An extraordinary day.
Today was not an ordinary day. It was extraordinary.
It started with the whole region losing electricity from
6am-4pm. Three of our five teams use a
sound system for every presentation. What
were we going to do? So we prayed and then left in faith for a full day. Pastor Nery said that they were looking for
The service team had already left before the rest of us, but
then we saw them on the side of the road.
Jane told us that the breaks were having problems so the driver started
pulling over. As he was slowing down and
crossing the white line, the front right tire blew out. Nothing happened because they were already
slowing down and pulling over. Everyone
was safe. We believe, though, that because
of all of your prayers, God protected our service team. God is a protector.
Because the service team was on the side of the road, they
jumped into our bus and came with us to our ministry location. The med team, sports and children’s team were
all in the same area during the morning.
No generator, however, was ever brought to that location. Jane, our service team leader, had a small
little portable sound cube that she had brought to play music for the service
team while they were painting and working.
The sports and drama team and children’s team borrowed this mini sound
system that would not have been there if the brakes and tire had been working. God is a not only a protector, he is a
The sports and drama team did receive a generator in the afternoon. They had problems with it though. It wasn’t amplifying the sound
correctly. When it was time for the
drama, however, Jason pushed the button on his iPod and the song played
perfect. For the entire 6 minute song
our drama team gave one of their best performances. When the song was over, the generator stopped
working. God’s timing is perfect.
The mime team was supposed to perform at a school this
afternoon but the performance was canceled.
So it was looking like the mime squad would not have the opportunity to
serve in the afternoon. The idea came up
at lunch to perform in the central park.
This is a common place where Chris and the mime teams have performed in
different cities over the years but this year they couldn’t get the permits to
make it happen. We sent someone anyone
to try and find the mayor and get a permit.
Within three hours we had found the mayor and he signed the permit with
the permission to use the city square from 3-5pm. This was a miracle. Without over exaggerating, the mime team
performed in front of over 1200 people this afternoon. There were people everywhere. It was a Holy Spirit movement! Many made decisions to follow or rededicate
their lives to Jesus. God is powerful.
What can I say?
God is a protector.
God is a provider.
God’s timing is perfect.
God is powerful.
It was an extraordinary day because we serve an
extraordinary God.
Tomorrow we travel to Solola for our final day of service!
Thanks for all of your prayers and support!
Good night!
Good night!
At 9:21 AM ,
Halbakkens said...
Absolutely amazing! Fills my heart with love for an awesome God and knowing He is with you is such an encouragement! Continued prayers for you all!
At 10:18 AM ,
Unknown said...
i wasn't going to comment... However this has me in awe of our Great God!! How can one be silent?
Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. Psalm 77:13-14
You rock Teams!! Keep in step with the Spirit. Praying for more opportunities. This is about impromptu learning and obeying. God is So Good! 1200 in a park? AWESOME!!
Love love love you all and Love to Holly. Can't wait to hear and see you!!
Mama Beachey
At 4:46 PM ,
Unknown said...
Mason, we are so excited and encouraged to read the blogs each day and to hopefully see a glimpse of you in a picture. I feel so close to all of you when I sit quietly and pray for all of you. We all look forward to having you home soon and hearing all the stories you have to share. Stay healthy and finish strong! I'm so proud of you, Mason! You are blessing to so many!! Love Mom
At 6:16 PM ,
McCloskey Family said...
Hi Everyone!
I cannot believe you are on the last leg of your service! Wow! All this work and preparation has been put forth and what an abundance of blessings you have bestowed upon these people. I am sure you touched a lot of hearts, and it sure sounds like a lot of people and situations have touched you more than you anticipated. Praise God! It is so amazing to see the work that all of you have done through Him. It gives me chills and just makes my heart dance! I am so honored to have my daughter Maddie be a part of this group with all of you. Thank you all so much for all you are doing everyone!
Praying that you all have a wonderful last few days, and the farewells will be okay. I am sure it will be sad to leave feeling that there is still so much work to be done there. Remember you lead by example and next years group will follow up with the foundation you have put down these past two weeks.
We love you Maddie! We miss you! Drink lots of water and use up those camera cards! LOTS of pictures!
Love Mom
At 10:29 PM ,
Unknown said...
So proud of all of you and thank you for the work you are doing! I was just thinking the other day about the host families who have so graiously opened their homes and lives to all of you. I feel grateful to those families for taking care of each of you. Many prayers for those families as well!
Can't wait to see all of you and especially that boy of ours...Christopher! Love you!
Mom Kimball
Dear Christopher, my brother, my friend, and lastly, my bro.
You and I are like the jonas brothers, except we would be called the bronas brothers. Because we are bros. My time in colorado was great and I can see why you loved it so much. I got to see the scenery and most importantly, got to experience God through teachings and testimonies.
You and your group are really changing things for the better of the comunity.
Nathan Kimball
At 10:44 PM ,
Sue Bosshardt said...
Thank you so much for these detailed daily posts, especially today's that reminded us so vividly that God is protector, provider, perfect, powerful and always present! Praying for all of you to finish strong and to continue to show Jesus in the amazing ways you have been the entire trip. We miss you Jake B. Great to see you juggling!
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