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- In Their Own Words - June 22, 2006
- Pick up at Airport
- In Their Own Words - June 21, 2006
- Pictures take 2
- In Their Own Words - June 20th
- Pictures, pictures and more pictures
- In Their Own Words - June 19th
- June 17-18 - In Their Own Words
- June 16-17 - In Their Own Words
- What a day!
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At 10:57 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Beebe- This is from your parents - they couldn't figure out how to leave a comment so I told them I would let you know they are reading each day and thinking/praying for you. Your mom says "When you get in on Sunday evening to call Greg on his cell phone 952-237-5660 or at the office 952-941-9199 if you don't get him at home. He may be working late. We love you and look forward to seeing you next week."
PS are you drinking enough water? :)
At 11:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Derek,
I talked with Brian to arrange the interview for Friday at 5:00. It sounds as if you have recovered from your fever and sickness. I am glad to hear you are experiencing some fascinating adventures and growing in your faith.
I look forward to talking with you Brian, and any others who want to get on the radio.
Love Dad
ps - parents can click on the underlined "kkms live!..." text above for a link to the radio show web site
At 12:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Megan Doten aka. Kara's Cotton Ball
How are you? Megan... just to let you know, your bed has been wonderful, i think you're out of some sort of make-up, ummmm.... i accidentally broke your cell phone (i thought i could use it since you were gone - i mean c'mon here it has the cool picture thing!!), and i'm sad to say.... but we have completely forgotten about you - DON'T come back!!
No... please do come back - I really miss you and think about you everyday (Allison E. and I got together the other day and we were talking about you and then we started to laugh as we thought of you hot and sweaty in Guate.) Love you much sister!!! Can't wait till you're home!
At 3:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hola! Can I tell you how much this blog has meant to your parents here at home??? It has been wonderful to hear in YOUR voices just what you are doing and just what you are feeling as you minister to people in several cities & countries. They won’t forget what you have done for them….and you won’t forget how God worked through all…even your trials!
Patrick...we were sooo glad to see your picture and FINALLY hear from you! lol! we are so happy you were able to see some of your sister Pam's efforts in Honduras as well! Saw Sarah ("Suki"!) at Wooddale today & she gave me a report on you & everyone!
Well, we can’t wait to see you on Sunday night at the airport!! We know you will have so much in your heart… We pray every day...that you are growing closer & closer to the Lord!
Do write again if you can on the blog...and say HI to your nephew who wrote you earlier!
We are sooo proud of ALL of you…your sacrifices, your hard work, and your dedication to the Lord. May God continue to hear our prayers for your health and safety in your last couple days and in your travel. EVERYONE BE SURE TO TAKE LOTS MORE PICTURES (PATRICK!) AND JOURNAL!!!
Big hugs,
Mom & Dad (The Menefees)
p.s. Medical know my heart is with you...soooo proud of you as I read your entries & see your pics! Happy Birthday, Natalia & Josh!
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