We Are In Guatemala City
We arrived safely in Guatemala City this afternoon. The students had lunch at a local mall and then we visited a topographic map of the country of Guatemala and Central Park in Guatemala City. Central Park is where the government of Guatemala is headquartered and the location of the National Cathedral, where Pope John Paul II spoke on two different occasions.
After our time at the park, we drove to the church and had a fantastic dinner prepared by the women of the church. It is now 9:30 PM and the students are at their home stays. This is the first location where our students are staying with local families. Some of the students are a little bit nervous because they do not speak Spanish and their host homes do not speak English. This will be a great experience for them. They are excited about hot showers and private bathrooms!
Our day begins at the church at 7:30 tomorrow morning. We will have another medical clinic. The service team will be involved with work around the church. The mime and childrens team will travel together.
It is common at this point in the trip for students to begin feeling very tired and a little homesick. Please keep them in your prayers.
After our time at the park, we drove to the church and had a fantastic dinner prepared by the women of the church. It is now 9:30 PM and the students are at their home stays. This is the first location where our students are staying with local families. Some of the students are a little bit nervous because they do not speak Spanish and their host homes do not speak English. This will be a great experience for them. They are excited about hot showers and private bathrooms!
Our day begins at the church at 7:30 tomorrow morning. We will have another medical clinic. The service team will be involved with work around the church. The mime and childrens team will travel together.
It is common at this point in the trip for students to begin feeling very tired and a little homesick. Please keep them in your prayers.
At 11:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hi everyone! i just wanted to say that you're in my prayers and thoughts. i've checked the blog a few times now and i really like looking at all of the pictures. it looks like things are going well. adrienne, i hope this home stay is going better than your last in france. ull have to let me know how it goes. kelly i hope your birthday was amazing !!(yes a little late i know...)krista my grandma called today and it made me think of you, i miss you! trent i dont think i have to tell u this, but i definately miss you too. everyone else, good luck, you're awesome (just in general). wow this comment is probably way too long but oh well.
God Bless!
At 7:57 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Dear all of you,
Thank you so much for these most recent "pictures" you have painted for us with your words. How moving and powerful it is to hear you tell about your experiences there. It is truly a gift to hear each one of your perspectives - you are ministering not only to the people in Guatemala but to us at home too as you give us a fresh look into how great and amazing God is as He works in your lives and your circumstances. Thank you so much. (Can't help but think of 2 Cor. 12:8-10) "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Pete and John - It sounds so very bittersweet to be able to care for so many people and yet not be able to get to everyone. We're so thankful you can be there and will keep praying for extra stamina and efficiency for you all. We hope you guys are still feeling ok. ( John - it was so fun to get your note the other day!) We love you guys and we miss you and we're so looking forward to hearing about everything. Be sure and give each other a hug from us (I guess you can skip the kiss)
Mucho love, mom & annie
At 8:11 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I am praying for you and your host family in Guatemala City!
Love you, Mom
At 11:45 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Everyone,
This is Chelsey Payne's "Aunt Julie". I just wanted you all to know that I am praying for you! As someone who lived for several years as a missionary, I want to encourage you all to look at yourselves as usable instruments in God's hands. He is constantly on the lookout for someone to use...as His hands, feet, mouth, etc.. My prayer for you all is that you would experience His presence in a very real way through this missionary experience, and that He would become more real to you as you trust in Him, and ask Him to use you in the lives of those He places in your path. He is sovereign and knows exactly what He is doing in your lives, and in the lives of those you are serving!! A big hug to you, Chelsey! I love you!
At 1:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey everyone!!
to the mime team: keep pushing-- i know its hard with all the clothes and makeup and stuff, and you are getting tired of tearing down and setting up.. at least i was at this point.. but im praying that God will keep your spirits high and that He will use you in mighty ways on this trip. I am praying that you will have strength to perservere even when its hard! good luck!
Junior girls whom i love so much! : too all of you- keep your smiling faces- all of you brighten my day with your smiles every time i see you- and im sure you brighten the days of the people you serve. so keep smiling!!im praying for all of you- you are beautiful women- and i am so glad you are doing this- i wish i could be there with you!-- dont forget to encourage one another and build eachother up-!!
Krista--i love you and from your posts it sounds like you are doing much better than you were before you left- which makes me happy :) im praying for you!
greg krech.. way to mention carleigh and not me-- i see how this goes....
and this is getting long- but i am praying for you all! stay strong and keep being a light for Jesus!!!
God Bless!!!!
Megan Doten
At 9:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Chris, Tim, & Greg-
Hey guys!! I've been reading the blogs and it sounds like you guys are having a blast and it's so cool the way God is using you to help the people there!! Seriously, really cool! Today was Curt Carlson's grad party and that was fun, but keep his mom in your prayers!! She needs it right now! Greg! I was at Northwestern last night for Stacy's little sister's Dance Recital. I pretty much fell in love with it, except that there's no swim team. bummer. but its a very pretty campus. well anywhoo...that's all. i just thought i would try out this comment thing and see what it's all about. well cant wait til you guys come home and i can hear all about your trip!! see you soon! God Bless!!
ps- stacy says hey.
At 10:35 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hey team!! this is so awsome to be looking at, and seeing all the pictures from my host´s house in guatemala city!!! haha. es muy interesante, David y Eunice (my ¨siblings¨) let me use their computer after we went to mcdonalds. tomorrow we present our mime at the church service so i´d better go tour the casa y voy a mi cama! yeppers!! keep up the good work team, and hello to everybody back home. i love you all! a mi me gusta mucho. choi.
At 10:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
lo siento yo olvido mi apallido.
love, elizabeth
At 5:17 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Cole, (Monday 6/18)
I am not sure our other comments have made it to you but hopefully this one will. It has been great following your progress and seeing the great work you are all doing! Baylor seems to be doing a lot better in France (very homesick the first 4 days). We are keeping up with Nash via Heather's voice mail messages summarizing the trips activities. Everything is fine (quiet) here with you three yahoos spread throughout the world. Mom, Tate, and me spent Sat & Sun at the lake and Tate loves the water. My prayers are with you and the group, I am proud of you and look forward to your safe return. All of you are storing up treasure in heaven serving our Lord Jesus Christ!
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