First Day...
We look forward to sharing that love and we are trusting in that faithfulness to carry us through the work He has set out for us. Thanks for your support and prayers! Talk to you tomorrow (if the internet cooperates)!
Posted by Kerry Fox since the internet there isn't working today.
Hello from Guatemala City!
All of the flights are in and the team is reunited. The last group left Minneapolis this morning and arrived in Guatemala City around 1:30 local time. The other teams attended the morning service at Iglesia Renuevo (Jaime's church). After lunch the children's team went to a little village outside the city, setting up in an open field. They had a great time performing their program and just playing and interacting with the families of the town. Some of the medical team (who did not have a clinic today) went along to help the children's team since half of that team was traveling from Minneapolis. Most of the mime team was on the flight, too. The sports and drama team, accompanied by the service team, visited as school on the outskirts of the city, playing soccer in their basketball court (only had to chase the ball over the wall and down the hill half a dozen times). They also had a chance to perform their skit for the students who were either playing or watching the game.
It was a good start to the trip, allowing everyone a chance to interact with the local residents (and experience Guatemalan driving!). It did not rain (much) this afternoon, but once we got back to the church to get ready for dinner we had a downpour that was deafening on the tin roof. It was almost loud enough to drown out the noise of everyone scrambling for candy after Christina broke her birthday pinata.
We are looking forward to a nice dinner and a good night's sleep. Tomorrow we have our first full day of service so we want to be ready to go strong. So far everyone is doing great and feeling good, and all of our bags made it all the way to the church. We appreciate your continued prayers for health, safety and weather. Today's devotional was on Psalm 117: "Praise the Lord, all you nations. Extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord."
We look forward to sharing that love and we are trusting in that faithfulness to carry us through the work He has set out for us. Thanks for your support and prayers! Talk to you tomorrow (if the internet cooperates)!
Posted by Kerry Fox since the internet there isn't working today.
At 10:46 AM ,
Sheri Guimont said...
Praying for all of you! I got to pray through HIllsong worship music as I walked this morning, so I prayed as He called you out upon the waters, that you will call on His name, rest in His embrace, knowing His sovereign hand will be you guide, that the HS would lead you where your trust is without borders, that He would take you deeper than your own feet could ever wander and your faith would be made stronger. I also prayed through Awakening...that there would be an awakening in your hearts and in Guatemala, that His will would be done where you serve and in you personally. That you would GO--giving it all away, showing the hope that is in Jesus, and that you would never be the same. I also prayed for you and the people you will touch through the songs Search My Heart and The Stand. May He strengthen and encourage each of you, revealing Himself in new and powerful ways. You are loved, cared for, protected by God, who has gone before you and prepared you perfectly for such a time as this. Go therefore and make disciples of Guatemala, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
To my small group--I am praying specifics for each of you. Make Him famous!
To Callie--loved, adored, missed. I am excited for you as your supernatural joy can be shared with your team and the people of Guatemala! And I'm sure you'll do some major damage on the soccer fields--go get 'em! :) I love you!
At 7:09 AM ,
josh said...
We are praying for the OCA Team, that GOD's spirit will prepare the hearts of the people and kids who come to the medical clinic, worship service, school program's etc. Pray that HIS presence is felt and life's transformed as HIS name is Glorified.
Jonah: we miss you and am sure you are having a great time bonding with nature, making friends and getting to know your host families!
Love & Prayers -- Mom
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