In Their Own Words - June 20th
June 20, 2006
Hi! Today we left Copan, Honduras and took a 6 hour bus ride to Guatemala City, Guatemala. The bus trip was long, but Dramamine really helps because then you can sleep the entire time! Tomorrow we get to sleep in and then we are traveling for a another 8 hours to Huehuetenago, Guatemala. Once we get there, I hear we get to eat at this really awesome restaurant and then we will have our home-stays. Okay! Send me some blogs!! Love you all!
Hey everyone its Amy! So this trip has been amazing. There have been some hard times and some great times. One way God has moved through my heart is by God revealing in my heart my passion and purpose in my life. We went to a medical clinic where Patricks sister works at. I really felt God was calling me to do something similar. I started thinking I should maybe take some classes in college about nutrition. And God has revealed that the desires of my heart is to be here in Central America. I have completely fallen in love with everything all around me, the people, the food, the language, the mountains, the trees, GOD… it all has an impact on my heart. I don’t know what God will do with my life but I will continue to trust in Him. I know this wont be my last trip here to Guatemala and or Central America. I was talking with a leader today and she was telling me while we were preparing for this trip she was praying a lot that God would change and reveal Himself to at least one student. She said that God has answered her prayers through me. She can see that God has been moving through me throughout this trip. He has. Well I should let other people use this. Continue to pray for us with safety, health, and that God will continue to do wonderful things through us. THANKS!
P.S. Mom and Dad have you heard anything from the doctors? Don’t worry I have been doing well and been trying to get a lot of sleep….
In Him,
HOLAA HOLLA mis amigos
So, Laura, Dave and myself (Lindsey) are here in the b e a utiful Guatemala City. Today we left the incredible edible city of Copan (where we saw big, old rocks sometimes referred to as ruins, also which dave the great played hacky sack on top of) anyways I (Dave) just took the keyboard away from Lindsey cause she is incapable of getting this done in under 5 hours. So Copan was awesome, we played some epic volleyball and softball game and Lindsey wants to say shes getting better at volleyball. We all but especially Lindsey and Laura want to make the biggest shout out ever to Ms. Erin Elizabeth Brucks (hows the man doin¿) that’s pretty sweet I guess. Also, I need to make a tremendous shout out to Ryan and Ben who are probably hanging out with my mom even though Im not there. Laura and Lindsey say hi too. Laura has been whining day and night about her parents (STEVE and KAY) not blogging so maybe someone can call them (SUE and/or DIANE). Tomorrow we are heading off to the third city (you can find out what its called cause I cant spell). We are being summoned to play catch phrase so peace out home slices.
Love you ALLLLL,
Laurra!!!!!! Daveee,,, and Lin * Z (that ones for you jill ann if youre reading this)
P.S. mom(Sue) this is for you: do the pineapples at home have a hard core in the middle? Its very urgent as we believe it doesn’t buuut everyone else is telling us we are completely mistaken… love you
Hi! Today we left Copan, Honduras and took a 6 hour bus ride to Guatemala City, Guatemala. The bus trip was long, but Dramamine really helps because then you can sleep the entire time! Tomorrow we get to sleep in and then we are traveling for a another 8 hours to Huehuetenago, Guatemala. Once we get there, I hear we get to eat at this really awesome restaurant and then we will have our home-stays. Okay! Send me some blogs!! Love you all!
Hey everyone its Amy! So this trip has been amazing. There have been some hard times and some great times. One way God has moved through my heart is by God revealing in my heart my passion and purpose in my life. We went to a medical clinic where Patricks sister works at. I really felt God was calling me to do something similar. I started thinking I should maybe take some classes in college about nutrition. And God has revealed that the desires of my heart is to be here in Central America. I have completely fallen in love with everything all around me, the people, the food, the language, the mountains, the trees, GOD… it all has an impact on my heart. I don’t know what God will do with my life but I will continue to trust in Him. I know this wont be my last trip here to Guatemala and or Central America. I was talking with a leader today and she was telling me while we were preparing for this trip she was praying a lot that God would change and reveal Himself to at least one student. She said that God has answered her prayers through me. She can see that God has been moving through me throughout this trip. He has. Well I should let other people use this. Continue to pray for us with safety, health, and that God will continue to do wonderful things through us. THANKS!
P.S. Mom and Dad have you heard anything from the doctors? Don’t worry I have been doing well and been trying to get a lot of sleep….
In Him,
HOLAA HOLLA mis amigos
So, Laura, Dave and myself (Lindsey) are here in the b e a utiful Guatemala City. Today we left the incredible edible city of Copan (where we saw big, old rocks sometimes referred to as ruins, also which dave the great played hacky sack on top of) anyways I (Dave) just took the keyboard away from Lindsey cause she is incapable of getting this done in under 5 hours. So Copan was awesome, we played some epic volleyball and softball game and Lindsey wants to say shes getting better at volleyball. We all but especially Lindsey and Laura want to make the biggest shout out ever to Ms. Erin Elizabeth Brucks (hows the man doin¿) that’s pretty sweet I guess. Also, I need to make a tremendous shout out to Ryan and Ben who are probably hanging out with my mom even though Im not there. Laura and Lindsey say hi too. Laura has been whining day and night about her parents (STEVE and KAY) not blogging so maybe someone can call them (SUE and/or DIANE). Tomorrow we are heading off to the third city (you can find out what its called cause I cant spell). We are being summoned to play catch phrase so peace out home slices.
Love you ALLLLL,
Laurra!!!!!! Daveee,,, and Lin * Z (that ones for you jill ann if youre reading this)
P.S. mom(Sue) this is for you: do the pineapples at home have a hard core in the middle? Its very urgent as we believe it doesn’t buuut everyone else is telling us we are completely mistaken… love you
At 9:39 AM ,
Anonymous said...
How awesome is our God...thanks Amy for revealing what is in your heart. To all - keep your spirits up. Our hearts are bursting with pride over all you have given and accomplished.
Steph - with Kelly in DC on the mission trip - Dad has taken over your car (it always was his favorite). So the three of you will have to battle it out when you get home.
Jordan, Kelsey and Steph....the diet cokes are on ice waiting for your return - can't wait to see you on Sunday.
Love - Mom
At 10:23 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm actually writing this to family and friends of the team- I just got a call from Brian and Dr.Kerry.Our son Derek is really sick.He is sooo miserable. They are giving him meds so hopefully they'll kick in quickly. Unfortunately they are just getting on the bus for a long ride to Huehuetenango. Please pray this passes soon so he can end strong/positive. THANKS!
At 11:19 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi's Jill!
Words cannot say how proud I am of each of you! It is so fun to look at the pictures and to see how God is using all of you! I miss not seeing all of you around church...and I miss all the text messages and voicemails! :)!!!
God I pray that you would continue to use this team for your glory. God I pray that you would teach each of these students more about your great love through this trip and that they would come home excited to share that love with others. God thank you for each of these students and for how they have impacted my life! Amen
So VERY...VERY...proud of each of you and I can't wait to have you back home!
Jill Fox
At 3:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi all
Yes lindsey pineapples do have a hard core in the center. are they really yummy there. so glad to here from you. i am just getting home from a double at work so i hope my spelling is ok. We have been praying for you and all the teams. i hope you have a good experience at your next clinic. there is so much to learn. be open, willing and positive and you will continue to do the work God has sent you to do. you are all such a blessing to so many people.
it is so obvious that you all have touched so many lives in the short time you have been there.
Miss You BUNCHES (is sierra mist ok?) love, mom, dad and trix(did you get her fur? CUTE!)
At 4:17 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Annika, we continue to pray for you and the team. Glad you are feeling better. Your dad and I miss you...your brothers say you can stay another week or two. Bunches of love and hugs to you.
Love, mom
At 12:17 AM ,
Anonymous said...
To Patti, (Dereks mom)
We are praying for Dereks recovery.
We understand how difficult it must be to know your son is ill while away from home. We are praying for you as well. He is in good hands with God and those who surround him. Thankfully he has a good medical team with him. Those girls will do their best to help him feel better
The Nicholsons
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