Sports and Drama Team!
Day 6
Today I went with the sports and drama team!
The morning started with Freddy, our translator, sharing his
faith story. He talked about how he
pushed God away for so long, but God and his brother never gave up on him. His brother was always inviting him to go to
church. Finally he came and God saved
him! Freddy said, don’t stop asking your
friends to church and don’t stop talking with them about your faith.
Everything officially started at 9am with clinics and
drills. The Christian coach from Ciudad
Deseada (Desired City) Church in
Malacatan kept saying, “Great players have great skills.” There were a lot of cone drills. Our team
participated and helped with the clinic of over 140 boys and girls ages
12-18. They played a few games too and
got beat. I think I was the weak link on
the team and that was the reason for the losses. Ha! :/
At the end of the clinic the team performed the “Everything”
drama. I was impressed by how much they had
improved in just a week. Drew did a
great job sharing his faith story too. One
of the coaches from the church also shared a testimony about how his son
recently and suddenly had died at the age of five. The other coach asked him why he was here at
the clinic after such a tragedy. He responded by saying, “I love Jesus and I
want all of you to love and follow him too!”
Thanks for all of your prayers,
Pictures to come later tonight!
At 7:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow - way to go sports/drama team! I was trying to imagine serving so many 12-18 year olds! They must have been preparing for you for a long time. I will keep praying that the Guatemalans and the Americans alike will have open hearts and eyes as you continue this mission. God is really moving among you. I pray you will be impacted by these two weeks for the long haul. Jake, we love you and can't wait to hear lots of details!!
Love, Mom, Dad, Nick, Alex Orlowsky
At 7:38 PM ,
Unknown said...
So proud of you all. Glad to see these posts, and you are making a difference in Guatemala. Proud of you Drew.
At 10:16 PM ,
Unknown said...
Hi Bridget:
I am so proud of you and the entire team! Looks like you are doing a lot of good things. I miss you and can't wait to see you and hear about your experiences.
I hope you are taking the malaria pills on Wednesdays.
Enjoy the trip. I will be here when you get home.
At 10:25 PM ,
McCloskey Family said...
That is fantastic sports and drama team! I commend you for all the energy you are constantly putting out each day. Keep up the good work!
Please make sure to tell Maddie McCloskey that she better be taking pictures with her home stay families! Tomorrow is Malaria pill day too!
At 12:04 AM ,
Unknown said...
What a wonderful experience that Woodale church is giving you.I wish this could have been available when I was your age.You will remember this trip the rest of your life.I know people that you come in contact with will never forget you.Everyone stay healthy and safe.God bless!
Robert Dillon
At 12:06 AM ,
Unknown said...
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At 2:31 PM ,
Unknown said...
So proud of all these teenagers, giving 2 wks of their summer, to be The Hands and Feet of Jesus !....shout out to soccer and miss you Elizabeth, Dad
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