Observations from the Medical team - Tuesday
Today the medical team was able to serve 160 people! It was so cool to be able to help the Guatemalans in so many different ways-coloring with the kids while they waited to see the doctors, giving medication to patients, talking to the people about what is going on in their lives. Our doctors even performed two small surgeries today, and members of the medical team were able to watch if they wanted to. Working in the clinic was so cool, and it was awesome to be able to share the love of Christ with the people who came!! Katie B.
Today was bombtastic. We have seen about 300 people in the last 2 days; whole families came! I have been lucky enough to be a translator for several of our medical team leaders and have also done in-take for the dozens of patients coming in. Today we saw 2 procedures done to remove cysts, which were amazing. My spanish skills have improved so much and I cannot wait to experience more of the culture here.
Tony V.
At 2:08 PM ,
ros said...
Thanks for these great updates and sharing the different team photos! You're not missing anything here in MN...cool and rainy! Praying for your travel day today. Say hi to Brandon for us. Thanks!
At 11:07 PM ,
babydocswife said...
Great updates on this blog. The Project Colorado blog has been 5 days, and not one photo yet! Jealous.
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