Sunday in Malacatan
Well, we start week two tomorrow. The first week seems to have gone by very fast, but then we look back at all the people we have touched and how many have made decisions for Christ through our various ministries. It has been a great first week. Today being Sunday, we served in a different way. This morning we attended a church service at the church hosting us here in Malacatan. It was their youth service, with a wonderful message about finding and recognizing your purpose delivered by their youth pastor. The worship time was charismatic in nature, so all of us had the opportunity to experience that kind of personal expressive worship.
After church we went to a waterpark that lies next to the border crossing into Mexico. We actually had to go through the Guatemala side of the customs area to get to the park. So we made it to within about 50 feet of Mexico. It was a nice sunny (and very warm!) day so everyone was excited to be able to spend it swimming. The local church grilled a churrasco (grilled beef) lunch for us there that was amazing. After about 4 hours of water slides and virtual water volleyball (no net) we packed up and headed back to the restaurant for a spaghetti dinner (which made many of the students happy as they had been longing for pasta). We used lots of sunscreen and so far no sunburns have shown up. Tomorrow morning will be the proof, though.
Tomorrow is a full service day. Mime is scheduled to perform 6 times, which in this heat and humidity will be a test of the kids endurance and a proof of God’s sustenance. The other teams have busy schedules as well. Please pray for energy and good health (and maybe a few clouds without rain) so we maximize our opportunities to share the good news of God’s grace and mercy.
Below are some entries by the students, along with a picture of the highest volcano in Central America (which looms over Malacatan), pictures from yesterday’s medical clinic and today’s time at the pool. See you tomorrow!
Hello everyone back home!
We are all having such a wonderful time here in Guatemala J. It is beautiful to see the places and people, and all the joy God has put in this place. We just moved into our second homestays, and I am having so much fun attempting to communicate in Spanish. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. Mommy, I love you! Kyky, I love you too! Nana, please keep them in line while I’m gone. I am praying for you, Ky and mom, on this day. Stay strong I love you. Oh and I want to bake cookies as soon as I get home next Sunday J
I am in my second home stay now, and although the home is a bit rustic, it’s a really cool experience to see how the people here live. Today was our relaxation day, which was much needed! We have been working hard, and it’s so cool to see all good work that is being done here for God. I miss you mom and dad, and I can’t wait to get home and tell you all about my adventures and show you my pictures! Happy
Father’s Day Dad, I hope you had a good day. I love you!
P.S. Aimee says Happy Father’s Day!
P.P.S. Nellie says Happy Father’s Day!
HEY FAMILY!!! I love love love how beautiful everything is here in Guatemala. I eat everything they put in front of me and so far I love it all! Today we had a free day and we went to a pool with multiple waterslides. Tomorrow my children’s team and I will go to different schools here in Malacatan to show love to the kids. The children here are sooo cute and the littlest things fill them with joy - a smile, a balloon animal, a hug. I love that. Mom and Brynn, I hope you guys are having fun at the Rushes but not too much fun without me! Dad, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! We will celebrate when I get back I promise! I miss you and Julie and Gin-Gin. Love you all!
Love, Katie
Ps I miss candy sooo much! but not the cats.
Your favorite loving son,
Hello. I am writing to say hi to Mom, Craig, Amanda, and Dad. It is very hot here and I have worn the same shirt 3 times. We have done the mime show over 12 times and tomorrow we are doing it 6 times… the car rides are really long but I have been drinking a lot of water and pooping a lot so that’s nice. I hope everything is great at home. I hope you had fun at camp, Amanda. I have a boyfriend named Pedro. He is 13. We WILL be getting married so start planning the wedding. Amanda, I also found you a husband. Pedro’s twin… his name is Neri. He has already agreed to marry you so no need to worry about dating.
I love you all a lot.
P.S. mom, will you please pay my two parking tickets. They are due on the 27th. They are on my dresser. Thanks. Love you.
Ok so I’m super sorry that I didn’t really celebrate your birthday with you and I feel so bad now that I look back on it. When I get home we WILL be playing ultimate Frisbee because I can cream you! I miss you all and I hope you had a great day dad!
Love Brianna YOUR FAVORITE DAUGHTER (towards dad).
Happy Father’s Day For Real This Time!!!
Miss you guys.

After church we went to a waterpark that lies next to the border crossing into Mexico. We actually had to go through the Guatemala side of the customs area to get to the park. So we made it to within about 50 feet of Mexico. It was a nice sunny (and very warm!) day so everyone was excited to be able to spend it swimming. The local church grilled a churrasco (grilled beef) lunch for us there that was amazing. After about 4 hours of water slides and virtual water volleyball (no net) we packed up and headed back to the restaurant for a spaghetti dinner (which made many of the students happy as they had been longing for pasta). We used lots of sunscreen and so far no sunburns have shown up. Tomorrow morning will be the proof, though.
Tomorrow is a full service day. Mime is scheduled to perform 6 times, which in this heat and humidity will be a test of the kids endurance and a proof of God’s sustenance. The other teams have busy schedules as well. Please pray for energy and good health (and maybe a few clouds without rain) so we maximize our opportunities to share the good news of God’s grace and mercy.
Below are some entries by the students, along with a picture of the highest volcano in Central America (which looms over Malacatan), pictures from yesterday’s medical clinic and today’s time at the pool. See you tomorrow!
Hello everyone back home!
We are all having such a wonderful time here in Guatemala J. It is beautiful to see the places and people, and all the joy God has put in this place. We just moved into our second homestays, and I am having so much fun attempting to communicate in Spanish. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. Mommy, I love you! Kyky, I love you too! Nana, please keep them in line while I’m gone. I am praying for you, Ky and mom, on this day. Stay strong I love you. Oh and I want to bake cookies as soon as I get home next Sunday J
I am in my second home stay now, and although the home is a bit rustic, it’s a really cool experience to see how the people here live. Today was our relaxation day, which was much needed! We have been working hard, and it’s so cool to see all good work that is being done here for God. I miss you mom and dad, and I can’t wait to get home and tell you all about my adventures and show you my pictures! Happy
Father’s Day Dad, I hope you had a good day. I love you!
P.S. Aimee says Happy Father’s Day!
P.P.S. Nellie says Happy Father’s Day!
HEY FAMILY!!! I love love love how beautiful everything is here in Guatemala. I eat everything they put in front of me and so far I love it all! Today we had a free day and we went to a pool with multiple waterslides. Tomorrow my children’s team and I will go to different schools here in Malacatan to show love to the kids. The children here are sooo cute and the littlest things fill them with joy - a smile, a balloon animal, a hug. I love that. Mom and Brynn, I hope you guys are having fun at the Rushes but not too much fun without me! Dad, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! We will celebrate when I get back I promise! I miss you and Julie and Gin-Gin. Love you all!
Love, Katie
Ps I miss candy sooo much! but not the cats.
Your favorite loving son,
Hello. I am writing to say hi to Mom, Craig, Amanda, and Dad. It is very hot here and I have worn the same shirt 3 times. We have done the mime show over 12 times and tomorrow we are doing it 6 times… the car rides are really long but I have been drinking a lot of water and pooping a lot so that’s nice. I hope everything is great at home. I hope you had fun at camp, Amanda. I have a boyfriend named Pedro. He is 13. We WILL be getting married so start planning the wedding. Amanda, I also found you a husband. Pedro’s twin… his name is Neri. He has already agreed to marry you so no need to worry about dating.
I love you all a lot.
P.S. mom, will you please pay my two parking tickets. They are due on the 27th. They are on my dresser. Thanks. Love you.
Ok so I’m super sorry that I didn’t really celebrate your birthday with you and I feel so bad now that I look back on it. When I get home we WILL be playing ultimate Frisbee because I can cream you! I miss you all and I hope you had a great day dad!
Love Brianna YOUR FAVORITE DAUGHTER (towards dad).
Happy Father’s Day For Real This Time!!!
Miss you guys.

At 11:29 PM ,
Coleman said...
Recital went great. I had a couple of fast changes. I hope you're having fun. I miss you in our room even though I have had sleepovers the last 2 nights. 6 performances in a day is a lot. I hope you are safe and healthy. I hope your team and the others are safe and healthy too. This is a trip of a lifetime. Good Night Brianna I love you*** - Marissa
At 11:47 PM ,
Coleman said...
Yeah - we figured this blog thing out. It's only taken a couple of tries, but you know Marissa - she doesn't give up. She even picked you out on the water slide. You do take great action shots. We are enjoying the blog entries and hearing what everyone is doing as well as the pictures. What a schedule you guys are keeping and doing so with positive attitudes. It's amazing to hear the impact the teams are making. Hugs to Brianna - we miss you. Love, Mom (and Marissa again too)
At 11:56 PM ,
Neubrech said...
Kirsten, Thanks so much for the blog entry yesterday. It was so good hearing from you and all the others. Dad and I have been sooo busy. You'll know why when you get home (which by the way, we are very excited for). In the meantime, continue to do God's work wherever He leads you.
Love you, Mom and Dad
At 12:03 AM ,
The Jaspers said...
Looks like you all had a great time at the pool! And Sam, we did not know you could play water volleyball and balance a boy on the top of your head at the same time!!! (see photo...hilarious!) As OCA enters the second part of the mission trip we are praying that everyone finishes strong with whatever God has laid out before them. "For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose." (Philippians 2:13) Lean on Him, trust Him.....and give Him the glory. Sam, we love you.
At 5:33 AM ,
Terry Prindiville said...
Oh Trev,
You look good! First Pic we have seen of you without makeup. Thank you for the Father's Day greeting.
Praying for you daily. Missed you too yesterday. Spent it wake boarding with Travis and Terry and Tracy. Love Dad
At 6:52 AM ,
Laura Jordan said...
Becca -- I'm glad you guys had some R&R yesterday. Leah has called twice from Proj Colorado. I asked her what her favorite part of the trip is and she said "being away from home!" I guess she likes not being bossed around. They're white water rafting today. We loved reading the wonderful letter you left for Fathers Day. It made me cry. You're an awesome daughter. Can't wait to see you. xoxoxo - Mom
At 8:12 AM ,
CC Walgren said...
Heather-nice to hear you had some rest yesterday. We are continually inspired as you follow the words of the Apostle Paul written in Galatians 5:22-26.
Jess- I am proud of you and very happy to hear you are doing well. Thanks for your message yesterday. Wish you were here to share in a great day. Have a great last week and do it all for His glory! Rely on Him and in weakness He will make you strong! Read 2Corinthians 12:9-10. Great Father's Day Juggling, Swimming and planting shrubs! Love you both-Walgren Clan
At 10:39 AM ,
Kelli said...
Hola Team Guate!
We in Chicago love you and are praying! Take it all in!
Blessings on you!
Kelli for all
Mark - lymi, nice, dupi :)
At 10:39 AM ,
Kelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 8:19 PM ,
Kerry and Colin said...
Great pictures and updates! We love hearing from you! Hope you students are taking good care of your leaders! Keep pressing forward and make the most out of every opportunity! Love ya, Tim, hope you are staying healthy and getting some rest!
At 8:22 PM ,
Kerry and Colin said...
P.S.- Kyle got the job. Start date July 6. Do you have Bill C's email address?
At 9:02 PM ,
Nancy said...
Hey Mary and Jessica! Glad to hear things are going well. We're sure you're tired so we thought we'd send some news to perk you up. You now have a squirting donkey!
Much love,
Tom, Nancy and S. Fraser Labrador
At 10:12 PM ,
Jim Muehlbauer said...
It was amazing to see all the people taking advantage of the medical clinics. You must be energized by all the good work that God is doing through your service! Tyler - I especially liked the photo of you and Sam at the blood pressure station. Your confidence and peace are shining through! I hope you have a great second week and can't wait to hear about your adventures. Love you, Dad
At 10:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Mark & Tim
Looks like the kids are doing a great job. It is really fun to be on this side of things and be able to keep up on what you are all doing. Pa I hope you are enjoying your time and able to have some time to relax and enjoy each town and being a clown with the Children's team. Tell Jaime, Eddie and all the Calocha says hi-
Sarah (Bancroft) Phillips
At 10:52 PM ,
Kathy Sommerville said...
Hey Aimee - Thanks for the Father's Day greeting. Missed you, but sounds like things are going well. After the first two days I thought you were becoming a celebrity - you were in almost all the pictures :) Can't wait to hear all your stories. Love, Dad
At 11:22 PM ,
Rollie Mattson said...
Nellie and Dana - GREAT news - Heather and Kevin are engaged!!!!!!!!!!
I got to sales conferene today and will be here thru Friday.
Miss you both tons and pieces and bits + wubutsomutch
Dad and Husband
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