In Their Own Words - June 21, 2006
June 21, 2006
Hola everyone! Thank you family for sending me some blogs! I am still waiting to hear from my friends and boyfriend!..hint hint.. I am excited for tomorrow
because it’s going to be my BiRtHdAy!! Yay! I think we are going to have a fiesta tomorrow for me and Josh’s birthday. Josh is hoping for a new car, and I am hoping for amps in my car! J We go to Antigua soon to go shopping so I really need to hear from all of you about what I should get you while I am here!! Right now we are at the Chichoy restaurant outside of Guatemala City, Guatemala and I hear that we get to have STEAK for lunch!! Its time for me to eat now~ love you all
Dear mommy and pappi,
I miss you both so incredibly much, I cant wait to see you guys next Sunday! We just left Guatemala city this morning and we are headed off to Huehuetenango next! It is supposed to be very cold in the next city because of its altitude in the mountains. It’s a travel day and we are stopped at chichoy’s restaurant and are going to eat some steak I am so excited! Hope you guys are having fun in minnesoooooooooooooooooootah! Ciao!
Josh, Brown boy, Patil
Greetings from Guatemala! We are enroute to our third city, currently awaiting our steak lunch. Overall we are doing well. Several have colds, including myself. Very few of those with nausea and/or diarrhea have been ill to the point of requiring antibiotics. Derek was started on an antibiotic today. All but one are now fully participating in the activities. We are heading into the mountains which should help those who struggle with the intense heat and humidity. A few of the kids have already put on sweatshirts. Please continue to pray for us. We love all of you and are so appreciative of your love and prayers.
(Diane, I read your note a few days ago. Yes, we have continued to buy medicine in each city. Pray for us as we will have two doctors and probably fewer translators than in the past. We are going to an area where up to seven dialects may be spoken. I anticipate this may stress the medical intake team a little.)
(Kyle, please share the blog with Cameron and Colin.)
Love to all,
Kerry Fox
Hey family and friends,
Its Amy Heinz and we are in a restaurant as you have heard. I wanted to share with you the experience we had last night. We were on the roof of the seminary having our team leaders share their testimonies. The sun was setting. There were volcanoes all around us even one that is active. We were right in the middle of the city. It was absolutely beautiful. The testimonies were really interesting to hear. After the testimonies, Brian asked us to raise our hands so we are praying for all of the city and country. This was an incredible moment for me. Just seeing the city lights and how many people are in that city. The translators tell us there are 3 million people that live in Guatemala City. Chris Erickson shared his testimony and mentioned for us to look around and we are like the city lights in the world and the people we need to reach are the spots where there aren’t any lights. Lights were all around in different areas. We are the light of God to reach the people all around the world. So next time you are in a city or flying into a city on an airplane, look out and remember that we are the city lights in this world. Thanks for all the prayers!! Please continue to pray.
Amy Heinz
It’s Andy Frost Here to give an update on my experiences in the past few days. Things seem to be back normal for me… finally. I have my guitar on the bus right now and it feels amazing to have it back in my possession. For those who didn’t hear it was lost on the plane ride and came late on a flight. I got it today right before we left Guatemala City. Jaime has been letting me use his guitar that is missing a string and only stays in tune for roughly a minute. You could say I made a major upgrade today. AND my clothes are all dry now! A pipe burst and soaked my bag when we were in Honduras. Some of them still carry a distinguished odor that I still have not conjured up a word for. But don’t worry I wear them anyways… which describes why not too many people are sitting around me right now. R&R was amazing, mostly because children’s team had their group meetings in the hot tub. And at the hotel they had all this pop in glass bottles for really, really cheap. So when Matt Decker and I had al this Honduran money that we wouldn’t be able to exchange back in Guatemala we went and bought all the pop we could (Around 15 dollars worth) and drank them as fast as we could before we headed off on the bus. The past two travel days have given us a little time to readjust to our crazy schedules. Well it’s time to eat. Thank you all for your support and keep the comments coming here on the blog, its pretty cool to hear what you have to say. See yall in 4 days!
Andy Frost
Hola!! Its Christel Here!
So far this trip has been wonderful… the different experiences I had in Campur and Siguatepaque were incredible… Ps.. Honduras was incredible! And mom I was in home stay with people who only spoke Spanish… I struggled but it was fun. I feel like all we have been doing the past four days or so was just driving and relaxing. I think im ready for these next two days to put my all into it. But everyone…please pray for the sick people… whether it just a headache or stomach ache… pray for healing so we can totally work it these next few days! Mom and dad… I miss you obviously. Imagine how much I want my bed now…. Ah I just want my comforter and to sleep in until 3 in the afternoon…. But anyways…were eating lunch right now half-way to wewetenango or however you spell it. We have a new homestay for the next two nights…so that should be fun. Cya later!
Christel Lee
Hi Everyone!
Its Katelyn and Rachel… We finally decided to blog after one and a half weeks. Secretly, we don’t really know how to blog. Right now we are sitting inside of a Guatemalan restaurant surrounded by natives. WOO HOO! R and R time was OFF THE HOOK!! We got to go shopping (But I just bought ice cream and explored –rachel)! Dad, I got you something – katelyn. Now we are in our way to our next home stays and are pretty pumped. We loved our host families in Honduras and cant wait to meet our new ones. I played UNO and SPOONS way into the night at my last one – Rachel and I really enjoyed using my Spanish with Edgar – Katelyn! We have two more days of ministry and we cant wait to get back to work. The Clinics have been awesome to be able to meet people’s physical needs. We are now going to give you an example of a usual intake:
Hola! Como se llama? Dominga Maria Sanchez Xol Caal
Hi! What’s your name? Dominga Maria Sanchez Xol Caal
Porque esta aqui? Me duele mi estomago, cabeza, tos, y fiebre
Why are you here? My head and stomach hurt, I have a
Cough and a fever.
Cuantas veces haces pipi and popo cada dia? Pipi – 5 y popo 10
How many times do you pee and poop everyday? Pee – 5 and poop – 10
Tiene Diarrea? Si
Do you have Diarrea? Yes
Le sale sangre? Si
With blood? Yes
Le duele? Si
With pain? Yes
Con lombrices? Si Si Si
With worms? Yes Yes Yes
Voy a tomarle la presion. OK.
I’m going to take your blood pressure. OK.
Voy a tomarle la temperatura. OK.
I’m going to take your temperature. OK.
Voy a tomarle el pulso. OK.
I’m going to take your pulse. OK
Yeah, that’s generally one. Everyone’s got worms here. But, we’re healing them. So, that’s cool. So, that’s all for now. We’re really good at blogging. Bye.
Katelyn and Rachel
The Most Talented Doctors on the Medical Team. Yeah, that’s right, we said Doctors. Don’t even think about calling us nurses because we’re girls. Girl power! Power to the women! Peace to the homegirls! Flower power!
p.s. Mom and Dad, can you please write me a blog comment? From Katelyn.
Hey Everyone! This is Vinesha and Kenzie!
We are on our way to our last mission city in Huehuetenago, Guatemala. We were sad to leave the hotel with the pool, the hot showers, great food, and Honduras—we loved Honduras!! So far we both decided that it was our favorite place so far. But after 2 long days on the busses we’re soooo ready to get settled with our host families and go back to working with our teams. Yesterday we arrived at the seminary and had lots of time to hang out. Vin and I decided to bust out our sleeping bags and we took a long nap outside. It was perfect weather—the first day we were not sweating to death!! We contemplated sleeping on the roof, but decided that it was too cold for us!! Please pray for the sick people and also for those who are distracted. Please pray that as a team we can stay positive and not let satan bring down the team with negative attitudes. Pray that our Spanish skills are awesome with this next home stay. We love you all!
Vinesha and Mackenzie
This is Matt Decker here to do my first and probably my only serious blog of the whole trip. I haven’t done any actual work since Saturday, so that’s a definite plus. We stayed overnight last night in the Seminary in Guatemala City, and Drove 6 hours. We are currently in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. This is where we will have our last set of homestays, and do our final 2 full ministry days. It’s weird to think that I’ll be coming home in only a few short days. MOM- wow, I’m really proud that you found your way to the blog. That’s VERY impressive. I hope everyone is having a blast at Bonnie Beach, and that the weather is great. TIA- If my voicemail made it all 2,000 or however many miles, then you BETTER be reading this. I hope you’re having an amazing week!
God Bless, and I love you all!!!!
Hola everyone! Thank you family for sending me some blogs! I am still waiting to hear from my friends and boyfriend!..hint hint.. I am excited for tomorrow
because it’s going to be my BiRtHdAy!! Yay! I think we are going to have a fiesta tomorrow for me and Josh’s birthday. Josh is hoping for a new car, and I am hoping for amps in my car! J We go to Antigua soon to go shopping so I really need to hear from all of you about what I should get you while I am here!! Right now we are at the Chichoy restaurant outside of Guatemala City, Guatemala and I hear that we get to have STEAK for lunch!! Its time for me to eat now~ love you all
Dear mommy and pappi,
I miss you both so incredibly much, I cant wait to see you guys next Sunday! We just left Guatemala city this morning and we are headed off to Huehuetenango next! It is supposed to be very cold in the next city because of its altitude in the mountains. It’s a travel day and we are stopped at chichoy’s restaurant and are going to eat some steak I am so excited! Hope you guys are having fun in minnesoooooooooooooooooootah! Ciao!
Josh, Brown boy, Patil
Greetings from Guatemala! We are enroute to our third city, currently awaiting our steak lunch. Overall we are doing well. Several have colds, including myself. Very few of those with nausea and/or diarrhea have been ill to the point of requiring antibiotics. Derek was started on an antibiotic today. All but one are now fully participating in the activities. We are heading into the mountains which should help those who struggle with the intense heat and humidity. A few of the kids have already put on sweatshirts. Please continue to pray for us. We love all of you and are so appreciative of your love and prayers.
(Diane, I read your note a few days ago. Yes, we have continued to buy medicine in each city. Pray for us as we will have two doctors and probably fewer translators than in the past. We are going to an area where up to seven dialects may be spoken. I anticipate this may stress the medical intake team a little.)
(Kyle, please share the blog with Cameron and Colin.)
Love to all,
Kerry Fox
Hey family and friends,
Its Amy Heinz and we are in a restaurant as you have heard. I wanted to share with you the experience we had last night. We were on the roof of the seminary having our team leaders share their testimonies. The sun was setting. There were volcanoes all around us even one that is active. We were right in the middle of the city. It was absolutely beautiful. The testimonies were really interesting to hear. After the testimonies, Brian asked us to raise our hands so we are praying for all of the city and country. This was an incredible moment for me. Just seeing the city lights and how many people are in that city. The translators tell us there are 3 million people that live in Guatemala City. Chris Erickson shared his testimony and mentioned for us to look around and we are like the city lights in the world and the people we need to reach are the spots where there aren’t any lights. Lights were all around in different areas. We are the light of God to reach the people all around the world. So next time you are in a city or flying into a city on an airplane, look out and remember that we are the city lights in this world. Thanks for all the prayers!! Please continue to pray.
Amy Heinz
It’s Andy Frost Here to give an update on my experiences in the past few days. Things seem to be back normal for me… finally. I have my guitar on the bus right now and it feels amazing to have it back in my possession. For those who didn’t hear it was lost on the plane ride and came late on a flight. I got it today right before we left Guatemala City. Jaime has been letting me use his guitar that is missing a string and only stays in tune for roughly a minute. You could say I made a major upgrade today. AND my clothes are all dry now! A pipe burst and soaked my bag when we were in Honduras. Some of them still carry a distinguished odor that I still have not conjured up a word for. But don’t worry I wear them anyways… which describes why not too many people are sitting around me right now. R&R was amazing, mostly because children’s team had their group meetings in the hot tub. And at the hotel they had all this pop in glass bottles for really, really cheap. So when Matt Decker and I had al this Honduran money that we wouldn’t be able to exchange back in Guatemala we went and bought all the pop we could (Around 15 dollars worth) and drank them as fast as we could before we headed off on the bus. The past two travel days have given us a little time to readjust to our crazy schedules. Well it’s time to eat. Thank you all for your support and keep the comments coming here on the blog, its pretty cool to hear what you have to say. See yall in 4 days!
Andy Frost
Hola!! Its Christel Here!
So far this trip has been wonderful… the different experiences I had in Campur and Siguatepaque were incredible… Ps.. Honduras was incredible! And mom I was in home stay with people who only spoke Spanish… I struggled but it was fun. I feel like all we have been doing the past four days or so was just driving and relaxing. I think im ready for these next two days to put my all into it. But everyone…please pray for the sick people… whether it just a headache or stomach ache… pray for healing so we can totally work it these next few days! Mom and dad… I miss you obviously. Imagine how much I want my bed now…. Ah I just want my comforter and to sleep in until 3 in the afternoon…. But anyways…were eating lunch right now half-way to wewetenango or however you spell it. We have a new homestay for the next two nights…so that should be fun. Cya later!
Christel Lee
Hi Everyone!
Its Katelyn and Rachel… We finally decided to blog after one and a half weeks. Secretly, we don’t really know how to blog. Right now we are sitting inside of a Guatemalan restaurant surrounded by natives. WOO HOO! R and R time was OFF THE HOOK!! We got to go shopping (But I just bought ice cream and explored –rachel)! Dad, I got you something – katelyn. Now we are in our way to our next home stays and are pretty pumped. We loved our host families in Honduras and cant wait to meet our new ones. I played UNO and SPOONS way into the night at my last one – Rachel and I really enjoyed using my Spanish with Edgar – Katelyn! We have two more days of ministry and we cant wait to get back to work. The Clinics have been awesome to be able to meet people’s physical needs. We are now going to give you an example of a usual intake:
Hola! Como se llama? Dominga Maria Sanchez Xol Caal
Hi! What’s your name? Dominga Maria Sanchez Xol Caal
Porque esta aqui? Me duele mi estomago, cabeza, tos, y fiebre
Why are you here? My head and stomach hurt, I have a
Cough and a fever.
Cuantas veces haces pipi and popo cada dia? Pipi – 5 y popo 10
How many times do you pee and poop everyday? Pee – 5 and poop – 10
Tiene Diarrea? Si
Do you have Diarrea? Yes
Le sale sangre? Si
With blood? Yes
Le duele? Si
With pain? Yes
Con lombrices? Si Si Si
With worms? Yes Yes Yes
Voy a tomarle la presion. OK.
I’m going to take your blood pressure. OK.
Voy a tomarle la temperatura. OK.
I’m going to take your temperature. OK.
Voy a tomarle el pulso. OK.
I’m going to take your pulse. OK
Yeah, that’s generally one. Everyone’s got worms here. But, we’re healing them. So, that’s cool. So, that’s all for now. We’re really good at blogging. Bye.
Katelyn and Rachel
The Most Talented Doctors on the Medical Team. Yeah, that’s right, we said Doctors. Don’t even think about calling us nurses because we’re girls. Girl power! Power to the women! Peace to the homegirls! Flower power!
p.s. Mom and Dad, can you please write me a blog comment? From Katelyn.
Hey Everyone! This is Vinesha and Kenzie!
We are on our way to our last mission city in Huehuetenago, Guatemala. We were sad to leave the hotel with the pool, the hot showers, great food, and Honduras—we loved Honduras!! So far we both decided that it was our favorite place so far. But after 2 long days on the busses we’re soooo ready to get settled with our host families and go back to working with our teams. Yesterday we arrived at the seminary and had lots of time to hang out. Vin and I decided to bust out our sleeping bags and we took a long nap outside. It was perfect weather—the first day we were not sweating to death!! We contemplated sleeping on the roof, but decided that it was too cold for us!! Please pray for the sick people and also for those who are distracted. Please pray that as a team we can stay positive and not let satan bring down the team with negative attitudes. Pray that our Spanish skills are awesome with this next home stay. We love you all!
Vinesha and Mackenzie
This is Matt Decker here to do my first and probably my only serious blog of the whole trip. I haven’t done any actual work since Saturday, so that’s a definite plus. We stayed overnight last night in the Seminary in Guatemala City, and Drove 6 hours. We are currently in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. This is where we will have our last set of homestays, and do our final 2 full ministry days. It’s weird to think that I’ll be coming home in only a few short days. MOM- wow, I’m really proud that you found your way to the blog. That’s VERY impressive. I hope everyone is having a blast at Bonnie Beach, and that the weather is great. TIA- If my voicemail made it all 2,000 or however many miles, then you BETTER be reading this. I hope you’re having an amazing week!
God Bless, and I love you all!!!!
At 8:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Can someone update us ASAP on Derek please?
Tell him every time I think of him I pray,and I think of him OFTEN.
Praying for the rest of you as well-that God would continue to use you powerfully these last few days.
With love from way "up north"!
At 10:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I am praying that God will richly bless your last two days of ministry and work and for the health of everyone. It has been amazing to hear how God has worked through OCA to bring so many more people into his Kingdom.
Greg, I am looking forward to you coming home and meeting you at the airport. I am eager to hear your stories.
At 11:51 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi OCA Team!
I'm glad to hear you've had some R&R time and am praying for good health and safe travels! It's amazing the work you have all accomplished! God works in wonderful ways! Stay focused on the mission - keep on keepin on...
God Bless!
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