Road to Malacatan
Howdy. Just wanted to post a quick note that we are now in Malacatan. We had an uneventful drive up from Guatemala City today. We left about 9 and got in about 5:30, taking time out for lunch and a couple of bathroom breaks. It was nice when we left and clouded up as we drove along. That made for nice driving as we came along the coastal plains. It it would have been sunny it would have been incredibly hot. This was it was only really hot. As we came into Malacatan we had a bit of a shower, but it stopped raining by the time we arrived at the church. The people of the church were here to greet us. After gathering in the church we had a short team time to recap what the students experienced in Guatemala City. Then we unloaded the bags from the buses, followed by dinner at the church. By 8:30 everyone was matched up with their homestay family and off for the night. We have a full schedule the next couple of days as well as a service each evening. It is going to be pretty warm, and they have been having a lot of rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy. so I guess we'll find out what that means....
Thanks for your prayers and support. Here are a few comments from students...
Thank you all for your prayers for safety and health. This trip has been an amazing experience so far. Guatemalans have accepted us into their homes graciously and lovingly. For the medical team, we have been blessed to serve about 400 people so far. It has been humbling and I'm very excited to travel to Malacatan today!
Natalie Nelson
Service team has been an amazing experience, really getting to know the church here in Guatemala and those that serve here. We did a lot of painting, cementing and cleaning up after our messes. It barely phases me to work for an hour or two with no breaks! I am so blessed to be here and see the passion for Jesus here3 in Guatemala;each night I am filled with bountiful experiences and joy; everyone on this trip is so wonderful and fun. Though today is a travel day to Malacatan, i am excited for what God has in store for me to learn and grow. Keep me in your prayers and ask that he continues to do a great work in me! God bless!
- HaileySue Flanders
the medical team has served so many people these last days we did just over 200 the first day and we did 187 yesterday. i've been working in the pharmacy with priscilla (a guatemalan who i might add is very funny) and christina. we make a great team. we have been working hard to organize all of the medicine and that is crazy work. also memorizing the different kinds so we can fill orders. all in all the week as been good so far! cant wait for the rest!
~lucas lemmer
Thanks for your prayers and support. Here are a few comments from students...
Thank you all for your prayers for safety and health. This trip has been an amazing experience so far. Guatemalans have accepted us into their homes graciously and lovingly. For the medical team, we have been blessed to serve about 400 people so far. It has been humbling and I'm very excited to travel to Malacatan today!
Natalie Nelson
Service team has been an amazing experience, really getting to know the church here in Guatemala and those that serve here. We did a lot of painting, cementing and cleaning up after our messes. It barely phases me to work for an hour or two with no breaks! I am so blessed to be here and see the passion for Jesus here3 in Guatemala;each night I am filled with bountiful experiences and joy; everyone on this trip is so wonderful and fun. Though today is a travel day to Malacatan, i am excited for what God has in store for me to learn and grow. Keep me in your prayers and ask that he continues to do a great work in me! God bless!
- HaileySue Flanders
the medical team has served so many people these last days we did just over 200 the first day and we did 187 yesterday. i've been working in the pharmacy with priscilla (a guatemalan who i might add is very funny) and christina. we make a great team. we have been working hard to organize all of the medicine and that is crazy work. also memorizing the different kinds so we can fill orders. all in all the week as been good so far! cant wait for the rest!
~lucas lemmer
At 10:39 PM ,
Kevin and Nancy McCormick said...
Thank you, Tim, for these eloquent posts. They have been a blessing of encouragement and excitement. Praise God for getting everyone through the long trek to Malacatan safe & sound. Our prayers continue for renewed physical & spiritual strength and healthiness for each of you.
We love & miss you, Audrey! XOXO
Mom, Dad & Adam (…and Tucker & Chloe)
At 8:40 AM ,
Joelle Syverson said...
I'm so appreciative of the blog and the time you take to update us all back truly is a blessing to feel connected given how far away you all are! I'm happy to know travels have continued to go smoothly and you are now in Malacatan to continue this amazing ministry and reach the Guatemalan people in that area. Prayers for continued health, safety and receptive hearts to the message you bring. We love and miss you tons, Ellyse!
At 1:44 PM ,
Kelly and Joe Jasper said...
We so enjoy reading the blogs and looking at the photos! Thank you! Jack, we miss you but smile every time we think about this adventure you are on as you serve and walk in God's will. Know we are praying for you and the entire team. WE LOVE YOU.
"The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it."
1 Thessalonians 5:24
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