San Marcos . . . Continued
It´s our last full day of ministry. Can you believe it? It seems like these ten days have flown by. Our students continue to be encouraged by the way that God is using them. I´m happy to report that as of today, everyone on the team is feeling better. We´ll be leaving San Marcos at 8 AM tomorrow and we´ll drive straight to the orphanage in Solola, where we will spend four hours watching and playing with the children. From there, our students will enjoy a couple days of rest and relaxation in the Lake Atitlan region, and then in Antigua.
There was an area wide power outage in San Marcos this morning that postponed some of our ministry. But, all of that is now running fine. We do have three major prayer requests though. (It´s typical that our enemy would try to distract us on our last day of ministry).
1) Jenn Christel, the adult leader on the Children´s Team may have had her backpack stolen today. We believe that this happened at the second school that the children´s team performed at. Jenn had her wallet (with her id, money, credit cards, etc.), 5 rolls of film, and a Bible that her mother gave her in that backpack. She had taken her camera with her and left the backpack in the van. The van was not locked when the children´s team left. It was probably stolen while they were in the school.
2) The team video camera was also left in that van. It is also missing. This means that all the video that we have taken on this trip is lost.
3) My computer, which the team has been using to update the blog on this trip may have been given a virus. I use internet cafe´s while we are here. I put my jump drive in the computer and post the information from our students and save the comments from parents. Last night at dinner my antivirus software said that it had quarrantined a virus. When I turned the computer on today, it no longer worked. The computer boots up, logs me onto the system, and immediately shuts down. So, that is a bummer, and will make the blogging thing more challenging. Please pray for these issues to be resolved.
Here are the entries that our students wrote at dinner last night. Yesterday was an amazing day, you´ll want to read these! I´m assuming that our next update will be at our hotel tomorrow night or Friday.
In Him,
Brian Schulenburg
Hey Everyone,
Today was an amazing day for the mime team. After we all got back from our homestays (mine was nice, but some other people had weird ones), we went off to several schools, during which we had almost no time between them. We had a great day with three performances, all of which had great responses. At the first school, we had somewhere around one hundred to 125 people, and almost everyone prayed the prayer to accept Christ into their lives, and got sixty-two out of eighty-eight response cards that said it was their first time accepting Christ, even though the power went out near the beginning and we had to restart, it was AMAZING!!!! The second one had even more people, with another amazing response! We had over 250 people from the school watch, and had another amazing response, with well over one hundred first-time commitments to Christ! The last one was the best – we had somewhere around SEVEN HUNDRED students watching us perform the mime. The power went off for about five minutes when we were in the middle of the mime, and we started over once the power came back on since we gained some students. Even with those problems, we had well over 350 students note that they accepted Christ for the first time at that performance! God does work in wonderful ways.
I should better get off now so that some other people can blog. Waiting to see you all again soon.
Hey mom and dad and nick and marlie!!
I just wanted to give you an update on everything!! So guess what? Allie and I have NOT gotten sick!!!! Im supper thankful! Hopefully I wont jinx it! Im supper excited that joan and dad are going to make me dinner. I need some good food! Haha We went to 4 really fun schools today. Its crazy how fast its going! Tomorrow is our last ministry day. Its crazy. What day are you going to Chicago?? Tell nick good luck!! He will do awesome I know. LOVE YOU TONS!!
Love Lindsay
Hey mom and dad and mitch and tay!
So I already wrote today but Brian told me he put the picture of me and three little kids up and I thought I would tell you a little bit about the kids. The boys were beaten so bad that they were going to live on the street. The little girl was raped by her dad. She was taken out of her home by the government. Luckily a wonderful woman opened a school which she did so there would be a safe place for the kids living in a dangerous neighborhood. It was such a sad story but you could tell that they now felt loved and I was so happy to contribute to that. They were smiling and laughing and having a great time! Love you guys, I’ll have more stories to tell you when I get home. Still healthy, woohoo!
Hi Family,
Wow that’s so exciting they’re moving back! I hope they stay. Guatemala is soooo fun…it’s going so well. I will have MANY stories and pictures for all of you when I get home. So far so good as far as sickness goes….I’m feeling pretty healthy so far! Camille: stop signing things as “nelson.” LOVE YOU.
Hola Madre, Padre y mis amigos!
Yo soy Taylor! How lucky are you guys two messages in one day! Today me and Jeff left the group and drove to put in the water systems! Little did we know it was an hour and a half drive and we were going to be in the back of a pick up! Thank you lord for Dramamine!! We had a ton of fun and at points we were above the clouds it was so beautiful! I took probably more than 20 pictures of the clouds and mountains it was so fun! We were only an hour and a half from Mexico but we didn’t go even though we’re telling everyone we did! I am having so much fun and really taking advantage of this once and a life time opportunity! My home stay is ok I hate the food I almost threw up like 3 times at breakfast but I tried everything! We had steamed milk, with grits in it and some brown stuff plus cereal all in one bowl! Then we had plantains and it was awful to the point where I had to put a dinner roll in my mouth to choke it down! Other than the food I guess it’s ok but I can’t understand my people! I love you all and I’m not sick yay! I hope I can make it through the whole trip without being sick but who knows I’m just glad for making it okay thus far. I love and miss you all so so so much!
With love Taylor
Hey family,
Today was another intense day at the clinic. People had lots of weird diseases and odd problems. Last night Tim Shortreed and I stayed together in the same homestay. It was a little awkward because they only spoke Spanish. Everything is going great here, today was one of the best days in my opinion. Im not sure but I think today might be the day that Greg Gorham is leaving for Tanzania for his missions trip. Everyone should pray for him because his trip is going to be amazing. I’ll see all of you when I get home!
Trent the Bold
I’m covered in paint!
Medical Team BRIEF Update –
Another GREAT clinic day in the city of San Marcos. The Team is doing consistently well with helping to meet the physical and medical needs of the 123 patients that we saw today. The pastor of the church joined us to pray for each patient that we saw, and this was the first time that this happened at one of our clinic sites. The translators continue to help us a lot, but those students who had some Spanish prior to coming are actually getting pretty fluent.
The OCA Team as a whole is staying healthy for the most part – a few illnesses, but nothing a little Zithromax or Cipro can’t take care of when needed. The area of San Marcos is surprisingly cool for June and this close to the equator (dehydration is not an issue). Being at 7,000 feet above sea level has some benefits!
Parents, again your students are doing great and you have every reason to be proud of them. Please continue to pray for everyone and our ability to meet the needs of the people here in as many ways as possible – Mime, Children’s, Service and Medical. God bless!
In Him,
Pete Dehnel
Just another quick update from M Krech
I went to help with the clinic this afternoon. I with the assistance of Tim Fox and a woman leader of the church pre-bagged 160 bags of 30 Tylenol in each bag…it fit my energy level perfect! We had a great steak dinner back as a big group tonight with people we served with and our translators and the OCA team. As the medical team arrived dinner late after all the others were eating everyone clapped for us. I heard the kids say how much they appreciated everyone cheering them on. Today at the clinic, the students continue to find “goodies” in my bags, the highlight today was pink and green splashed scrub jackets, Trent and Trent were quite the fashion statement in San Marcos!! Wendy and Connie you will love the photos! This was the first day where the clinic pace and the region of the city allowed students to rotate walks with Tim Fox to get some sweet treats they didn’t normally get! We have never gotten to leave a clinic before! The kids are great kids and they ease the stress even when we are really busy, they pitch in with out being asked and get the job done!
Today the kids, Doc and I got the cards from Mari and Kristin….thanks girls the kids really liked them! Thanks for the prayers, we love you!
Tomorrow we leave at 7 AM for a one and a half hour drive to a school where we will set up clinic…I am expecting huge needs as we move out of the city area and into the mountain schools.
Thanks so much for all your prayer…keep your prayers coming, it makes all the difference!
I love you Rick! Can’t wait to see you!
Children Team Update
It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is our last day of missions is tomorrow. We have seen hundreds of children already in San Marcos. At one of the schools we visited today there was over 300 children. The team still has much enthusiasm towards their mission. We visited 4 schools today and are planning to visit 4 more tomorrow. Everyone seems to be in good health and is looking forward to a hotel stay. San Marcos is a beautiful area with mountains all around. The clouds begin to cover the mountains in the early afternoon and then it begins to cool off.
The team has the program down really well. Everyone is ready to setup the stage, do their puppet show, sing and dance with the children, etc and then pack up and go to the next school. We have a few of our members that are very animated, some that love to take pictures of the children and all seem to get involved with trying to get to know them.
Today, we had children wanting our autographs.
Thanks parents for your prayer support and allowing your kids to come on this awesome mission trip.
In Him,
Terry Dull
There was an area wide power outage in San Marcos this morning that postponed some of our ministry. But, all of that is now running fine. We do have three major prayer requests though. (It´s typical that our enemy would try to distract us on our last day of ministry).
1) Jenn Christel, the adult leader on the Children´s Team may have had her backpack stolen today. We believe that this happened at the second school that the children´s team performed at. Jenn had her wallet (with her id, money, credit cards, etc.), 5 rolls of film, and a Bible that her mother gave her in that backpack. She had taken her camera with her and left the backpack in the van. The van was not locked when the children´s team left. It was probably stolen while they were in the school.
2) The team video camera was also left in that van. It is also missing. This means that all the video that we have taken on this trip is lost.
3) My computer, which the team has been using to update the blog on this trip may have been given a virus. I use internet cafe´s while we are here. I put my jump drive in the computer and post the information from our students and save the comments from parents. Last night at dinner my antivirus software said that it had quarrantined a virus. When I turned the computer on today, it no longer worked. The computer boots up, logs me onto the system, and immediately shuts down. So, that is a bummer, and will make the blogging thing more challenging. Please pray for these issues to be resolved.
Here are the entries that our students wrote at dinner last night. Yesterday was an amazing day, you´ll want to read these! I´m assuming that our next update will be at our hotel tomorrow night or Friday.
In Him,
Brian Schulenburg
Hey Everyone,
Today was an amazing day for the mime team. After we all got back from our homestays (mine was nice, but some other people had weird ones), we went off to several schools, during which we had almost no time between them. We had a great day with three performances, all of which had great responses. At the first school, we had somewhere around one hundred to 125 people, and almost everyone prayed the prayer to accept Christ into their lives, and got sixty-two out of eighty-eight response cards that said it was their first time accepting Christ, even though the power went out near the beginning and we had to restart, it was AMAZING!!!! The second one had even more people, with another amazing response! We had over 250 people from the school watch, and had another amazing response, with well over one hundred first-time commitments to Christ! The last one was the best – we had somewhere around SEVEN HUNDRED students watching us perform the mime. The power went off for about five minutes when we were in the middle of the mime, and we started over once the power came back on since we gained some students. Even with those problems, we had well over 350 students note that they accepted Christ for the first time at that performance! God does work in wonderful ways.
I should better get off now so that some other people can blog. Waiting to see you all again soon.
Hey mom and dad and nick and marlie!!
I just wanted to give you an update on everything!! So guess what? Allie and I have NOT gotten sick!!!! Im supper thankful! Hopefully I wont jinx it! Im supper excited that joan and dad are going to make me dinner. I need some good food! Haha We went to 4 really fun schools today. Its crazy how fast its going! Tomorrow is our last ministry day. Its crazy. What day are you going to Chicago?? Tell nick good luck!! He will do awesome I know. LOVE YOU TONS!!
Love Lindsay
Hey mom and dad and mitch and tay!
So I already wrote today but Brian told me he put the picture of me and three little kids up and I thought I would tell you a little bit about the kids. The boys were beaten so bad that they were going to live on the street. The little girl was raped by her dad. She was taken out of her home by the government. Luckily a wonderful woman opened a school which she did so there would be a safe place for the kids living in a dangerous neighborhood. It was such a sad story but you could tell that they now felt loved and I was so happy to contribute to that. They were smiling and laughing and having a great time! Love you guys, I’ll have more stories to tell you when I get home. Still healthy, woohoo!
Hi Family,
Wow that’s so exciting they’re moving back! I hope they stay. Guatemala is soooo fun…it’s going so well. I will have MANY stories and pictures for all of you when I get home. So far so good as far as sickness goes….I’m feeling pretty healthy so far! Camille: stop signing things as “nelson.” LOVE YOU.
Hola Madre, Padre y mis amigos!
Yo soy Taylor! How lucky are you guys two messages in one day! Today me and Jeff left the group and drove to put in the water systems! Little did we know it was an hour and a half drive and we were going to be in the back of a pick up! Thank you lord for Dramamine!! We had a ton of fun and at points we were above the clouds it was so beautiful! I took probably more than 20 pictures of the clouds and mountains it was so fun! We were only an hour and a half from Mexico but we didn’t go even though we’re telling everyone we did! I am having so much fun and really taking advantage of this once and a life time opportunity! My home stay is ok I hate the food I almost threw up like 3 times at breakfast but I tried everything! We had steamed milk, with grits in it and some brown stuff plus cereal all in one bowl! Then we had plantains and it was awful to the point where I had to put a dinner roll in my mouth to choke it down! Other than the food I guess it’s ok but I can’t understand my people! I love you all and I’m not sick yay! I hope I can make it through the whole trip without being sick but who knows I’m just glad for making it okay thus far. I love and miss you all so so so much!
With love Taylor
Hey family,
Today was another intense day at the clinic. People had lots of weird diseases and odd problems. Last night Tim Shortreed and I stayed together in the same homestay. It was a little awkward because they only spoke Spanish. Everything is going great here, today was one of the best days in my opinion. Im not sure but I think today might be the day that Greg Gorham is leaving for Tanzania for his missions trip. Everyone should pray for him because his trip is going to be amazing. I’ll see all of you when I get home!
Trent the Bold
I’m covered in paint!
Medical Team BRIEF Update –
Another GREAT clinic day in the city of San Marcos. The Team is doing consistently well with helping to meet the physical and medical needs of the 123 patients that we saw today. The pastor of the church joined us to pray for each patient that we saw, and this was the first time that this happened at one of our clinic sites. The translators continue to help us a lot, but those students who had some Spanish prior to coming are actually getting pretty fluent.
The OCA Team as a whole is staying healthy for the most part – a few illnesses, but nothing a little Zithromax or Cipro can’t take care of when needed. The area of San Marcos is surprisingly cool for June and this close to the equator (dehydration is not an issue). Being at 7,000 feet above sea level has some benefits!
Parents, again your students are doing great and you have every reason to be proud of them. Please continue to pray for everyone and our ability to meet the needs of the people here in as many ways as possible – Mime, Children’s, Service and Medical. God bless!
In Him,
Pete Dehnel
Just another quick update from M Krech
I went to help with the clinic this afternoon. I with the assistance of Tim Fox and a woman leader of the church pre-bagged 160 bags of 30 Tylenol in each bag…it fit my energy level perfect! We had a great steak dinner back as a big group tonight with people we served with and our translators and the OCA team. As the medical team arrived dinner late after all the others were eating everyone clapped for us. I heard the kids say how much they appreciated everyone cheering them on. Today at the clinic, the students continue to find “goodies” in my bags, the highlight today was pink and green splashed scrub jackets, Trent and Trent were quite the fashion statement in San Marcos!! Wendy and Connie you will love the photos! This was the first day where the clinic pace and the region of the city allowed students to rotate walks with Tim Fox to get some sweet treats they didn’t normally get! We have never gotten to leave a clinic before! The kids are great kids and they ease the stress even when we are really busy, they pitch in with out being asked and get the job done!
Today the kids, Doc and I got the cards from Mari and Kristin….thanks girls the kids really liked them! Thanks for the prayers, we love you!
Tomorrow we leave at 7 AM for a one and a half hour drive to a school where we will set up clinic…I am expecting huge needs as we move out of the city area and into the mountain schools.
Thanks so much for all your prayer…keep your prayers coming, it makes all the difference!
I love you Rick! Can’t wait to see you!
Children Team Update
It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is our last day of missions is tomorrow. We have seen hundreds of children already in San Marcos. At one of the schools we visited today there was over 300 children. The team still has much enthusiasm towards their mission. We visited 4 schools today and are planning to visit 4 more tomorrow. Everyone seems to be in good health and is looking forward to a hotel stay. San Marcos is a beautiful area with mountains all around. The clouds begin to cover the mountains in the early afternoon and then it begins to cool off.
The team has the program down really well. Everyone is ready to setup the stage, do their puppet show, sing and dance with the children, etc and then pack up and go to the next school. We have a few of our members that are very animated, some that love to take pictures of the children and all seem to get involved with trying to get to know them.
Today, we had children wanting our autographs.
Thanks parents for your prayer support and allowing your kids to come on this awesome mission trip.
In Him,
Terry Dull
At 5:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Dear Andrea-
We have been reading your mission team's website every day! It is fun for us to know what you are up to, to read about the good work you are doing, and to feel a part of your experience. We, of course, are so anxious for you to visit the Eagle's Nest tomorrow in Solola. The care givers at the orphange know you are coming, and that you will be visiting our dear, sweet son. Please whisper in his ear that his mom, dad and sisters love him so much, and that we can hardly wait to bring him home. You are on such a special mission, Andrea. Thank you.
Love and prayers from the Germain Family (Henri, Kris, Katherine and Caroline)
At 5:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Dear Mary, Greg and Team,
It is good to hear that everyone who has been sick is starting to feel better. You have all been in my prayers. I praise God for how he has used you to touch so many lives in Guatemala and pray for his strength to be upon you as your minstry continues and then the R&R.
Mary & Greg, I miss you and I am excited that you will be home soon. The time has gone by fast.
See you on Sunday,
Rick Krech
At 6:56 PM ,
Unknown said...
mom and greg
guess what only four more nights then you are HERE YES. vbs is fun they are as tall as me though since i am helping with the 4th grade. i can't wait to here all about the trip. i miss you guys so much. oh and mom i got my grades in the mail today.
oh and the computer get lil' k from my gmail since i am also on that so yeah
At 7:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
It sounds like you and Jeff have had quite an adventure in San Marcos. Long rides in the back of a pick-up, beautiful scenery and an opportunity to do the Lord's work. What more could you ask for?!
Since I don't know when you will see this message, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I will miss spending your birthday with you, but know you are in good hands. I am certain Cole, Jeff and Sarah will sing to you. :) However, I know you will really miss hearing me tell you the story of the day you were born!
Happy Birthday, Taylor. I love you and am incredibly proud of you!
With love and prayers, Mom
At 8:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Tim Fox (and others who care to read this),
Please greet Brian and Sarah for me. It's so fun to be able to track this journey with you. I am confident the Lord is doing great things through all of you. Keep looking up! Enjoy the much deserved rest! I am abit jealous, Tim, noone ever took the medical team for treats last year!!!
It's humid and raining here. Cameron's soccer game was called due to lightning and funnel clouds. Cam was bummed since they were leading the St. Michael team 2-1, a team they lost to before. He didn't understand how the refs could call the game when they were winning! Colin's team won last night 7-0.
It has been a busy week with work, soccer games, and keeping up with the house. Colin plays again tomorrow night. I've been staying up late to put in some time studying. Work has been wild- back to back with patients, but I have been getting out of there at a reasonable time.
Hope all is well with you. See you Sunday. I'll try to go to Kristina's grad party at 1pm. So, call on my cell phone. Colin has soccer practice. I don't know about Cameron yet. Bret has more grad parties and works on Saturday. Not sure of Kyle's plans.
Kerry and the boys
At 9:33 PM ,
Bill Foster said...
Yo, Taylor. El padre here.
Happy birthday to you; happy birthday to you; happy birthday dear Taylor (aka Squirt!); happy birthday to you!
This post will be dated the 20th, but you'll likely not see it until the 21st, the real birthday day. Hope you have tons of fun. Get some good pix - gotta love Taylor in a tiara!
Love, Dad
At 11:40 PM ,
Anonymous said...
dont worry i'll tell you again and again once you're home :) cuz im sure you miss me being obnoxious like that.
mandy <3
At 12:26 AM ,
Anonymous said...
i've been trying to write to you everyday! but i'm not sure if you get to see these. ah i miss you so much i bet you are having so much fun. the food sounds terrible. i am so proud of you for eating it all. i have so much to tell you.
its storming here. it's great, and for the record mandy did not give me the blog site, i had to look it up in the wooddale weekly so she doesnt deserve any props there :]
i love you and miss you very much!!
At 12:31 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Peter Anderson-
Happy first day of summer! Bet this will be a special first day of summer that you will never forget -- spending it in another country and seeing all those beautiful children in Solola. We are praying that you have another great day! Sounds like Amy and their Chicago team are doing well -- hot weather in Chicago too! We are so glad you are having this great opportunity! God is so good!! Lots of love, Dad and Mom
At 7:55 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Happy Birthday! We sure love reading about your trip and picturing in our minds the people and towns you are meeting.
Consider taking extra time to just sit and let the Holy Spirit soak all the experiences of these past 10+ days in and let him continue the transformation He's been working on you during this trip.
We are so very proud of you and miss you. Can't wait to see you Sunday.
I love you, Marty
At 8:55 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I wish you were here so we could celebrate with you! I'm so glad to hear you are having fun.. you come home Sunday!! Just try to make it back in oone piece.
I love you!
At 10:50 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Trent S and all,
Thanks for your prayers for Greg. He left on Tuesday morning and was nervous/excited. We only forgot a couple of items for him, but nothing necessary.
It is great reading your blog. You all are doing great work and I love that you are all so intentional about your witness. I am touched. I am looking forward to seeing you at home and a little sad that Greg isn't sharing this with you.
Lots of love and Prayers,
Marie Gorham aka, Greg's mom
At 11:52 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
I'm glad to read about what all your doing. I'm not sure you're qualified to critique food from another country though when you won't even try food here in the states. I'll take your word for it that at least SOME of it's weird anyway.
Happy Birthday.
Love, Jodie and family
At 1:29 PM ,
Anonymous said...
To Adam:
From: Uncle John:
At 1:42 PM ,
Anonymous said...
To: Adam
From: Uncle John
Adam: Sorry buddy, this blog stuff is kind of new for me......
I wanted to reach out and let you know that I've been praying for you and your friends on your missionary trip. I read some of the entries and it sounds like The Lord is really using you kids and the adult leaders to bring your lives to a saving knowledge of The Lord. How cool is that?? I also see that there's been some challenges as well for your group and for you as well Adam. When my M&D told me about this a few days ago, my heart sank, but, then I realized that you are doing this for one reason only and that's to reach others w/ the good news - which you're doing!! Yes, in some ways, you're being "percecuted" for your faith in the Lord and that you're willing to leave the comforts of summer living at home and come to a foreign land. Like the Apostle Paul, he believed is was a good that this happended in his life - that he experienced suffering and percecution from others......"I rejoice".....and I'm trusting that you're also beginning to have that same understanding. Also, realizing what The Lord did for us, maybe it's more a minor thing........
Anyway, I'm so proud of you Adam and what you've done and are still doing for those in need! I know the Lord is smiling down on all of you.
Come home safe and sound so we can go on some nice rides!
Love, Uncle John, Aunt Stacey, Anna and Jake Bosacker
At 2:51 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Peter Anderson-
I stopped over at your house today to put my freshly washed car in your garage and keep it out of the rain storm and possible hail storm that was coming! Didn't think I could make it home in time. Your mom and I read the latest updates about what you are all doing. I am so happy that everything is going so well. Looking forward to you coming home soon. See you Sunday! God bless you Peter! Granddad Ray
At 2:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Ashley,
We had a nice breakfast this morning at church for a leadership meeting. Your mom and dad did a great job with everything. Your dad had gotten up at 4 a.m. to prepare things! Sounds like your team is doing a great job!! Look forward to seeing you and hearing about all your experiences. God bless you Ashley! Ray Clarke
At 7:53 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
At 2:40 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Well I agree but I dream the brief should secure more info then it has.
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