Good morning from Malacatan!
We made the long trip from Guatemala City to Malacatan yesterday. We got on the road about 11 in the morning after some large group worship and some time to meet as service teams to debrief the first day's experiences and talk about the coming days. It is good to have the time to process what we are seeing God do within the team and through the team. The most noticed characteristic of the people we have been serving is their strong faith in God's provision. The way the different people we have encountered- children at the schools, patients at the clinic, members of the churches- look to God both to praise him for what they have and thank him for what he will provide.
It is a LOT hotter in Malacatan. We noticed it right away as we were making our way uo the coastal highway. We were actually happy to have the clouds build up and block the sun so it was a little more comfortable in the vehicles. We did have a little rain along the way but not enough to affect our traveling too much. We arrived in the city of Malacatan about 7:30. They are reconstructing many of the roads in the city so we had some fun trying to get to the church. At one point our caravan headed up a street only to find it blocked by an unfinished intersection. All of the team members got off the bus and walked the remaining few blocks to the church.
After a good dinner of baked chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetables the team was split out to their home stays and went off with their host families for some time to get aquainted and to get some sleep. We are regrouping here at the church at 7:30 or so for our first day of service. Our prayer requests for today are for strength and health in this heat and humidity. Tonight the church has arranged for us to go to a local soccer stadium and have a soccer game between our team and the local Guatemalans.
The passage in our devotional today is James 1:26-27: "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." As we head into our second round of service days we are praying the students continue to stay focused on our true purpose-to share the Good News of God's love and grace. They have been doing great so far, and so we are all looking forward to what will be accomplished here.
It is a LOT hotter in Malacatan. We noticed it right away as we were making our way uo the coastal highway. We were actually happy to have the clouds build up and block the sun so it was a little more comfortable in the vehicles. We did have a little rain along the way but not enough to affect our traveling too much. We arrived in the city of Malacatan about 7:30. They are reconstructing many of the roads in the city so we had some fun trying to get to the church. At one point our caravan headed up a street only to find it blocked by an unfinished intersection. All of the team members got off the bus and walked the remaining few blocks to the church.
After a good dinner of baked chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetables the team was split out to their home stays and went off with their host families for some time to get aquainted and to get some sleep. We are regrouping here at the church at 7:30 or so for our first day of service. Our prayer requests for today are for strength and health in this heat and humidity. Tonight the church has arranged for us to go to a local soccer stadium and have a soccer game between our team and the local Guatemalans.
The passage in our devotional today is James 1:26-27: "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." As we head into our second round of service days we are praying the students continue to stay focused on our true purpose-to share the Good News of God's love and grace. They have been doing great so far, and so we are all looking forward to what will be accomplished here.
At 2:49 PM ,
Carina said...
Amen, amen! May God continue to work within all of you, to strengthen you to be bright lights for Him and for all of you to leave a lasting impact in His name. Continuing to pray for you - thank you for the specific prayer requests! Keep 'em coming! Say hi to my Cole from mom and the fam. :-)
At 3:45 PM ,
Unknown said...
Saw a picture of you Kelli Bloomquist !!
Auntie Sharon (God Bless!!)
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