeth L.
Mom and Dad,
Not only am I in Guatemala, but I'm having a great time! The kids I've met at the schools so far are unbelievably cute and unforgettable. I miss you guys so much, but I'm excited to see what God will show me and how He will reveal himself to me throughout the remainder of Guatemala. Today, at the last school we visited, the kids gave us hugs and kisses goodbye and it was heart breaking to have to leave them. Also the home stay has been great so far! I've made sure to write my thoughts down daily, but I know regardless these memories will be with me forever! Love you so much and tell Ally I wish her luck on her dance recital! I'm excited to see you guys again but I have so much more work to do for God here in Guat (: -maddie d.
Ahhhhh!! Here and happy. Today I was proposed to twice (by second graders) and got told I looked like a movie star multiple times!! So, it was a good day. (: So excited to see what is in store for us here! Thank you for all your prayers!
--Cate S.
hey yo mom and dad
This is Emily (uh dur). They thought my personal luggage was missing for awhile but alas it was in a room up in the airport (arrived early!!!) WOOT WOOT. We had to wait in Houston for awhile because of a storm, plane to Houston was small and kinda scary/claustrophobic. I had the toilet seat (not complaining or anything , but why does that always happen?!) today we started medical activity!!!!! AMAZING!!!! BEAUTIFUL CITY... AMAZING PEOPLE...YOU CAN FEEL AMAZING THINGS HAPPENING
ps keely is fine?
Hola Larry,Jill,Steph,Mom and Thome family,
Thank you for all your powerful prayers! God has been answering and working in powerful ways all ready! Feeling good, getting sleep, and we had a great day ministering at 2 schools.
Gotta go, love you & miss you!
At 3:09 PM ,
Unknown said...
So proud of all of you! You are courageous and adventurous and filled with the Holy Spirit! It is so incredible to see how God has worked in you and all the lives you are impacting both in MN and Guat! I love your desire to work for God no matter what he asks! PRAYING FOR YOU DAILY!! Today's theme was ADVENTURE- Hebrews 11:32-40!! I'm blessed to be a part of your lives! Look forward to hearing about all your adventures in love, generosity, and growth!! Keep making God look good!
At 3:42 PM ,
BaileyJane said...
Emily Blomquist: So wonderful to see the notes and pictures! Keep it up! Wish I could be there to put rusty Spanish and EMT skills to use as well. Proud of you! xoxo Mom
At 4:38 PM ,
StephanieT said...
Mamaaa! (PEGGY)
Glad you're doing alright! We miss you lots and lots. Keep up the good work. I'm praying for you and the team, that you start each new day with more strength and excitement! LOVEEE YOUUU
At 12:47 PM ,
Guatemala City Ministry said...
Hey Childrens Team. It looks like you are doing great, I do miss not being there... We are keeping you in our prayers everyday and may you continue to minister to the children in Guatemala with much love and enthusiasm. Praying that you endure the heat and remember even if you've done the program 10 times or more, its still the first time, that a new audience has seen you. It looks like you're doing well wrapping cables...Many Blessings and prayers! Terry
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