Operation Central America

Come and see what is happening on the Operation Central America missions trip. Also learn about the teams and their prayer requests.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Radio Kids

I just got word from Brian about who will be on the radio:
Derek Schell- Children's team
Matt Decker- Basketball team
Laura Stadler- Service team
Steph Snyder- Medical team
John Hann- Mime team
Be sure to listen in AM 980 at 5pm. Hopefully you can match the kids with the picture if you don't know them.


  • At 9:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wow! It's been great to read the blogs. God has been doing amazing things and it's great to hear so many different perspectives. Hey Megan Doten, it's your mom. I tried this blog thing before, but I couldn't make it work. Kara let me know that I could just be anonymous for my identity and that really helped. I would love to hear from you personally. It has been great to see a few pictures of you and hear about what you've been doing from some of your friends and teammates. I can't wait to see your pictures of the Mayan ruins since we share such a love for those sites. Actually, I would guess that you've seen many amazing things. Aren't the people beautiful? They have such beautiful fabrics too! And even more than those things, it is beautiful to see their faith and love for God. I really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. I hope you're able to see this blog before you start traveling. I'm really sorry that I couldn't figure out the blog thing. Meg, we love you and have been praying for you and the rest of the team.

    Kris Doten

  • At 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Sean!! Kelli and I have been at the cabin all week. I've spent the morning caching up on all the stories. God is truly amazing! We miss you and look forward to seeing you at the airport Sunday night. Cameron gets in from Colorado tonight. Kelli leaves for Lake Beauty Sunday at 1:45. She really misses you and is sad she won't get to see you until Thursday afternoon. Ryan is plannning on being at the airport Sunday with us when we pick you up. We've been praying for you. Love you, miss you!
    mom,dad and Kelli
    ps- nice dance move with the puppet!


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