Day 2 - Guatemala City
Day 2- Guatemala City
Today as our first full service day and we made the most of it. We started early, gathering at the church from our homestays first to get our teams back together before heading out for the day. Being a Monday, the traffic was "a bit" heavier- like solid bumper-to-bumper for miles. Once everyone worked their way through to the church we got the teams rolling out by a little after 8.
Half of the service team stayed at the church to paint the interior of the sanctuary, and the other half went to a school about 30 minutes away to paint the interior of their chapel. It was a little rainy off and on so it was a good day to paint inside. Childrens went to the same school in the morning. It is a great location with lots of kids eager to interact with our students. I am not sure how much the service team appreciated our performance, though.
We were set up in the outside basketball court, but then it started raining so all of the students (ages 5-15) streaming and screaming into the chapel. They were very patient to defer their painting until we finished the program. We couldn't get them to join in doing the motions to the songs, though. They were probably afraid of getting paint on everyone....
The Childrens' team performed at 2 schools today, the one with the chapel in the morning and another nearby in the afternoon. Both places had crowds of 2-300 students from grades k-8. The younger kids really got into the songs and the clowns act, and the older kids tended to sit back a bit. But after the formal program they were all very interested in interacting with our students, practicing their English and getting our autographs.
Mime did 3 programs today, presenting to crowds of 100-200 or so school kids. They had a pretty good response from the students, and feel they are becoming much more comfortable with the skits they are performing. They were inside, too, so weather was not a factor for them, either.
Sports and drama had another good day as well. Playing on concrete courts without shin guards or other protective equipment they are experiencing a few bumps and bruises, but so far it's been nothing a little first aid cream and bandaid can't handle. They are seeing good responses from the crowds to their skit as well.
Medical set their clinic up in a school. It was a nice facility with enough rooms for the 2 nurses and 2 doctors to all see patients. They had a nice covered waiting area, too, so the people waiting to be seen did not have to be out in the rain. By the end of the day they had seen about 170 people of all ages.
We celebrated another birthday today - Kari, one of the leaders. Tonight's fete featured bottle rockets and roman candles and some cake.
So we are off to a great start. Due to the split travel day at the beginning today was our only full service day here in Guatemala City. Tomorrow morning we head out for the lovely heat of Malacatan. Its not a real long trip, though, so we will be able to sleep in a little before leaving.
Our prayer requests coming out of today are (1) to heal those who have been bumped and bruised or are feeling a bit out of sorts, and (2) to continue to build team unity as we experience the joy and stress of our various service opportunities. Thanks for your support!
Our Word for today comes from Isaiah 41:9-10: "I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." We pray the kids hear and believe this promise from God. Have a good night! Hopefully talk to you tomorrow from Malacatan!
Today as our first full service day and we made the most of it. We started early, gathering at the church from our homestays first to get our teams back together before heading out for the day. Being a Monday, the traffic was "a bit" heavier- like solid bumper-to-bumper for miles. Once everyone worked their way through to the church we got the teams rolling out by a little after 8.
Half of the service team stayed at the church to paint the interior of the sanctuary, and the other half went to a school about 30 minutes away to paint the interior of their chapel. It was a little rainy off and on so it was a good day to paint inside. Childrens went to the same school in the morning. It is a great location with lots of kids eager to interact with our students. I am not sure how much the service team appreciated our performance, though.
We were set up in the outside basketball court, but then it started raining so all of the students (ages 5-15) streaming and screaming into the chapel. They were very patient to defer their painting until we finished the program. We couldn't get them to join in doing the motions to the songs, though. They were probably afraid of getting paint on everyone....
The Childrens' team performed at 2 schools today, the one with the chapel in the morning and another nearby in the afternoon. Both places had crowds of 2-300 students from grades k-8. The younger kids really got into the songs and the clowns act, and the older kids tended to sit back a bit. But after the formal program they were all very interested in interacting with our students, practicing their English and getting our autographs.
Mime did 3 programs today, presenting to crowds of 100-200 or so school kids. They had a pretty good response from the students, and feel they are becoming much more comfortable with the skits they are performing. They were inside, too, so weather was not a factor for them, either.
Sports and drama had another good day as well. Playing on concrete courts without shin guards or other protective equipment they are experiencing a few bumps and bruises, but so far it's been nothing a little first aid cream and bandaid can't handle. They are seeing good responses from the crowds to their skit as well.
Medical set their clinic up in a school. It was a nice facility with enough rooms for the 2 nurses and 2 doctors to all see patients. They had a nice covered waiting area, too, so the people waiting to be seen did not have to be out in the rain. By the end of the day they had seen about 170 people of all ages.
We celebrated another birthday today - Kari, one of the leaders. Tonight's fete featured bottle rockets and roman candles and some cake.
So we are off to a great start. Due to the split travel day at the beginning today was our only full service day here in Guatemala City. Tomorrow morning we head out for the lovely heat of Malacatan. Its not a real long trip, though, so we will be able to sleep in a little before leaving.
Our prayer requests coming out of today are (1) to heal those who have been bumped and bruised or are feeling a bit out of sorts, and (2) to continue to build team unity as we experience the joy and stress of our various service opportunities. Thanks for your support!
Our Word for today comes from Isaiah 41:9-10: "I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." We pray the kids hear and believe this promise from God. Have a good night! Hopefully talk to you tomorrow from Malacatan!
At 11:12 AM ,
Ellen Burkhardt said...
Bumps and bruises are a sign that the soccer playing is going well! :) Praying for health, safety, and energy, and safe travels to Malacatan tomorrow! Dios les bendiga!
At 11:14 AM ,
Ellen Burkhardt said...
(That was from me)
At 11:57 AM ,
Unknown said...
The picture so great for us lonely moms missing our kids! Keep them coming! Praying for health and safety (and maybe dry weather!) Nicolle Schneider
At 12:19 PM ,
Carina said...
Praying for each young adult and each leader every day - may God continue to do His work within each of you and shine brightly!! Thanks for the updates!!!
At 5:18 PM ,
Unknown said...
God is blessing all of you, as you continue to be a blessing to others. Yahoo to all of you! Mom Murphy
At 5:30 PM ,
Unknown said...
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At 5:31 PM ,
Unknown said...
You ALL in my thoughts and prayers continually throughout the day. Thank you so much for keeping us updated with the blog and pics! It is great to see those smiling faces. May He continue to bless you and you are blessing others.
At 7:37 PM ,
Unknown said...
So nice to see pictures and hear details! Lots of prayers and blessings are headed your way from MN. Thank you to all the leaders for taking care of our teens!
Kari Dorsher
At 10:26 PM ,
Unknown said...
Tim, thanks for being so faithful with your blog updates. Colin and you are missed greatly! Yes...the air conditioning was turned on today. Please let Colin know his soccer team beat the Tonka team 5-2. Only had 2 subs and a lot of mosquitoes per Karen. Sam and Cam hung out with Beeker today. Praying for you guys...confident that God will do good work through you as He promised.
At 10:41 PM ,
The Minnesota Hondliks said...
Thanks for the great updates and pictures. So thankful and proud of all leaders and teens. Have been covering you in prayer at the start and end of each day. In honor of all in Guatemala, we have been having almost non-stop rain.
At 8:27 AM ,
Halling Family said...
So good to see all of the pics and hear about your adventures. Praying for you and that God would move in powerful ways. Stay safe and healthy! Hi Connor!
At 10:56 AM ,
Unknown said...
Love and health & thanks for sharing all of the great memories everyone is creating, special hugs to Cole & Nick
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