Buenas dias from beautiful Lake Atitlan.
We had an uneventful trip through the clouds from Malacatan yesterday, arriving at Camp Eden juts outside Santiago about 6:30. It truly is an Eden - beautiful flowers and trees everywhere, surrounded by high (and dormant!) volcanoes. The camp is is enclosed within a high cement wall and so is very secure and quiet… at least until our students got there. We are all staying together again in the dormitory-like rooms. While I think everyone enjoyed their homestays, they like to be able to come together at the end of the day and share stories, and it is nice to start the day sharing plans (more like guesses) for the day.
Sorry I was not able to post a note last night. There is not internet at the camp, so I had to come into town this morning to post this. I will not post another note until Thursday night when we are at our R&R location, so please be patient.
The students and leaders are doing great both in terms of health and behavior.
Thank you once again for your prayers. God has been gracious in His providence for the team and generous with opportunities for each of us to meet Him in new and challenging ways. Please pray that we will all finish the next day and a half of service strong and committed to our purpose, and then be able to enjoy a well-deserved R&R time.
Following are a few notes from the team and a couple pictures from Malacatan and Camp Eden:
Guatemala time is an approximation. Today, we’ll make it to Santiago after a 4-8 hour bus ride. Nobody knows due to traffic and landslide hazards. But I’m convinced nobody knows anyway.
Same with our ministry. This absence of knowing what’s going on has acclimated us to a Guatemalan style ministry; knowing neither its next form or function. We know we’re going to share the Gospel, but often times we’re not quite sure how. In Malacatan, the service team (and recruited help) painted the worship center of the church. While we weren’t sharing God’s word firsthand, we prayed diligently for the mime team and their precious ministry. Hopefully our painting and prayer for the church will help them be welcoming both physically and spiritually, respectively.
I have seen countless example of students quick to volunteer for all forms of service. Either to each other, our Guatemalan team, or strangers, please know, our students are present and willing. Please expect us to come home changed for the better… for God’s glory.
We’re driving through a cloud now, and I cannot see the road out of the front window, nor do I know how God will bless us this travel day. I am trusting for both. And hey, we’ve only got 1-5 hours to go.
-Justin Satterberg
NOTE TO THE DAVIS & GRANLUND FAMILIES: Write back to your daughters from previous days. They’re important. We miss you <3
I miss you a lot! I’m excited to see you.
I have a few favors…
1. Could you possibly figure out what nights I’ll be at Jessi’s cabin…and POSSIBLY call my work?
2. Could you possibly email Heather Flies and tell her I am for sure in for summer camp. I forgot to email her back and she emailed us the day before Guat.
I have many stories for you and I’m really excited to see you. My last home stay was super nice and the people were so sweet. LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU! See Sunday!
I am so happy that you finally wrote to me! I was getting a bit nervous. My home stay was super funny. The family just loved to laugh at me trying to speak Spanish. The aunt who was only twenty thought Jack was very bonita! The mom was only twenty one and she painted lady bugs on all of my nails and then today when we left she let me pick out a ring and bracelet! Yesterday we had five performances in mime and so today we are super tired but excited for the new town that we are traveling to right now. I can’t wait to see you guys at the airport and tell Jack to tell lisa that I read her letter and I loved it! Ok see you guys soon!
Love Brianna
Hey familia
Jon here. I've been having a great time in Guatemala. I also have experienced God in a unique way. Our service team has painted at least four buildings and it is so powerful the way people pray for people. I have been growing stronger in the word every day. I also got to help out the medical team and got to see a tumor being removed. Ok. That’s all for now
Hi Kyky! And Mom! And Nana!
I am having so much fun here in Guatemala. We are on the bus right now, driving to Santiago! The drive is so beautiful. We are surrounded by mountains and everything is so green. It is also awesome singing all of my Latin American Studies info in reality! Like, right now, I am looking out on hills and hills of terrace farming. I learned about that! Anyways, service team is really fun. We painted the entire inside of a church yesterday. We started at nine in the morning and ended at seven thirty. Long, long day. I can’t believe that we only have a few days left, it is going to be weird to come home, but I’m excited none the less. Mom- can I please get my hair cut when I get home, asap, like this upcoming Tuesday J thank thank thank you!
Love you all,
Hi family!
I’m having such a good time here in Guatemala. So far I haven’t got sick (knock on wood). I have too many stories to write down in this message so I will tell you about all of them when I get home. I just woke up from a nap on the bus and the view from my window is beautiful! Today we just left Malacatan and my host family was the best. The father of the family owned his own television station and he also owned a ranch so they were pretty wealthy. Their house was beautiful and so was the family. My host mom was young and last night we stayed up and talked for at least an\hour. She gave me her address, email, and phone number so I can write her letters, send her pictures, and the next time \I’m in Guatemala I can call her and visit her. Love you guys so much and I will see you in five days! Oh and Jo, Brianna Coleman was wondering if you were going to be at the airport to pick me up because she wants to see you. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to but if you do great! And the little kids love my hair!
With much love,
Mom and Dad,
Hi! We are heading to Santiago and Lake Atitlan. I am so excited to see the lake, everyone says it’s so pretty. I hope you guys are having fun painting the house. When I get home, I would love some fresh fruit like strawberries and raspberries. Just don’t make me chicken, rice, or pizza when I get home J . We’ve been eating a lot of that here! I love you both, see you soon!
P.S. Aimee says please make a haircut appointment with Ian as absolutely soon as humanly possible. (I believe he works Friday, right?, and I have nothing currently planned for that day.) AND please stock up on strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries (and don’t let dad eat them all before I come home) THANKS! (and yes, I survived another day).
Hi daddy
The trip has been a lot of fun. The medical team is good, I will tell you the stories when I get home because they are long and as you know, I have trouble getting my words out J I can’t believe Heather and John are engaged! Kevin is married to Sarah members? But that’s so exciting! I guess my pep talk worked at the wedding. See you on Sunday
Love, Nellie
Hey Erickson Girls,
Hope you might have a chance to read this. I miss you three very much! Thank you for letting me go by understanding that this is what I am called to do as a missionary. Michaela, you asked me over the phone how many people have come to know Jesus. I love the fact that you cared enough to ask. Hundreds Michaela…hundreds of people have come to know Jesus! God has answered our prayers in a way that goes beyond our expectation. Jessi, everyone here is crazy about the World Cup. They are soccer fanatics and watch it everywhere. I’m sure you would love the excitement that is always in the air. You would also love all the opportunities to do the mime programs here. I’m sure you would get a lot of attention as a younger team member, like you did the year you were on this trip with me. Maybe next year? J Christina, I know you are serving the Lord in Chicago. I’m very proud of you and look forward to you being a part of this trip next year. The mime team has been great! They have presented 20 programs and have witnessed to more then 5,000 people. I’m very proud of each of them and the way they have handled themselves here. I’m sure the Lord is working in each of them as they serve Him in this place. I know He’s been working in me J The whole OCA team has been great with each person working within their own team while supporting the work of the other teams through prayer and encouragement. This is a very unified group in spirit and purpose. It has been a blessing to be with them and share in their struggles and their victories as we’ve served together here in Guatemala
Looking forward to seeing you guys and wrapping my arms around you. I’m missing you, that’s for sure!
Love you tons,