Mime in the morning. Sports in the afternoon.
Check out the post below! More students sending their love to their fathers and families!
Today our mime team performed at the Albert Einstein Science
Academy. There were about 40 students. I
wonder what these evolutionary minded students thought of our
presentation! Aly shared her faith story in the morning and
in front of 400+ in the afternoon! 150
first time decisions were made at the end of the preaching! Praise!!!
The children’s team performed at a Compassion International
school. Sponsors, from all over the
world, pay monthly for one child to receive meals, education, and biblical
teaching. It was a great experience
I went with the sports and drama team in the afternoon. I hear and see from these American students
that the soccer part is really fun, but they are really seeing that sports can
be used as a tool to share the hope of the Gospel. They get it.
They take it really seriously.
Even in the way they pass out the follow-up forms, interact with the
students, and present the drama.
Our service team painted in the morning and laid concrete in
the afternoon. It was back
breaking. But once again this team
finished both projects.
Our medical team continues to see hundreds of patients each
day. Pray for this team. They had a hard day. Patients come in with stories and sicknesses that
will break your heart. Today was this
kind of day.
There were no formal activities tonight. Our home stay families picked everyone up at
8pm. It should be a restful night. We have one more full day of ministry in San
Marcos. Things are really going well!
Good night!
At 9:17 AM ,
Halbakkens said...
Aly. I absolutely love to hear how God is stretching and using you! Papaya huh? Nice! The cockroach makes me laugh! Can't really even imagine...We miss you so much! Enjoy the home stretch!
At 1:05 PM ,
Unknown said...
Everyone sounds great! Still praying for all of you and your strength and heath as you finish this week! Loved seeing more great photos of your experiences! Can't wait to see you, Andrew!! Loved your note! Love and miss you! We will meet you at the airport, for sure!!! Greta would come if we let her!! Many blessings to all, Damon and Elizabeth
At 7:04 PM ,
Unknown said...
Hey "Mighty Men",
It is awesome to see and read how God is at work through you and your OCA teammates as you serve your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It is so encouraging to see how God has molded and shaped you over these past 5 yrs since you occupied the cabins of 22 & 24 up at Lake Beauty summer camp when you guys were smelly squirrely seventh game boys. The coolest thing is I see joy on your faces now as godly men! Keep pressing on to the prize!
On another note...service team photo with James holding machete, definitely an album cover for "Men at Work". Chipotle has posted a wanted poster with your photos on it, sales are slumping. Lastly Mighty Men 2 outing at Greg and Whitey's cabin, successful with 120 smallmouth caught but no roof ball or Logan falling off from Greg's rock, "Oh My"!! Love you guys, Whitey
Hi Aaron! Thanks for the note, glad the mime team is "chill". :). From all of the notes it sounds like the team is really bonding and that God is using all of the teams in a powerful way. How exciting to see and hear the responses to the gospel. Praise the Lord! You are on the home stretch so we will continue praying for endurance as you finish strong.
Take lots of pics, can't wait to hear all of the stories. Fritz misses you and would love to give you lots of kisses with his terrible breath:).
Press on! Love , Mom <3
At 9:50 PM ,
Unknown said...
Greetings to all! Not only have you all blessed the Guatemalans but you have blessed all of us here at home who have had the privilege of supporting you through prayer, knowing that God is working through you and in you to accomplish His purpose! "...for it is God Who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose." (Phil 2:13).
As you treasure this time in your hearts, I encourage all who have cameras to get lots of pics (Elizabeth...don't forget pictures of last host family) and to keep your journals (Elizabeth!)...best to capture in "real time" rather than trying to remember when back in the swing of home again. As wonderful as your anticipated homecoming is (Chipotles...LOL), I'm sure there will be little heart tugs in leaving the Guatemalans you all have served so faithfully. That is the love of Christ!
Ollie sends Elizabeth love licks and hugs from her mom & dad too!
Beth :)
At 10:05 PM ,
Unknown said...
P.S. Elizabeth...thank you for nice message you sent...we enjoyed! See?...all those years in Latin has paid off in helping you learn a bit of Spanish...heehee!
Adios lovie!
Mom xo
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