More from day 6!
Service team finished over half the play place this
afternoon. It is going to be a really
cool tool to minister to the kids here at Ciudad Deseada Church. Check out the great photos of our service
Children’s team went to a school in the morning and
ministered to about 75 kids. Tess shared
her faith story. The kids loved the
songs! In the afternoon they went to a
community center and performed and played with about 30 kids. Matthew shared his faith story. He has become kind of a celebrity because he helps
our evangelist and shares the Gospel colors in Mandarin.
The med team saw 258 patients today! The clinic was spacious and organized on an
open air soccer field. I was able to walk
down and snap a few photos. This team
served from 9am-8pm today! They are amazing.
The mime team saw the Mexican Guatemalan border and they
actually stopped and prayed for Mexico for an open door to communicate the
Gospel and to reach communities for the cause of Christ. The presentation at the school was close to
90 degrees. There were about 80 people
in attendance and about 20 decisions for Christ. Later that day the mime team joined the
sports and drama team and performed in front of about 300 athletes at the end
of the soccer clinic! The mime team
passes out a little card in Spanish with a website that students can use to
connect and grow. After passing out 300
cards we didn’t see even one on the ground left behind. (Check out to check out the site!)
The outreach event was canceled due to problems with the stadium
organizers and location. We were hoping
to play soccer and draw in the youth from this community to hear the
Gospel. I realized a few minutes ago that
through these soccer clinics and games, God has already done that.
So we had a private time of worship and teaching just with
our Wooddale team back at the church. I
taught the students from Philippians 1:1-6 and encouraged them that perfection
is not something that we should pursue, it’s something that God does in
us. Our pursuit is Christ and Christ
We ended the night chatting on speaker phone with the
Chicago team. All of the siblings on
both trips got to say hi to each other.
It is always a special time.
We travel to San Marcos tomorrow!
Thanks for praying! Talk to you later.
At 9:00 AM ,
Unknown said...
Great to get a peek at the Sports & Drama team in action! All the teams continue to press on in the strength of the Lord and we are proud of you all as you serve in His name! You all together are impacting an incredible number of souls! you leave your host family tomorrow & meet a new one, PLEASE DON'T FORGET to take photos of these host families...try to get one that includes you with them too! Sunday is malaria pill day (as reminded by fellow parents). Please journal this amazing will appreciate having this later! Another mom suggested using bus travel time to do this. Wonderful to hear of Mark's teaching tonight on Philippians 1:1-6. The Holy Spirit had put those same verses on my heart for you all this afternoon too!! Keep shining the light of Jesus and have fun! We love you! Mom
At 10:17 AM ,
Halbakkens said...
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At 10:21 AM ,
Halbakkens said...
Aly, it was so neat that you got to meet the couple that hosted me in Guatemala ! They sent a picture of you three! Just got Laura from Chicago! She said she got to talk to you! We are praying daily for you. Grandpa and grandma are reading the blog too! Love you tons!
At 12:40 PM ,
Stacey Eidsvold said...
My heart is warmed as I read the blog each day. Thank you for serving the kingdom of God through the people of Guatemala.
Ellie loved talking to you last night from Chicago. So fun to see you in action on the soccer field and as Jesus in the drama.
Keep shining for Jesus!
We love you!
Dad, Mom, Ellie & Lucy Lou
At 8:08 PM ,
Unknown said...
Can't believe your first week has passed! It's wonderful to hear and see how God is working in you all and through you all! We loved seeing Andrew and the sports and drama pictures today! We picked up Katie yesterday and she loved talking to Drew and the squad! Glad Chicago trip went well and all arrived home safely. We pray daily for all in Guat! Take care of each other and know people here are praying for you! Many Blesdings, Damon and Elizabeth
Ps...Andrew- Greta was crushed when Katie got home but you didn't. She wouldn't go into your room last night...just guarded the stairs, waiting!
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